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Offline Policy Selection

d3rlpy supports offline policy selection by training Fitted Q Evaluation (FQE), which is an offline on-policy RL algorithm.
The use of FQE for offline policy selection is proposed by `Paine et al. <https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.09055>`_.
The concept is that FQE trains Q-function with the trained policy in on-policy manner so that the learned Q-function reflects the expected return of the trained policy.
By using the Q-value estimation of FQE, the candidate trained policies can be ranked only with offline dataset.
Check :doc:`../references/off_policy_evaluation` for more information.

.. note::

  Offline policy selection with FQE is confirmed that it usually works out with discrete action-space policies.
  However, it seems require some hyperparameter tuning for ranking continuous action-space policies.
  The more techniques will be supported along with the advancement of this research domain.

Prepare trained policies

In this tutorial, let's train DQN with the built-in CartPole-v0 dataset.

.. code-block:: python

   import d3rlpy

   # setup replay CartPole-v0 dataset and environment
   dataset, env = d3rlpy.datasets.get_dataset("cartpole-replay")

   # setup algorithm
   dqn = d3rlpy.algos.DQNConfig().create()

   # start offline training
          "environment": d3rlpy.metrics.EnvironmentEvaluator(env),

Here is the example result of online evaluation.

.. image:: ../assets/dqn_cartpole.png

Train FQE with the trained policies

Next, we train FQE algorithm with the trained policies.
Please note that we use ``initial_state_value_estimation_scorer`` and ``soft_opc_scorer`` proposed in `Paine et al. <https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.09055>`_.
``initial_state_value_estimation_scorer`` computes the mean action-value estimation at the initial states.
Thus, if this value for a certain policy is bigger than others, the policy is expected to obtain the higher episode return.
On the other hand, ``soft_opc_scorer`` computes the mean difference between the action-value estimation for the success episodes and the action-value estimation for the all episodes.
If this value for a certain policy is bigger than others, the learned Q-function can clearly tell the difference between the success episodes and others.

.. code-block:: python

   import d3rlpy

   # setup the same dataset used in policy training
   dataset, _ = d3rlpy.datasets.get_dataset("cartpole-replay")

   # load pretrained policy
   dqn = d3rlpy.load_learnable("d3rlpy_logs/DQN_20220624191141/model_100000.d3")

   # setup FQE algorithm
   fqe = d3rlpy.ope.DiscreteFQE(algo=dqn, config=d3rlpy.ope.DiscreteFQEConfig())

   # start FQE training
          "init_value": d3rlpy.metrics.InitialStateValueEstimationEvaluator(),
          "soft_opc": d3rlpy.metrics.SoftOPCEvaluator(180),  # set 180 for success return threshold here

In this example, the policies from epoch 10, epoch 5 and epoch 1 (evaluation episode returns of 107.5, 200.0 and 17.5 respectively) are compared.
The first figure represents the ``init_value`` metrics during FQE training.
As you can see here, the scale of ``init_value`` has correlation with the ranks of evaluation episode returns.

.. image:: ../assets/fqe_cartpole_init_value.png

The second figure represents the ``soft_opc`` metrics during FQE training.
These curves also have correlation with the ranks of evaluation episode returns.

.. image:: ../assets/fqe_cartpole_soft_opc.png

Please note that there is usually no convergence in offline RL training due to the non-fixed bootstrapped target.