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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from typing import Any, List, Optional

from owlmixin import OwlEnum, OwlMixin, TDict, TList, TOption
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict as RequestsCaseInsensitiveDict
from requests_toolbelt.utils import deprecated

from jumeaux.addons.models import Addons
from jumeaux.domain.config.vo import (

DictOrList = any  # type: ignore

def to_json(value: DictOrList) -> str:  # type: ignore
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return TDict(value).to_json()
    if isinstance(value, list):
        return TList(value).to_json()
    raise TypeError("A argument must be dict or list")

class CaseInsensitiveDict(RequestsCaseInsensitiveDict):

class Status(OwlEnum):
    SAME = "same"
    DIFFERENT = "different"
    FAILURE = "failure"

class HttpMethod(OwlEnum):
    GET = "GET"
    POST = "POST"

# or {}
class Request(OwlMixin):
    name: TOption[str]
    method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.GET  # type: ignore # Prevent for enum problem
    path: str
    qs: TDict[TList[str]] = {}
    raw: TOption[str]
    form: TOption[dict]
    json: TOption[dict]
    headers: TDict[str] = {}
    url_encoding: str = "utf-8"

class Proxy(OwlMixin):
    http: str
    https: str

    def from_host(cls, host: TOption[str]) -> "Proxy":
        return (
                {"http": f"http://{host.get()}", "https": f"https://{host.get()}"}
            if not host.is_none()
            else None

class Response(OwlMixin):
    body: bytes
    encoding: TOption[str]
    headers: CaseInsensitiveDict
    url: str
    status_code: int
    elapsed: datetime.timedelta
    elapsed_sec: float
    type: str

    def text(self) -> str:
        # Refer https://github.com/requests/requests/blob/e4fc3539b43416f9e9ba6837d73b1b7392d4b242/requests/models.py#L831
        return self.body.decode(self.encoding.get_or("utf8"), errors="replace")

    def byte(self) -> int:
        return len(self.body)

    def content_type(self) -> TOption[str]:
        return TOption(self.headers.get("content-type"))

    def mime_type(self) -> TOption[str]:
        return self.content_type.map(lambda x: x.split(";")[0])

    def charset(self) -> TOption[str]:
        return self.content_type.map(
            lambda x: x.split(";")[1] if x.split(";") > 1 else None

    def ok(self) -> bool:
        return self.status_code == 200

    def ___headers(cls, v):
        return CaseInsensitiveDict(v)

    def _decide_encoding(
        cls, res: Any, default_encoding: TOption[str] = TOption(None)
    ) -> Optional[str]:
        content_type = res.headers.get("content-type")

        if content_type and "octet-stream" in content_type:
            return None
        # XXX: See 2.2 in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-2.2
        if res.encoding and not (
            "text" in content_type and res.encoding == "ISO-8859-1"
            return res.encoding

        meta_encodings: List[str] = deprecated.get_encodings_from_content(res.content)
        return (
            if meta_encodings
            else default_encoding.get() or res.apparent_encoding

    def _to_type(cls, res: Any) -> str:
        content_type = res.headers.get("content-type")
        if not content_type:
            return "unknown"
        return content_type.split(";")[0].split("/")[1]

    def from_requests(
        cls, res: Any, default_encoding: TOption[str] = TOption(None)
    ) -> "Response":
        encoding: Optional[str] = cls._decide_encoding(res, default_encoding)
        type: str = cls._to_type(res)
        return Response.from_dict(
                "body": res.content,
                "encoding": encoding,
                "headers": res.headers,
                "url": res.url,
                "status_code": res.status_code,
                "elapsed": res.elapsed,
                "elapsed_sec": round(
                    res.elapsed.seconds + res.elapsed.microseconds / 1000000, 2
                "type": type,

# --------

class ChallengeArg(OwlMixin):
    seq: int
    number_of_request: int
    key: str
    session: object
    req: Request
    host_one: str
    host_other: str
    path_one: TOption[PathReplace]
    path_other: TOption[PathReplace]
    query_one: TOption[QueryCustomization]
    query_other: TOption[QueryCustomization]
    proxy_one: TOption[Proxy]
    proxy_other: TOption[Proxy]
    headers_one: TDict[str]
    headers_other: TDict[str]
    default_response_encoding_one: TOption[str]
    default_response_encoding_other: TOption[str]
    res_dir: str
    judge_response_header: bool
    ignore_response_header_keys: TList[str]

# --------

class StatusCounts(OwlMixin):
    same: int = 0
    different: int = 0
    failure: int = 0

class Time(OwlMixin):
    start: str  # yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss
    end: str  # yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss
    elapsed_sec: int

class Summary(OwlMixin):
    one: AccessPoint
    other: AccessPoint
    status: StatusCounts
    tags: TList[str]
    time: Time
    concurrency: Concurrency
    output: OutputSummary
    default_encoding: TOption[str]

class DiffKeys(OwlMixin):
    added: TList[str]
    changed: TList[str]
    removed: TList[str]

    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
        return len(self.added) == len(self.changed) == len(self.removed) == 0

    def empty(cls) -> "DiffKeys":
        return DiffKeys.from_dict({"added": [], "changed": [], "removed": []})

class ResponseSummary(OwlMixin):
    url: str
    type: str
    status_code: TOption[int]
    byte: TOption[int]
    response_sec: TOption[float]
    content_type: TOption[str]
    mime_type: TOption[str]
    encoding: TOption[str]
    file: TOption[str]
    prop_file: TOption[str]
    response_header: TOption[dict]

class Trial(OwlMixin):
    """Affect `final/csv` config specifications,"""

    seq: int
    name: str
    tags: TList[str]
    headers: TDict[str]
    queries: TDict[TList[str]]
    raw: TOption[str]
    form: TOption[dict]
    json: TOption[dict]
    one: ResponseSummary
    other: ResponseSummary
    method: HttpMethod
    path: str
    request_time: str
    status: Status
    # `None` is not same as `{}`. `{}` means no diffs, None means unknown
    diffs_by_cognition: TOption[TDict[DiffKeys]]

class Report(OwlMixin):
    """Affect `final/slack` config specifications,"""

    version: str
    key: str
    title: str
    description: TOption[str]
    notifiers: TOption[TDict[Notifier]]
    summary: Summary
    trials: TList[Trial]
    addons: TOption[Addons]
    retry_hash: TOption[str]

# ---

class Log2ReqsAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    file: str

class Reqs2ReqsAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    requests: TList[Request]

class DumpAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    response: Response
    body: bytes
    encoding: TOption[str]

class Res2ResAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    response: Response
    req: Request
    tags: TList[str]

class Res2DictAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    response: Response
    result: TOption[DictOrList]

class DidChallengeAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    trial: Trial

class DidChallengeAddOnReference(OwlMixin):
    res_one: Response
    res_other: Response
    res_one_props: TOption[DictOrList]
    res_other_props: TOption[DictOrList]

class JudgementAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    # By ignores title in config.yml
    # `unknown` is diffs which didn't match any configurations
    diffs_by_cognition: TOption[TDict[DiffKeys]]
    regard_as_same_body: bool
    regard_as_same_header: bool

    def regard_as_same(self) -> bool:
        return self.regard_as_same_body and self.regard_as_same_header

class JudgementAddOnReference(OwlMixin):
    name: str
    path: str
    qs: TDict[TList[str]]
    headers: TDict[str]
    res_one: Response
    res_other: Response
    dict_one: TOption[DictOrList]
    dict_other: TOption[DictOrList]

class StoreCriterionAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    stored: bool

class StoreCriterionAddOnReference(OwlMixin):
    status: Status
    req: Request
    res_one: Response
    res_other: Response

class FinalAddOnPayload(OwlMixin):
    report: Report
    output_summary: OutputSummary

    def result_path(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.output_summary.response_dir}/{self.report.key}"

class FinalAddOnReference(OwlMixin):
    notifiers: TOption[TDict[Notifier]]