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declare(strict_types = 1);
 * /src/Command/Utils/CheckDependencies.php
 * @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <tarmo.leppanen@pinja.com>

namespace App\Command\Utils;

use App\Command\Traits\SymfonyStyleTrait;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use JsonException;
use LogicException;
use Override;
use SplFileInfo;
use stdClass;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableSeparator;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autowire;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Throwable;
use Traversable;
use function array_filter;
use function array_map;
use function array_unshift;
use function count;
use function dirname;
use function implode;
use function is_array;
use function iterator_to_array;
use function sort;
use function sprintf;
use function str_replace;
use function strlen;

 * @package App\Command\Utils
 * @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <tarmo.leppanen@pinja.com>
    name: 'check-dependencies',
    description: 'Console command to check which vendor dependencies has updates',
class CheckDependencies extends Command
    use SymfonyStyleTrait;

    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $projectDir,
    ) {

            'Only check for minor updates',

            'Only check for patch updates',

     * @noinspection PhpMissingParentCallCommonInspection
     * @throws Throwable
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $onlyMinor = $input->getOption('minor');
        $onlyPatch = $input->getOption('patch');

        $io = $this->getSymfonyStyle($input, $output);
            'Starting to check dependencies...',
            match (true) {
                $onlyPatch => 'Checking only patch version updates',
                $onlyMinor => 'Checking only minor version updates',
                default => 'Checking for latest version updates',

        $directories = $this->getNamespaceDirectories();

        array_unshift($directories, $this->projectDir);

        $rows = $this->determineTableRows($io, $directories, $onlyMinor, $onlyPatch);

        $packageNameLength = max(
                static fn (array $row): int => isset($row[1]) ? strlen($row[1]) : 0,
                array_filter($rows, static fn (mixed $row): bool => !$row instanceof TableSeparator)
            ) + [0]

        $style = clone Table::getStyleDefinition('box');

        $table = new Table($output);

        $this->setTableColumnWidths($packageNameLength, $table);

        $rows === []
            ? $io->success('Good news, there is no any vendor dependency to update at this time!')
            : $table->render();

        return 0;

     * Method to determine all namespace directories under 'tools' directory.
     * @return array<int, string>
     * @throws LogicException
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    private function getNamespaceDirectories(): array
        // Find all main namespace directories under 'tools' directory
        $finder = (new Finder())
            ->in($this->projectDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tools/');

        $closure = static fn (SplFileInfo $fileInfo): string => $fileInfo->getPath();

        /** @var Traversable<SplFileInfo> $iterator */
        $iterator = $finder->getIterator();

        // Determine namespace directories
        $directories = array_map($closure, iterator_to_array($iterator));


        return $directories;

     * Method to determine table rows.
     * @param array<int, string> $directories
     * @psalm-return array<int, array<int, string>|TableSeparator>
     * @throws JsonException
    private function determineTableRows(SymfonyStyle $io, array $directories, bool $onlyMinor, bool $onlyPatch): array
        // Initialize progress bar for process
        $progressBar = $this->getProgressBar($io, count($directories), 'Checking all vendor dependencies');

        // Initialize output rows
        $rows = [];

        $iterator = function (string $directory) use ($io, $onlyMinor, $onlyPatch, $progressBar, &$rows): void {
            foreach ($this->processNamespacePath($directory, $onlyMinor, $onlyPatch) as $row => $data) {
                $relativePath = '';

                // First row of current library
                if ($row === 0) {
                    // We want to add table separator between different libraries
                    if ($rows !== []) {
                        $rows[] = new TableSeparator();

                    $relativePath = str_replace($this->projectDir, '', $directory) . '/composer.json';
                } else {
                    $rows[] = [''];

                $rows[] = $this->getPackageRow($relativePath, $data);

                if (isset($data->warning)) {
                    $rows[] = [''];
                    $rows[] = ['', '', '<fg=red>' . $data->warning . '</>'];

                if (!property_exists($data, 'latest')) {
                    $rows[] = [''];
                    $rows[] = [
                        '<fg=yellow>There is newer version, but it\'s not compatible with current setup</>',

            if (count($rows) === 1) {


        array_map($iterator, $directories);

        return $rows;

     * Method to process namespace inside 'tools' directory.
     * @return array<int, stdClass>
     * @throws JsonException
    private function processNamespacePath(string $path, bool $onlyMinor, bool $onlyPatch): array
        $command = [

        if ($onlyMinor) {
            $command[] = '-m';
        } elseif ($onlyPatch) {
            $command[] = '-p';

        $process = new Process($command, $path);

        if ($process->getErrorOutput() !== '' && !($process->getExitCode() === 0 || $process->getExitCode() === null)) {
            $message = sprintf(
                "Running command '%s' failed with error message:\n%s",
                implode(' ', $command),

            throw new RuntimeException($message);

        /** @var stdClass $decoded */
        $decoded = json_decode($process->getOutput(), flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

        /** @var array<int, stdClass>|string|null $installed */
        $installed = $decoded->installed;

        return is_array($installed) ? $installed : [];

     * Helper method to get progress bar for console.
    private function getProgressBar(SymfonyStyle $io, int $steps, string $message): ProgressBar
        $format = '
 %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%%
 Time elapsed:   %elapsed:-6s%
 Time remaining: %remaining:-6s%
 Time estimated: %estimated:-6s%
 Memory usage:   %memory:-6s%

        $progress = $io->createProgressBar($steps);

        return $progress;

     * @return array<int, string>
    private function getHeaders(): array
        return [
            'New version',

     * @return array{0: string, 1: string, 2: string, 3: string, 4: string}
    private function getPackageRow(string $relativePath, mixed $data): array
        return [
            (string)(property_exists($data, 'latest') ? $data->latest : '<fg=yellow>' . $data->version . '</>'),

    private function setTableColumnWidths(int $packageNameLength, Table $table): void
        $widths = [
            95 - $packageNameLength,

        foreach ($widths as $columnIndex => $width) {
            $table->setColumnWidth($columnIndex, $width);
            $table->setColumnMaxWidth($columnIndex, $width);