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6 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Copyright 2014 Takuya Asano
 * Copyright 2010-2014 Atilika Inc. and contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

"use strict";

 * Convert String (UTF-16) to UTF-8 ArrayBuffer
 * @param {String} str UTF-16 string to convert
 * @return {Uint8Array} Byte sequence encoded by UTF-8
var stringToUtf8Bytes = function (str) {

    // Max size of 1 character is 4 bytes
    var bytes = new Uint8Array(str.length * 4);

    var i = 0, j = 0;

    while (i < str.length) {
        var unicode_code;

        var utf16_code = str.charCodeAt(i++);
        if (utf16_code >= 0xD800 && utf16_code <= 0xDBFF) {
            // surrogate pair
            var upper = utf16_code;           // high surrogate
            var lower = str.charCodeAt(i++);  // low surrogate

            if (lower >= 0xDC00 && lower <= 0xDFFF) {
                unicode_code =
                    (upper - 0xD800) * (1 << 10) + (1 << 16) +
                    (lower - 0xDC00);
            } else {
                // malformed surrogate pair
                return null;
        } else {
            // not surrogate code
            unicode_code = utf16_code;

        if (unicode_code < 0x80) {
            // 1-byte
            bytes[j++] = unicode_code;

        } else if (unicode_code < (1 << 11)) {
            // 2-byte
            bytes[j++] = (unicode_code >>> 6) | 0xC0;
            bytes[j++] = (unicode_code & 0x3F) | 0x80;

        } else if (unicode_code < (1 << 16)) {
            // 3-byte
            bytes[j++] = (unicode_code >>> 12) | 0xE0;
            bytes[j++] = ((unicode_code >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80;
            bytes[j++] = (unicode_code & 0x3F) | 0x80;

        } else if (unicode_code < (1 << 21)) {
            // 4-byte
            bytes[j++] = (unicode_code >>> 18) | 0xF0;
            bytes[j++] = ((unicode_code >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80;
            bytes[j++] = ((unicode_code >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80;
            bytes[j++] = (unicode_code & 0x3F) | 0x80;

        } else {
            // malformed UCS4 code

    return bytes.subarray(0, j);

 * Convert UTF-8 ArrayBuffer to String (UTF-16)
 * @param {Array} bytes UTF-8 byte sequence to convert
 * @return {String} String encoded by UTF-16
var utf8BytesToString = function (bytes) {

    var str = "";
    var code, b1, b2, b3, b4, upper, lower;
    var i = 0;

    while (i < bytes.length) {

        b1 = bytes[i++];

        if (b1 < 0x80) {
            // 1 byte
            code = b1;
        } else if ((b1 >> 5) === 0x06) {
            // 2 bytes
            b2 = bytes[i++];
            code = ((b1 & 0x1f) << 6) | (b2 & 0x3f);
        } else if ((b1 >> 4) === 0x0e) {
            // 3 bytes
            b2 = bytes[i++];
            b3 = bytes[i++];
            code = ((b1 & 0x0f) << 12) | ((b2 & 0x3f) << 6) | (b3 & 0x3f);
        } else {
            // 4 bytes
            b2 = bytes[i++];
            b3 = bytes[i++];
            b4 = bytes[i++];
            code = ((b1 & 0x07) << 18) | ((b2 & 0x3f) << 12) | ((b3 & 0x3f) << 6) | (b4 & 0x3f);

        if (code < 0x10000) {
            str += String.fromCharCode(code);
        } else {
            // surrogate pair
            code -= 0x10000;
            upper = (0xD800 | (code >> 10));
            lower = (0xDC00 | (code & 0x3FF));
            str += String.fromCharCode(upper, lower);

    return str;

 * Utilities to manipulate byte sequence
 * @param {(number|Uint8Array)} arg Initial size of this buffer (number), or buffer to set (Uint8Array)
 * @constructor
function ByteBuffer(arg) {
    var initial_size;
    if (arg == null) {
        initial_size = 1024 * 1024;
    } else if (typeof arg === "number") {
        initial_size = arg;
    } else if (arg instanceof Uint8Array) {
        this.buffer = arg;
        this.position = 0;  // Overwrite
    } else {
        // typeof arg -> String
        throw typeof arg + " is invalid parameter type for ByteBuffer constructor";
    // arg is null or number
    this.buffer = new Uint8Array(initial_size);
    this.position = 0;

ByteBuffer.prototype.size = function () {
    return this.buffer.length;

ByteBuffer.prototype.reallocate = function () {
    var new_array = new Uint8Array(this.buffer.length * 2);
    this.buffer = new_array;

ByteBuffer.prototype.shrink = function () {
    this.buffer = this.buffer.subarray(0, this.position);
    return this.buffer;

ByteBuffer.prototype.put = function (b) {
    if (this.buffer.length < this.position + 1) {
    this.buffer[this.position++] = b;

ByteBuffer.prototype.get = function (index) {
    if (index == null) {
        index = this.position;
        this.position += 1;
    if (this.buffer.length < index + 1) {
        return 0;
    return this.buffer[index];

// Write short to buffer by little endian
ByteBuffer.prototype.putShort = function (num) {
    if (0xFFFF < num) {
        throw num + " is over short value";
    var lower = (0x00FF & num);
    var upper = (0xFF00 & num) >> 8;

// Read short from buffer by little endian
ByteBuffer.prototype.getShort = function (index) {
    if (index == null) {
        index = this.position;
        this.position += 2;
    if (this.buffer.length < index + 2) {
        return 0;
    var lower = this.buffer[index];
    var upper = this.buffer[index + 1];
    var value = (upper << 8) + lower;
    if (value & 0x8000) {
    value = -((value - 1) ^ 0xFFFF);
    return value;

// Write integer to buffer by little endian
ByteBuffer.prototype.putInt = function (num) {
    if (0xFFFFFFFF < num) {
        throw num + " is over integer value";
    var b0 = (0x000000FF & num);
    var b1 = (0x0000FF00 & num) >> 8;
    var b2 = (0x00FF0000 & num) >> 16;
    var b3 = (0xFF000000 & num) >> 24;

// Read integer from buffer by little endian
ByteBuffer.prototype.getInt = function (index) {
    if (index == null) {
        index = this.position;
        this.position += 4;
    if (this.buffer.length < index + 4) {
        return 0;
    var b0 = this.buffer[index];
    var b1 = this.buffer[index + 1];
    var b2 = this.buffer[index + 2];
    var b3 = this.buffer[index + 3];

    return (b3 << 24) + (b2 << 16) + (b1 << 8) + b0;

ByteBuffer.prototype.readInt = function () {
    var pos = this.position;
    this.position += 4;
    return this.getInt(pos);

ByteBuffer.prototype.putString = function (str) {
    var bytes = stringToUtf8Bytes(str);
    for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
    // put null character as terminal character

ByteBuffer.prototype.getString = function (index) {
    var buf = [],
    if (index == null) {
        index = this.position;
    while (true) {
        if (this.buffer.length < index + 1) {
        ch = this.get(index++);
        if (ch === 0) {
        } else {
    this.position = index;
    return utf8BytesToString(buf);

module.exports = ByteBuffer;