set -e
# If we're starting web-server we need to do following:
# 0) Basic linting of current JSON configuration file
# 1) Export needed environment variables
# 2) Install all dependencies
# 3) Check if there are any security issues in dependencies
# 4) Generate JWT encryption keys
# 5) Create database if it not exists yet
# 6) Run possible migrations, so that database is always up to date
# 7) Add needed symfony console autocomplete for bash
# Step 0
make lint-configuration
# Step 1
DOCKER_IP=$(/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }')
export DOCKER_IP
# Step 2
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer install --optimize-autoloader
# Step 3
composer audit
# Step 4
make generate-jwt-keys
# Step 5
./bin/console doctrine:database:create --no-interaction --if-not-exists
# Step 6
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --allow-no-migration --all-or-nothing
# Step 7
./bin/console completion bash >> /home/dev/.bashrc
exec "$@"