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# Attributer

Ruby gem for adding width and height attributes to image tags within HTML blocks.

This library will parse a piece of HTML, find all the image tags inside it, obtain
the width and height of these images and insert them as attributes to the `img` tag.
It will then return the entire HTML with the image attributes properly in place.

Useful for example as a callback with WYSIWYG editors that don't automatically add
`width` and `height` attributes to images or for instantly optimizing all your old blog
or CMS posts with img tag attributes for speed and standarts compliance.

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## Requirements

[Ruby 1.9.3](http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/) or higher | **Supports Ruby 2.0!**

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'attributer'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install attributer

## Usage

This library augments the default Ruby `String` class with 1 public method:
`.image_attributes`. You can attach this method to a string variable containing a piece of HTML
of any length or complexity. This method takes one of 2 mandatory arguments:
`(:domain => "http://my-domain.com")` or `(:path => /my/local/filesystem/path)`.
It will raise an `ArgumentError` exception if neither argument is passed.

These arguments are **only used** to locate the images referenced in your HTML and poll their width and height;
they are **not** written in the resulting HTML: the `src` attribute of the `img` tag
remains unchanged. Either a full local path or a URL prefix is needed.

For discovery purposes these arguments are concatenated to the `src` attribute of the image tag,
i.e. if your images are accessible via `http://my-domain.com/assets/test.jpg` and you
already have `src="/assets/test.jpg"` in your image tag, then you only need to use
`(:domain => "http://my-domain.com")` as an argument.

Likewise if your images are locally accessible via `/home/www/site/assets/test.jpg` and you
already have `src="/assets/test.jpg"` in your image tag, then you only need to use
`(:path => "/home/www/site")` as an argument.

The `.image_attributes` method will return a string of the entire HTML block with the image
attributes properly in place.

### Examples

html = '<img alt="test" class="gallery" src="/assets/test.jpg">'
html.image_attributes(:domain => "http://my-domain.com") 
  # => '<img alt="test" class="gallery" src="/assets/test.jpg" width="200" height="266">'

html = '<img alt="test2" class="fuzzy" src="/images/test2.jpg">'
html.image_attributes(:path => "/home/www/site") 
  # => '<img alt="test2" class="fuzzy" src="/images/test2.jpg" width="340" height="155">'

html = Post.find(20).body # =>
    # <div id='gallery'>
    # <img alt="1" class="gallery" src="/assets/1.jpg" />
    # <img alt="2" class="gallery" src="/assets/2.jpg" />
    # <img alt="3" class="gallery" src="/assets/3.jpg" />
    # <img alt="4" class="gallery" src="/assets/4.jpg" />
    # <img alt="5" class="gallery" src="/assets/5.jpg" />
    # <img alt="6" class="gallery" src="/assets/6.jpg" />
    # <img alt="7" class="gallery" src="/assets/7.jpg" />
    # <img alt="8" class="gallery" src="/assets/8.jpg" />
    # <img alt="9" class="gallery" src="/assets/9.jpg" />
    # <img alt="10" class="gallery" src="/assets/10.jpg" />
    # <img alt="11" class="gallery" src="/assets/11.jpg" />
    # <img alt="12" class="gallery" src="/assets/12.jpg" />
    # <img alt="13" class="gallery" src="/assets/13.jpg" />
    # <img alt="14" class="gallery" src="/assets/14.jpg" />
    # <img alt="15" class="gallery" src="/assets/15.jpg" />
    # <img alt="16" class="gallery" src="/assets/16.jpg" />
    # <img alt="17" class="gallery" src="/assets/17.jpg" />
    # <img alt="18" class="gallery" src="/assets/18.jpg" />
    # <img alt="19" class="gallery" src="/assets/19.jpg" />
    # <img alt="20" class="gallery" src="/assets/20.jpg" />  
    # </div>
html.image_attributes(:domain => "http://my-domain.com") # =>
    # <div id='gallery'>
    # <img alt="1" class="gallery" src="/assets/1.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="2" class="gallery" src="/assets/2.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="3" class="gallery" src="/assets/3.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="4" class="gallery" src="/assets/4.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="5" class="gallery" src="/assets/5.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="6" class="gallery" src="/assets/6.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="7" class="gallery" src="/assets/7.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="8" class="gallery" src="/assets/8.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="9" class="gallery" src="/assets/9.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="10" class="gallery" src="/assets/10.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="11" class="gallery" src="/assets/11.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="12" class="gallery" src="/assets/12.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="13" class="gallery" src="/assets/13.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="14" class="gallery" src="/assets/14.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="15" class="gallery" src="/assets/15.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="16" class="gallery" src="/assets/16.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="17" class="gallery" src="/assets/17.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="18" class="gallery" src="/assets/18.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="19" class="gallery" src="/assets/19.jpg" width="200" height="266">
    # <img alt="20" class="gallery" src="/assets/20.jpg" width="200" height="266">  
    # </div>

## Changelog

### v. 0.1.0 - 1 March 2013

* Ruby 2.0 compatibility

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Make sure all rspec tests pass!
5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
6. Create new Pull Request

## Credits

Copyright © 2013 [Svilen Vassilev](http://svilen.rubystudio.net)

*If you find my work useful or time-saving, you can endorse it or buy me a cup of coffee:*


Released under the [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/tarakanbg/attributer/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)