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Test Coverage
function __fish_composer_needs_command
    set -l cmd (commandline -opc)

    if test (count $cmd) -eq 1
        return 0

    return 1

function __fish_composer_using_command
    set -l cmd (commandline -opc)

    if test (count $cmd) -gt 1
        if test $argv[1] = $cmd[2]
            return 0

    return 1

function __fish_composer_required_packages
    test -f composer.json; or return
    set -l python (__fish_anypython); or return
    echo "
import itertools
import json
json_data = open('composer.json')
data = json.load(json_data)
packages = itertools.chain(data['require'].keys(), data['require-dev'].keys())
      " | $python -S

function __fish_composer_installed_packages
    test -f composer.lock; or return
    set -l python (__fish_anypython); or return
    echo "
import json
json_data = open('composer.lock')
data = json.load(json_data)
installed_packages = []
for package in data['packages']:
for package in data['packages-dev']:
" | $python -S

function __fish_composer_scripts
    test -f composer.json; or return
    set -l python (__fish_anypython); or return
    echo "
import json
json_data = open('composer.json')
data = json.load(json_data)
if 'scripts' in data and data['scripts']:
" | $python -S

# add cmds list
set --local composer_cmds about archive browse check-platform-reqs clear-cache config create-project depends diagnose dump-autoload exec global help home init install licenses list outdated prohibits remove require run-script search self-update show suggests status update validate why why-not

# Custom scripts
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a '(__fish_composer_scripts)' -d 'User script'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command run-script' -a "(__fish_composer_scripts)"
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command run-script' -l timeout -d 'Sets script timeout in seconds, or 0 for never.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command run-script' -l dev -d 'Sets the dev mode.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command run-script' -l no-dev -d 'Disables the dev mode.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command run-script' -l list -d 'List scripts.'

# commands
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a about -d 'Short information about Composer'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a archive -d 'Create an archive of this composer package'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a browse -d 'Opens the package\'s repository URL or homepage in your browser.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a check-platform-reqs -d 'Check that platform requirements are satisfied.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a clear-cache -d 'Clears composer\'s internal package cache.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a config -d 'Set config options'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a create-project -d 'Create new project from a package into given directory.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a depends -d 'Shows which packages depend on the given package'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a diagnose -d 'Diagnoses the system to identify common errors.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a dump-autoload -d 'Dumps the autoloader'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a exec -d 'Executes a vendored binary/script.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a global -d 'Allows running commands in the global composer dir ($COMPOSER_HOME).'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a help -d 'Displays help for a command'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a home -d 'Opens the package\'s repository URL or homepage in your browser.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a init -d 'Creates a basic composer.json file in current directory.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a install -d 'Installs the project dependencies from the composer.lock file if present, or falls back on the composer.json.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a licenses -d 'Show information about licenses of dependencies'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a list -d 'Lists commands'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a outdated -d 'Shows a list of installed packages that have updates available, including their latest version.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a prohibits -d 'Shows which packages prevent the given package from being installed.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a remove -d 'Removes a package from the require or require-dev'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a require -d 'Adds required packages to your composer.json and installs them'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a run-script -d 'Run the scripts defined in composer.json.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a search -d 'Search for packages'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a self-update -d 'Updates composer.phar to the latest version.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a show -d 'Show information about packages'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a status -d 'Show a list of locally modified packages'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a suggests -d 'Shows package suggestions.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a update -d 'Updates your dependencies to the latest version according to composer.json, and updates the composer.lock file.'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a validate -d 'Validates a composer.json'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a why -d 'Shows which packages cause the given package to be installed'
complete -f -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -a why-not -d 'Shows which packages prevent the given package from being installed'

# archive
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command archive' -l format -d 'Format of the resulting archive: tar or zip'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command archive' -l dir -d 'Write the archive to this directory'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command archive' -l file -d 'Write the archive with the given file name. Note that the format will be appended.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command archive' -l ignore-filters -d 'Ignore filters when saving package'

# browse
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command browse' -l homepage -d 'Open the homepage instead of the repository URL.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command browse' -l show -d 'Only show the homepage or repository URL.'

# check-platform-reqs
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command check-platform-reqs' -l no-dev -d 'Disables checking of require-dev packages requirements.'

# config
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command config' -l global -d 'Apply command to the global config file'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command config' -l editor -d 'Open editor'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command config' -l auth -d 'Affect auth config file (only used for --editor)'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command config' -l unset -d 'Unset the given setting-key'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command config' -l list -d 'List configuration settings'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command config' -l file -d 'If you want to choose a different composer.json or config.json'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command config' -l absolute -d 'Returns absolute paths when fetching *-dir config values instead of relative'

# create-project
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l stability -d 'Minimum-stability allowed (unless a version is specified).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l prefer-source -d 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l prefer-dist -d 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l repository -d 'Pick a different repository (as url or json config) to look for the package.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l repository-url -d 'DEPRECATED: Use --repository instead.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l dev -d 'Enables installation of require-dev packages (enabled by default, only present for BC).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l no-dev -d 'Disables installation of require-dev packages.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l no-custom-installers -d 'DEPRECATED: Use no-plugins instead.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l no-scripts -d 'Whether to prevent execution of all defined scripts in the root package.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l no-progress -d 'Do not output download progress.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l no-secure-http -d 'Disable the secure-http config option temporarily while installing the root package. Use at your own risk. Using this flag is a bad idea.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l keep-vcs -d 'Whether to prevent deleting the vcs folder.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l remove-vcs -d 'Whether to force deletion of the vcs folder without prompting.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l no-install -d 'Whether to skip installation of the package dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command create-project' -l ignore-platform-reqs -d 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'

# depends
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command depends' -a "(__fish_composer_installed_packages)"
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command depends' -l recursive -d 'Recursively resolves up to the root package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command depends' -l tree -d 'Prints the results as a nested tree'

# dump-autoload
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command dump-autoload' -l no-scripts -d 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command dump-autoload' -l optimize -d 'Optimizes PSR0 and PSR4 packages to be loaded with classmaps too, good for production.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command dump-autoload' -l classmap-authoritative -d 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize`.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command dump-autoload' -l apcu -d 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command dump-autoload' -l no-dev -d 'Disables autoload-dev rules.'

# exec
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command exec' -l list

# help
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command help' -a "$composer_cmds"
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command help' -l xml -d 'To output help as XML'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command help' -l format -d 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command help' -l raw -d 'To output raw command help'

# init
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l name -d 'Name of the package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l description -d 'Description of package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l author -d 'Author name of package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l type -d 'Type of package (e.g. library, project, metapackage, composer-plugin)'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l homepage -d 'Homepage of package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l require -d 'Package to require with a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l require-dev -d 'Package to require for development with a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l stability -d 'Minimum stability (empty or one of: stable, RC, beta, alpha, dev)'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l license -d 'License of package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command init' -l repository -d 'Add custom repositories, either by URL or using JSON arrays'

# install
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l prefer-source -d 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l prefer-dist -d 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l dry-run -d 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l dev -d 'Enables installation of require-dev packages (enabled by default, only present for BC).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l no-dev -d 'Disables installation of require-dev packages.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l no-custom-installers -d 'DEPRECATED: Use no-plugins instead.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l no-autoloader -d 'Skips autoloader generation'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l no-scripts -d 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l no-progress -d 'Do not output download progress.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l no-suggest -d 'Do not show package suggestions.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l optimize-autoloader -d 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l classmap-authoritative -d 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l apcu-autoloader -d 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command install' -l ignore-platform-reqs -d 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'

# licenses
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command licenses' -l format -d 'Format of the output: text or json'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command licenses' -l no-dev -d 'Disables search in require-dev packages.'

# list
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command list' -l xml -d 'To output list as XML'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command list' -l raw -d 'To output raw command list'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command list' -l format -d 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)'

# outdated
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command outdated' -l outdated -d 'Show only packages that are outdated (this is the default, but present here for compat with `show`'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command outdated' -l all -d 'Show all installed packages with their latest versions'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command outdated' -l direct -d 'Shows only packages that are directly required by the root package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command outdated' -l strict -d 'Return a non-zero exit code when there are outdated packages'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command outdated' -l minor-only -d 'Show only packages that have minor SemVer-compatible updates. Use with the --outdated option.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command outdated' -l format -d 'Format of the output: text or json'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command outdated' -l ignore -d 'Ignore specified package(s). Use it with the --outdated option if you don\'t want to be informed about new versions of some packages.'

# prohibits
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command prohibits' -l recursive -d 'Recursively resolves up to the root package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command prohibits' -l tree -d 'Prints the results as a nested tree'

# remove
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -a "(__fish_composer_required_packages)"
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l dev -d 'Removes a package from the require-dev section.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l no-progress -d 'Do not output download progress.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l no-update -d 'Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l no-scripts -d 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l update-no-dev -d 'Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l update-with-dependencies -d 'Allows inherited dependencies to be updated with explicit dependencies. (Deprecrated, is now default behavior)'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l no-update-with-dependencies -d 'Does not allow inherited dependencies to be updated with explicit dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l ignore-platform-reqs -d 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l optimize-autoloader -d 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l classmap-authoritative -d 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command remove' -l apcu-autoloader -d 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'

# require
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l dev -d 'Add requirement to require-dev.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l prefer-source -d 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l prefer-dist -d 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l no-progress -d 'Do not output download progress.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l no-suggest -d 'Do not show package suggestions.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l no-update -d 'Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l no-scripts -d 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l update-no-dev -d 'Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l update-with-dependencies -d 'Allows inherited dependencies to be updated, except those that are root requirements.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l update-with-all-dependencies -d 'Allows all inherited dependencies to be updated, including those that are root requirements.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l ignore-platform-reqs -d 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l prefer-stable -d 'Prefer stable versions of dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l prefer-lowest -d 'Prefer lowest versions of dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l sort-packages -d 'Sorts packages when adding/updating a new dependency'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l optimize-autoloader -d 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l classmap-authoritative -d 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command require' -l apcu-autoloader -d 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'

# search
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command search' -l only-name -d 'Search only in name'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command search' -l type -d 'Search for a specific package type'

# self-update
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l rollback -d 'Revert to an older installation of composer'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l clean-backups -d 'Delete old backups during an update. This makes the current version of composer the only backup available after the update'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l no-progress -d 'Do not output download progress.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l update-keys -d 'Prompt user for a key update'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l stable -d 'Force an update to the stable channel'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l preview -d 'Force an update to the preview channel'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l snapshot -d 'Force an update to the snapshot channel'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command self-update' -l set-channel-only -d 'Only store the channel as the default one and then exit'

# show
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -a "(__fish_composer_installed_packages)"
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l all -d 'List all packages'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l installed -d 'List installed packages only (enabled by default, only present for BC).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l platform -d 'List platform packages only'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l available -d 'List available packages only'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l self -d 'Show the root package information'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l name-only -d 'List package names only'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l path -d 'Show package paths'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l tree -d 'List the dependencies as a tree'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l latest -d 'Show the latest version'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l outdated -d 'Show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l ignore -d 'Ignore specified package(s). Use it with the --outdated option if you don\'t want to be informed about new versions of some packages.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l minor-only -d 'Show only packages that have minor SemVer-compatible updates. Use with the --outdated option.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l direct -d 'Shows only packages that are directly required by the root package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l strict -d 'Return a non-zero exit code when there are outdated packages'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command show' -l format -d 'Format of the output: text or json'

# suggests
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command suggests' -l by-package -d 'Groups output by suggesting package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command suggests' -l by-suggestion -d 'Groups output by suggested package'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command suggests' -l no-dev -d 'Exclude suggestions from require-dev packages'

# update
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -a "(__fish_composer_required_packages)"
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l prefer-source -d 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l prefer-dist -d 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l dry-run -d 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l dev -d 'Enables installation of require-dev packages (enabled by default, only present for BC).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l no-dev -d 'Disables installation of require-dev packages.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l lock -d 'Only updates the lock file hash to suppress warning about the lock file being out of date.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l no-custom-installers -d 'DEPRECATED: Use no-plugins instead.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l no-autoloader -d 'Skips autoloader generation'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l no-scripts -d 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l no-progress -d 'Do not output download progress.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l no-suggest -d 'Do not show package suggestions.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l with-dependencies -d 'Add also dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist, except those defined in root package.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l with-all-dependencies -d 'Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist, including those defined in root package.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -s v -l verbose -d 'Shows more details including new commits pulled in when updating packages.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -s o -l optimize-autoloader -d 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -s a -l classmap-authoritative -d 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l apcu-autoloader -d 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l ignore-platform-reqs -d 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l prefer-stable -d 'Prefer stable versions of dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l prefer-lowest -d 'Prefer lowest versions of dependencies.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -s i -l interactive -d 'Interactive interface with autocompletion to select the packages to update.'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command update' -l root-reqs -d 'Restricts the update to your first degree dependencies.'

# validate
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command validate' -l no-check-all -d 'Do not validate requires for overly strict/loose constraints'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command validate' -l no-check-lock -d 'Do not check if lock file is up to date'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command validate' -l no-check-publish -d 'Do not check for publish errors'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command validate' -l with-dependencies -d 'Also validate the composer.json of all installed dependencies'
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command validate' -l strict -d 'Return a non-zero exit code for warnings as well as errors'

# why
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command why' -a "(__fish_composer_installed_packages)"

# why-not
complete -f -c composer -n '__fish_composer_using_command why-not' -a "(__fish_composer_installed_packages)"

# global options
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -s h -l help -d 'Displays composer\'s help.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -s q -l quiet -d 'Do not output any message.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -s v -l verbose -d 'Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output (-v), 2 for more verbose output (-vv) and 3 for debug (-vvv).'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -s V -l version -d 'Display composer\'s application version.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -l ansi -d 'Force ANSI output.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -l no-ansi -d 'Disable ANSI output.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -s n -l no-interaction -d 'Do not ask any interactive question.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -l profile -d 'Display timing and memory usage information.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -l no-plugins -d 'Whether to disable plugins.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -s d -l working-dir -d 'If specified, use the given directory as working directory.'
complete -c composer -n __fish_composer_needs_command -l no-cache -d 'Prevent use of the cache.'