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// vim: ts=4:sw=4:nu:fdc=4:nospell
/*global Ext */
 * @class Ext.ux.grid.RowActions
 * @extends Ext.util.Observable
 * RowActions plugin for Ext grid. Contains renderer for icons and fires events when an icon is clicked.
 * CSS rules from Ext.ux.RowActions.css are mandatory
 * Important general information: Actions are identified by iconCls. Wherever an <i>action</i>
 * is referenced (event argument, callback argument), the iconCls of clicked icon is used.
 * In other words, action identifier === iconCls.
 * @author    Ing. Jozef Sakáloš
 * @copyright (c) 2008, by Ing. Jozef Sakáloš
 * @date      22. March 2008
 * @version   1.0
 * @revision  $Id: Ext.ux.grid.RowActions.js 747 2009-09-03 23:30:52Z jozo $
 * @license Ext.ux.grid.RowActions is licensed under the terms of
 * the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license.  Commercial use is permitted to the extent
 * that the code/component(s) do NOT become part of another Open Source or Commercially
 * licensed development library or toolkit without explicit permission.
 * <p>License details: <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html"
 * target="_blank">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</a></p>
 * @forum     29961
 * @demo      http://rowactions.extjs.eu
 * @download  
 * <ul>
 * <li><a href="http://rowactions.extjs.eu/rowactions.tar.bz2">rowactions.tar.bz2</a></li>
 * <li><a href="http://rowactions.extjs.eu/rowactions.tar.gz">rowactions.tar.gz</a></li>
 * <li><a href="http://rowactions.extjs.eu/rowactions.zip">rowactions.zip</a></li>
 * </ul>
 * @donate
 * <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">
 * <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
 * <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="3430419">
 * <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-butcc-donate.gif" 
 * border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online.">
 * <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
 * </form>


// add RegExp.escape if it has not been already added
if('function' !== typeof RegExp.escape) {
    RegExp.escape = function(s) {
        if('string' !== typeof s) {
            return s;
        // Note: if pasting from forum, precede ]/\ with backslash manually
        return s.replace(/([.*+?\^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
    }; // eo function escape

 * Creates new RowActions plugin
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} config A config object
Ext.ux.grid.RowActions = function(config) {
    Ext.apply(this, config);

    // {{{
         * @event beforeaction
         * Fires before action event. Return false to cancel the subsequent action event.
         * @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel} grid
         * @param {Ext.data.Record} record Record corresponding to row clicked
         * @param {String} action Identifies the action icon clicked. Equals to icon css class name.
         * @param {Integer} rowIndex Index of clicked grid row
         * @param {Integer} colIndex Index of clicked grid column that contains all action icons
         * @event action
         * Fires when icon is clicked
         * @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel} grid
         * @param {Ext.data.Record} record Record corresponding to row clicked
         * @param {String} action Identifies the action icon clicked. Equals to icon css class name.
         * @param {Integer} rowIndex Index of clicked grid row
         * @param {Integer} colIndex Index of clicked grid column that contains all action icons
         * @event beforegroupaction
         * Fires before group action event. Return false to cancel the subsequent groupaction event.
         * @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel} grid
         * @param {Array} records Array of records in this group
         * @param {String} action Identifies the action icon clicked. Equals to icon css class name.
         * @param {String} groupId Identifies the group clicked
         * @event groupaction
         * Fires when icon in a group header is clicked
         * @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel} grid
         * @param {Array} records Array of records in this group
         * @param {String} action Identifies the action icon clicked. Equals to icon css class name.
         * @param {String} groupId Identifies the group clicked
    // }}}

    // call parent

Ext.extend(Ext.ux.grid.RowActions, Ext.util.Observable, {

    // configuration options
    // {{{
     * @cfg {Array} actions Mandatory. Array of action configuration objects. The action
     * configuration object recognizes the following options:
     * <ul class="list">
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {Function} <b>callback</b> (optional). Function to call if the action icon is clicked.
     *   This function is called with same signature as action event and in its original scope.
     *   If you need to call it in different scope or with another signature use 
     *   createCallback or createDelegate functions. Works for statically defined actions. Use
     *   callbacks configuration options for store bound actions.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {Function} <b>cb</b> Shortcut for callback.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>iconIndex</b> Optional, however either iconIndex or iconCls must be
     *   configured. Field name of the field of the grid store record that contains
     *   css class of the icon to show. If configured, shown icons can vary depending
     *   of the value of this field.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>iconCls</b> CSS class of the icon to show. It is ignored if iconIndex is
     *   configured. Use this if you want static icons that are not base on the values in the record.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {Boolean} <b>hide</b> Optional. True to hide this action while still have a space in 
     *   the grid column allocated to it. IMO, it doesn't make too much sense, use hideIndex instead.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>hideIndex</b> Optional. Field name of the field of the grid store record that
     *   contains hide flag (falsie [null, '', 0, false, undefined] to show, anything else to hide).
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>qtipIndex</b> Optional. Field name of the field of the grid store record that 
     *   contains tooltip text. If configured, the tooltip texts are taken from the store.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>tooltip</b> Optional. Tooltip text to use as icon tooltip. It is ignored if 
     *   qtipIndex is configured. Use this if you want static tooltips that are not taken from the store.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>qtip</b> Synonym for tooltip
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>textIndex</b> Optional. Field name of the field of the grids store record
     *   that contains text to display on the right side of the icon. If configured, the text
     *   shown is taken from record.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>text</b> Optional. Text to display on the right side of the icon. Use this
     *   if you want static text that are not taken from record. Ignored if textIndex is set.
     * </li>
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>style</b> Optional. Style to apply to action icon container.
     * </li>
     * </ul>

     * @cfg {String} actionEvent Event to trigger actions, e.g. click, dblclick, mouseover (defaults to 'click')
     * @cfg {Boolean} autoWidth true to calculate field width for iconic actions only (defaults to true).
     * If true, the width is calculated as {@link #widthSlope} * number of actions + {@link #widthIntercept}.

     * @cfg {String} dataIndex - Do not touch!
     * @private

     * @cfg {Boolean} editable - Do not touch!
     * Must be false to prevent errors in editable grids

     * @cfg {Array} groupActions Array of action to use for group headers of grouping grids.
     * These actions support static icons, texts and tooltips same way as {@link #actions}. There is one
     * more action config option recognized:
     * <ul class="list">
     * <li style="list-style-position:outside">
     *   {String} <b>align</b> Set it to 'left' to place action icon next to the group header text.
     *   (defaults to undefined = icons are placed at the right side of the group header.
     * </li>
     * </ul>

     * @cfg {Object} callbacks iconCls keyed object that contains callback functions. For example:
     * <pre>
     * callbacks:{
     * &nbsp;    'icon-open':function(...) {...}
     * &nbsp;   ,'icon-save':function(...) {...}
     * }
     * </pre>

     * @cfg {String} header Actions column header

     * @cfg {Boolean} isColumn
     * Tell ColumnModel that we are column. Do not touch!
     * @private

     * @cfg {Boolean} keepSelection
     * Set it to true if you do not want action clicks to affect selected row(s) (defaults to false).
     * By default, when user clicks an action icon the clicked row is selected and the action events are fired.
     * If this option is true then the current selection is not affected, only the action events are fired.

     * @cfg {Boolean} menuDisabled No sense to display header menu for this column
     * @private

     * @cfg {Boolean} sortable Usually it has no sense to sort by this column
     * @private

     * @cfg {String} tplGroup Template for group actions
     * @private
         '<tpl for="actions">'
        +'<div class="ux-grow-action-item<tpl if="\'right\'===align"> ux-action-right</tpl> '
        +'{cls}" style="{style}" qtip="{qtip}">{text}</div>'

     * @cfg {String} tplRow Template for row actions
     * @private
         '<div class="ux-row-action">'
        +'<tpl for="actions">'
        +'<div class="ux-row-action-item {cls} <tpl if="text">'
        +'ux-row-action-text</tpl>" style="{hide}{style}" qtip="{qtip}">'
        +'<tpl if="text"><span qtip="{qtip}">{text}</span></tpl></div>'

     * @cfg {String} hideMode How to hide hidden icons. Valid values are: 'visibility' and 'display' 
     * (defaluts to 'visibility'). If the mode is visibility the hidden icon is not visible but there
     * is still blank space occupied by the icon. In display mode, the visible icons are shifted taking
     * the space of the hidden icon.

     * @cfg {Number} widthIntercept Constant used for auto-width calculation (defaults to 4).
     * See {@link #autoWidth} for explanation.

     * @cfg {Number} widthSlope Constant used for auto-width calculation (defaults to 21).
     * See {@link #autoWidth} for explanation.
    // }}}

    // methods
    // {{{
     * Init function
     * @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel} grid Grid this plugin is in
    ,init:function(grid) {
        this.grid = grid;
        // the actions column must have an id for Ext 3.x
        this.id = this.id || Ext.id();

        // for Ext 3.x compatibility
        var lookup = grid.getColumnModel().lookup;
        lookup[this.id] = this;

        // {{{
        // setup template
        if(!this.tpl) {
            this.tpl = this.processActions(this.actions);

        } // eo template setup
        // }}}

        // calculate width
        if(this.autoWidth) {
            this.width =  this.widthSlope * this.actions.length + this.widthIntercept;
            this.fixed = true;

        // body click handler
        var view = grid.getView();
        var cfg = {scope:this};
        cfg[this.actionEvent] = this.onClick;
        grid.afterRender = grid.afterRender.createSequence(function() {
            grid.on('destroy', this.purgeListeners, this);
        }, this);

        // setup renderer
        if(!this.renderer) {
            this.renderer = function(value, cell, record, row, col, store) {
                cell.css += (cell.css ? ' ' : '') + 'ux-row-action-cell';
                return this.tpl.apply(this.getData(value, cell, record, row, col, store));

        // actions in grouping grids support
        if(view.groupTextTpl && this.groupActions) {
            view.interceptMouse = view.interceptMouse.createInterceptor(function(e) {
                if(e.getTarget('.ux-grow-action-item')) {
                    return false;
            view.groupTextTpl = 
                 '<div class="ux-grow-action-text">' + view.groupTextTpl +'</div>' 
                +this.processActions(this.groupActions, this.tplGroup).apply()

        // cancel click
        if(true === this.keepSelection) {
            grid.processEvent = grid.processEvent.createInterceptor(function(name, e) {
                if('mousedown' === name) {
                    return !this.getAction(e);
            }, this);
    } // eo function init
    // }}}
    // {{{
     * Returns data to apply to template. Override this if needed.
     * @param {Mixed} value 
     * @param {Object} cell object to set some attributes of the grid cell
     * @param {Ext.data.Record} record from which the data is extracted
     * @param {Number} row row index
     * @param {Number} col col index
     * @param {Ext.data.Store} store object from which the record is extracted
     * @return {Object} data to apply to template
    ,getData:function(value, cell, record, row, col, store) {
        return record.data || {};
    } // eo function getData
    // }}}
    // {{{
     * Processes actions configs and returns template.
     * @param {Array} actions
     * @param {String} template Optional. Template to use for one action item.
     * @return {String}
     * @private
    ,processActions:function(actions, template) {
        var acts = [];

        // actions loop
        Ext.each(actions, function(a, i) {
            // save callback
            if(a.iconCls && 'function' === typeof (a.callback || a.cb)) {
                this.callbacks = this.callbacks || {};
                this.callbacks[a.iconCls] = a.callback || a.cb;

            // data for intermediate template
            var o = {
                 cls:a.iconIndex ? '{' + a.iconIndex + '}' : (a.iconCls ? a.iconCls : '')
                ,qtip:a.qtipIndex ? '{' + a.qtipIndex + '}' : (a.tooltip || a.qtip ? a.tooltip || a.qtip : '')
                ,text:a.textIndex ? '{' + a.textIndex + '}' : (a.text ? a.text : '')
                    ? '<tpl if="' + a.hideIndex + '">' 
                        + ('display' === this.hideMode ? 'display:none' :'visibility:hidden') + ';</tpl>' 
                    : (a.hide ? ('display' === this.hideMode ? 'display:none' :'visibility:hidden;') : '')
                ,align:a.align || 'right'
                ,style:a.style ? a.style : ''

        }, this); // eo actions loop

        var xt = new Ext.XTemplate(template || this.tplRow);
        return new Ext.XTemplate(xt.apply({actions:acts}));

    } // eo function processActions
    // }}}
    ,getAction:function(e) {
        var action = false;
        var t = e.getTarget('.ux-row-action-item');
        if(t) {
            action = t.className.replace(/ux-row-action-item /, '');
            if(action) {
                action = action.replace(/ ux-row-action-text/, '');
                action = action.trim();
        return action;
    } // eo function getAction
    // {{{
     * Grid body actionEvent event handler
     * @private
    ,onClick:function(e, target) {

        var view = this.grid.getView();

        // handle row action click
        var row = e.getTarget('.x-grid3-row');
        var col = view.findCellIndex(target.parentNode.parentNode);
        var action = this.getAction(e);

//        var t = e.getTarget('.ux-row-action-item');
//        if(t) {
//            action = this.getAction(t);
//            action = t.className.replace(/ux-row-action-item /, '');
//            if(action) {
//                action = action.replace(/ ux-row-action-text/, '');
//                action = action.trim();
//            }
//        }
        if(false !== row && false !== col && false !== action) {
            var record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex);

            // call callback if any
            if(this.callbacks && 'function' === typeof this.callbacks[action]) {
                this.callbacks[action](this.grid, record, action, row.rowIndex, col);

            // fire events
            if(true !== this.eventsSuspended && false === this.fireEvent('beforeaction', this.grid, record, action, row.rowIndex, col)) {
            else if(true !== this.eventsSuspended) {
                this.fireEvent('action', this.grid, record, action, row.rowIndex, col);


        // handle group action click
        t = e.getTarget('.ux-grow-action-item');
        if(t) {
            // get groupId
            var group = view.findGroup(target);
            var groupId = group ? group.id.replace(/ext-gen[0-9]+-gp-/, '') : null;

            // get matching records
            var records;
            if(groupId) {
                var re = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(groupId));
                records = this.grid.store.queryBy(function(r) {
                    return r._groupId.match(re);
                records = records ? records.items : [];
            action = t.className.replace(/ux-grow-action-item (ux-action-right )*/, '');

            // call callback if any
            if('function' === typeof this.callbacks[action]) {
                this.callbacks[action](this.grid, records, action, groupId);

            // fire events
            if(true !== this.eventsSuspended && false === this.fireEvent('beforegroupaction', this.grid, records, action, groupId)) {
                return false;
            this.fireEvent('groupaction', this.grid, records, action, groupId);
    } // eo function onClick
    // }}}


// registre xtype
Ext.reg('rowactions', Ext.ux.grid.RowActions);

// eof