declare(strict_types = 1);
* rector.php
* @see following for actual rules
* ./tools/09_rector/vendor/rector/rector/packages/Set/ValueObject/LevelSetList.php
* ./tools/09_rector/vendor/rector/rector/vendor/rector/rector-symfony/src/Set/SymfonyLevelSetList.php
use Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Class_\InlineConstructorDefaultToPropertyRector;
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;
use Rector\PHPUnit\Set\PHPUnitSetList;
use Rector\Set\ValueObject\LevelSetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\SymfonyLevelSetList;
return static function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
__DIR__ . '/config',
__DIR__ . '/migrations',
__DIR__ . '/public',
__DIR__ . '/src',
* First run some rule(s) or sets to whole codebase and
* run all the tests (phpunit, ecs, psalm and phpstan),
* after that fix possible issues of those and run those
* again until you don't have any issues left.
* After that enable this directory and run rector again
* and do that whole process again.
__DIR__ . '/tests',
// Enable single or multiple rules with rector
// Enable the set(s) that you want to run with rector
LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_84, // This is for PHP version upgrade
//SymfonyLevelSetList::UP_TO_SYMFONY_62, // This is for Symfony version upgrade