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Test Coverage
This list describes the planned features including breaking changes.

## Roadmap to v1.0.0
- [x] Benchmark MuJoCo datasets
- [x] Benchmark Atari 2600 datasets

## Roadmap to v2.x.x
- [x] Change MDPDataset format to align with D4RL datasets
- [x] Sophisticated config system using dataclasses
- [x] Dump configuration and model parameters in a single file
- [x] Support large dataset
- [x] Support tuple observation
- [x] Support large-scale data-parallel offline training
- [x] Support Transformer architecture (e.g. Decision Transformer)
- [ ] Support training foundation models (e.g. Gato)
- [ ] Support large-scale distributed online training
- [ ] Speed up training with TorchScript
- [ ] Change library name to represent unification of offline and online