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# react-laravel

With `react-laravel` you'll be able to use [ReactJS](https://facebook.github.io/react/) components right from your Blade views, with optional server-side rendering, and use them on the client-side with React due to unobtrusive JavaScript.

# Installation

## V8js dependency

It's important to know that `react-laravel` has an indirect dependency of the [v8js](https://pecl.php.net/package/v8js) PHP extension.

You can see how to install it here: [how to install v8js](install_v8js.md).

## Composer

Set the `minimum-stability` of your `composer.json` to `dev`, adding this:

  "minimum-stability": "dev"

Then run:

  $ composer require talyssonoc/react-laravel:0.11

After that you should add this to your providers at the `config/app.php` file of your Laravel app:


And then run:

  php artisan vendor:publish

And the `react.php` file will be available at the `config` folder of your app.

# Usage

After the installation and configuration, you'll be able to use the `@react_component` directive in your views.

The `@react_component` directive accepts 3 arguments:

  @react_component(<componentName>[, props, options])

  @react_component('Message', [ 'title' => 'Hello, World' ], [ 'prerender' => true ])

  // example using namespaced component
  @react_component('Acme.Message', [ 'title' => 'Hello, World' ], [ 'prerender' => true ])

* `componentName`: Is the name of the global variable that holds your component.  When using [Namespaced Components](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/jsx-in-depth.html#namespaced-components) you may use dot-notation for the component name.
* `props`: Associative of the `props` that'll be passed to your component
* `options`: Associative array of options that you can pass to the `react-laravel`:
  * `prerender`: Tells react-laravel to render your component server-side, and then just _mount_ it on the client-side. Default to __true__.
  * `tag`: The tag of the element that'll hold your component. Default to __'div'__.
  * _html attributes_: Any other valid HTML attribute that will be added to the wrapper element of your component. Example: `'id' => 'my_component'`.

All your components should be inside `public/js/components.js` (you can configure it, see below) and be global.

You must include `react.js`, `react-dom.js` and `react_ujs.js` (in this order) in your view. You can concatenate these files together using laravel-elixir.

`react-laravel` provides a ReactJS installation and the `react_us.js` file, they'll be at `public/vendor/react-laravel` folder after you install `react-laravel` and run:

  $ php artisan vendor:publish --force

For using the files provided by `react-laravel` and your `components.js` file, add this to your view:

  <script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react.js') }}"></script>
  <script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react-dom.js') }}"></script>
  <script src="{{ asset('js/components.js') }}"></script>
  <script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react_ujs.js') }}"></script>

If you'll use a different version from the one provided by react-laravel (see `composer.json`), you got to configure it (see below).

# Configurations

You can change settings to `react-laravel` at the `config/react.php` file:

  return [
    'source' => 'path_for_react.js',
    'dom-source' => 'path_for_react-dom.js',
    'dom-server-source' => 'path_for_react-dom-server.js',
    'components' => [ 'path_for_file_containing_your_components.js' ]

All of them are optional.

* `source`: defaults to `public/vendor/react-laravel/react.js`.
* `dom-source`: defaults to `public/vendor/react-laravel/react-dom.js`.
* `dom-server-source`: defaults to `public/vendor/react-laravel/react-dom-server.js`.
* `components`: defaults to `public/js/components.js`. Multiple components files may be specified here.

Your `components.js` file(s) should also be included at your view, and all your components must be at the `window` object.

# Thanks

This package is inspired at [react-rails](https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails).