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Data Collection

d3rlpy provides APIs to support data collection from environments.
This feature is specifically useful if you want to build your own original
datasets for research or practice purposes.

Prepare Environment

d3rlpy supports environments with OpenAI Gym interface.
In this tutorial, let's use simple CartPole environment.

.. code-block:: python

  import gym

  env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")

Data Collection with Random Policy

If you want to collect experiences with uniformly random policy, you can use
``RandomPolicy`` and ``DiscreteRandomPolicy``.
This procedure corresponds to ``random`` datasets in D4RL.

.. code-block:: python

  import d3rlpy

  # setup algorithm
  random_policy = d3rlpy.algos.DiscreteRandomPolicyConfig().create()

  # prepare experience replay buffer
  buffer = d3rlpy.dataset.create_fifo_replay_buffer(limit=100000, env=env)

  # start data collection
  random_policy.collect(env, buffer, n_steps=100000)

  # save ReplayBuffer
  with open("random_policy_dataset.h5", "w+b") as f:

Data Collection with Trained Policy

If you want to collect experiences with previously trained policy, you can
still use the same set of APIs.
Here, let's say a DQN model is saved as ``dqn_model.d3``.
This procedure corresponds to ``medium`` datasets in D4RL.

.. code-block:: python

  # prepare pretrained algorithm
  dqn = d3rlpy.load_learnable("dqn_model.d3")

  # prepare experience replay buffer
  buffer = d3rlpy.dataset.create_fifo_replay_buffer(limit=100000, env=env)

  # start data collection
  dqn.collect(env, buffer, n_steps=100000)

  # save ReplayBuffer
  with open("trained_policy_dataset.h5", "w+b") as f:

Data Collection while Training Policy

If you want to use experiences collected during training to build a new dataset,
you can simply use ``fit_online`` and save the dataset.
This procedure corresponds to ``replay`` datasets in D4RL.

.. code-block:: python

  # setup algorithm
  dqn = d3rlpy.algos.DQNConfig().create()

  # prepare experience replay buffer
  buffer = d3rlpy.dataset.create_fifo_replay_buffer(limit=100000, env=env)

  # prepare exploration strategy if necessary
  explorer = d3rlpy.algos.ConstantEpsilonGreedy(0.3)

  # start data collection
  dqn.fit_online(env, buffer, explorer, n_steps=100000)

  # save ReplayBuffer
  with open("replay_dataset.h5", "w+b") as f: