declare(strict_types = 1);
* /src/AutoMapper/RestRequestMapper.php
* @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <>
namespace App\AutoMapper;
use App\DTO\RestDtoInterface;
use AutoMapperPlus\MapperInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use LengthException;
use Override;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionNamedType;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use function array_filter;
use function gettype;
use function is_object;
use function method_exists;
use function sprintf;
use function ucfirst;
* @package App\AutoMapper
* @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <>
abstract class RestRequestMapper implements MapperInterface
* Properties to map to destination object.
* @var array<int, non-empty-string>
protected static array $properties = [];
* {@inheritdoc}
* @psalm-param array<array-key, mixed>|object $source
* @psalm-param array<int, mixed> $context
public function map($source, string $targetClass, array $context = []): RestDtoInterface
/** @psalm-var class-string $targetClass */
$destination = new $targetClass();
return $this->mapToObject($source, $destination, $context);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @psalm-param array<array-key, mixed>|object $source
* @psalm-param object $destination
* @psalm-param array<int, mixed> $context
public function mapToObject($source, $destination, array $context = []): RestDtoInterface
if (!is_object($source)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'RestRequestMapper expects that $source is Request object, "%s" provided',
if (!$source instanceof Request) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'RestRequestMapper expects that $source is Request object, "%s" provided',
if (!$destination instanceof RestDtoInterface) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'RestRequestMapper expects that $destination is instance of RestDtoInterface object, "%s" provided',
if (static::$properties === []) {
throw new LengthException(
'RestRequestMapper expects that mapper "%s::$properties" contains properties to convert',
return $this->getObject($source, $destination);
private function getObject(Request $request, RestDtoInterface $restDto): RestDtoInterface
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($restDto::class);
foreach ($this->getValidProperties($request) as $property) {
$setter = 'set' . ucfirst($property);
$transformer = 'transform' . ucfirst($property);
$type = $reflectionClass->getProperty($property)->getType();
$value = $type instanceof ReflectionNamedType && $type->getName() === 'array'
? $request->request->all($property)
: $request->request->get($property);
if (method_exists($this, $transformer)) {
/** @var int|string|object|array<mixed>|null $value */
$value = $this->{$transformer}($value);
return $restDto;
* @return array<int, non-empty-string>
private function getValidProperties(Request $request): array
return array_filter(static::$properties, static fn ($property) => $request->request->has($property));