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# 2.0.0 (not released yet)

The library completely redesigned, tons of refactorings applied.

### Breaking changes

* Movement methods now use `ActiveRecord::Base#save` so all
  user validations and callbacks are invoked now.
* `parent_id` and `position` attributes are no longer protected
  by default. It's up to developer to make them `attr_protected` now.

### New features

* Reduced amount of UPDATE SQL-queries during movements and reorders.
* Added collection iterators:
  1. `each_with_level` which yields each node of collection with its level.
  2. `each_without_orphans` which yields only that nodes which are not orphaned
     (i.e. that nodes which don't have corresponding parent within iterated collection).
  3. `arrange` which constructs hash of hashes where each key is node and value
     is its hash of its children.
* Added ability to explicitly set left/right sibling for node via
  `#left_sibling=` and `#right_sibling=` methods (#30).
* `.leaves` scope now works even with models that don't have `counter_cache` column (#29).
* Added method instance method `#move_to_child_with_position`
  which is similar to `#move_to_child_with_index` but is more human readable.
* Full support for `before_add`, `after_add`, `before_remove` and `after_remove`
  callbacks (#25).
* Descendants now can be arranged into hash with `#arrange` method (#22).
* Flexible control over tree traversals via blocks passed to `#descendants`
  and `#ancestors` (#21).

### Deprecations

* Deprecated methods:
  1. `#insert_at`. It is recommended to use `#move_to_child_with_position` instead.
  2. `#branch? is deprecated in favour of `#has_children?`.
  3. `#child?` is deprecated in favour of `#has_parent?`.
  4. `#move_possible?` is deprecated in favour of built-in and user defined validations.

Bug fixes:

* Fixed several issues that broke tree integrity.
* Fixed bug when two root nodes could be created with same position (#24).
* Fixed support of STI and basic inheritance.
* Fixed bug when user validations and callbacks weren't invoked on movements
  via `move_to_*` methods (#23).