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Test Coverage
package internal_test

import (

    . ""

func TestCreateRunFile(t *testing.T) {
    runFile, err := internal.CreateRunFile("0.8.17")
    Nil(t, err)

    //nolint: gosec
    cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-n", runFile.Name())
    cmd.Env = os.Environ()

    if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
        Nil(t, err)

func (a *AbiSuite) TestCompileSolidityImplicitEVM() {
    vals, err := internal.CompileSolidity("0.8.4", a.exampleFilePath, 1, nil)
    Nil(a.T(), err)

    Len(a.T(), vals, 1)
    for _, value := range vals {
        Equal(a.T(), value.Info.CompilerVersion, "0.8.4")
        Equal(a.T(), value.Info.LanguageVersion, "0.8.4")

func (a *AbiSuite) TestCompileSolidityExplicitEVM() {
    // default would be shnghai
    const testEvmVersion = "istanbul"
    vals, err := internal.CompileSolidity("0.8.20", a.exampleFilePath, 1, core.PtrTo(testEvmVersion))
    Nil(a.T(), err)

    Len(a.T(), vals, 1)
    for _, value := range vals {
        Equal(a.T(), value.Info.CompilerVersion, "0.8.20")
        Equal(a.T(), value.Info.LanguageVersion, "0.8.20")

        var metadata ContractMetadata
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value.Info.Metadata), &metadata)

        if metadata.Settings.EvmVersion != testEvmVersion {
            a.T().Errorf("expected %s to be %s", metadata.Language, testEvmVersion)

func TestFilePathsAreEqual(t *testing.T) {
    tests := []struct {
        file1 string
        file2 string
        want  bool
        err   error
        {"path/to/file1.txt", "path/to/file2.txt", false, nil},
        {"path/to/file1.txt", "path/to/file1.txt", true, nil},
        {"path/to/file2.txt", "path/to/file2.txt", true, nil},
        {"path/to/file1.txt", "", false, filepath.ErrBadPattern},
        {"", "path/to/file2.txt", false, filepath.ErrBadPattern},
        {"nonexistent/file.txt", "path/to/file.txt", false, nil},

    for _, tt := range tests {
        got, err := internal.FilePathsAreEqual(tt.file1, tt.file2)

        if got != tt.want {
            t.Errorf("filePathsAreEqual(%v, %v) got %v, want %v", tt.file1, tt.file2, got, tt.want)

        if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, tt.err) {
            t.Errorf("filePathsAreEqual(%v, %v) error got %v, want %v", tt.file1, tt.file2, err, tt.err)

// ContractSettings outed by solc.
type ContractSettings struct {
    CompilationTarget map[string]string `json:"compilationTarget"`
    EvmVersion        string            `json:"evmVersion"`
    // TODO implement w/ ast
    Libraries struct{}          `json:"libraries"`
    Metadata  map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
    Optimizer struct {
        Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
        Runs    int  `json:"runs"`
    } `json:"optimizer"`
    Remappings []interface{} `json:"remappings"`

// ContractMetadata is metadata produced by solc.
type ContractMetadata struct {
    Compiler struct {
        Version string `json:"version"`
    } `json:"compiler"`
    Language string                 `json:"language"`
    Output   interface{}            `json:"output"`
    Settings ContractSettings       `json:"settings"`
    Sources  map[string]interface{} `json:"sources"`
    Version  int                    `json:"version"`