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Test Coverage
# Jumeaux

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<img src="https://github.com/tadashi-aikawa/jumeaux/blob/master/logo.png?raw=true" width=400 height=400 />

Check difference between two responses of API.

## πŸ“š Documentation


There is a πŸŽ₯demo, too.

## πŸ¦‰ Install

See [quick start in documentation](https://tadashi-aikawa.github.io/jumeaux/ja/getstarted/quickstart/).

## πŸ’» For developer

### Requirements

* poetry
* make

### Flow

1. Development on master and if you need branches and issues, create them
2. Commit with prefix emoji such as "πŸ“", and suffix issue number like "#120"

### Commands

#### Create environment

$ poetry env use <path of python 3.12>
$ poetry install

#### Run

$ poetry run python jumeaux/main.py <args>

#### Serve docs

$ make serve-docs

#### Unit test

$ make test

#### Integration test

$ make test-e2e

## πŸ“¦ Release

### 1. Update release note (mkdocs/ja/releases/*)

$ git commit -m "πŸ“ Update release note"
$ git push

### 2. Release with GitHub Actions



### (Appendix) Another way

If you can't or don't want to use GitHub Actions, you can release locally as following.

#### (a1) Requirements

* **Windows is not supported!!!**
* poetry (with pypi authentications)
* make

#### (a2) Commands

make release version=x.y.z

## 🎫 Licence

### MIT

This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.