declare(strict_types = 1);
* /src/Rest/RepositoryHelper.php
* @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <>
namespace App\Rest;
use Closure;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Composite;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Literal;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\InvalidUuidStringException;
use stdClass;
use function array_combine;
use function array_key_exists;
use function array_map;
use function array_walk;
use function call_user_func_array;
use function is_array;
use function is_numeric;
use function str_contains;
use function strcmp;
use function strtolower;
use function syslog;
* @package App\Rest
* @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <>
class RepositoryHelper
* Parameter count in current query, this is used to track parameters which
* are bind to current query.
public static int $parameterCount = 0;
* Method to reset current parameter count value
public static function resetParameterCount(): void
self::$parameterCount = 0;
* Process given criteria which is given by ?where parameter. This is given
* as JSON string, which is converted to assoc array for this process.
* Note that this supports by default (without any extra work) just 'eq'
* and 'in' expressions. See example array below:
* [
* '' => 3,
* 'u.uid' => 'uid',
* '' => [1, 2, 3],
* '' => ['foo', 'bar'],
* ]
* And these you can make easily happen within REST controller and simple
* 'where' parameter. See example below:
* ?where={"":3,"u.uid":"uid","":[1,2,3],"":["foo","bar"]}
* Also note that you can make more complex use case fairly easy, just
* follow instructions below.
* If you're trying to make controller specified special criteria with
* projects generic Rest controller, just add 'processCriteria(array &$criteria)'
* method to your own controller and pre-process that criteria in there
* the way you want it to be handled. In other words just modify that basic
* key-value array just as you like it, main goal is to create array that
* is compatible with 'getExpression' method in this class. For greater
* detail just see that method comments.
* tl;dr Modify your $criteria parameter in your controller with
* 'processCriteria(array &$criteria)' method.
* @see \App\Repository\Traits\RepositoryMethodsTrait::getQueryBuilder()
* @param array<int|string, mixed>|null $criteria
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public static function processCriteria(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, ?array $criteria = null): void
$criteria ??= [];
if ($criteria === []) {
// Initialize condition array
$condition = [];
// Create used condition array
array_walk($criteria, self::getIterator($condition));
// And attach search term condition to main query
$queryBuilder->andWhere(self::getExpression($queryBuilder, $queryBuilder->expr()->andX(), $condition));
* Helper method to process given search terms and create criteria about
* those. Note that each repository has 'searchColumns' property which
* contains the fields where search term will be affected.
* @see \App\Repository\Traits\RepositoryMethodsTrait::getQueryBuilder()
* @param array<int, string> $columns
* @phpstan-param array<mixed>|null $terms
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public static function processSearchTerms(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, array $columns, ?array $terms = null): void
$terms ??= [];
if ($columns === []) {
// Iterate search term sets
foreach ($terms as $operand => $search) {
$criteria = SearchTerm::getCriteria($columns, $search, $operand);
if ($criteria !== null) {
$queryBuilder->andWhere(self::getExpression($queryBuilder, $queryBuilder->expr()->andX(), $criteria));
* Simple process method for order by part of for current query builder.
* @param array<string, string>|null $orderBy
public static function processOrderBy(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, ?array $orderBy = null): void
$orderBy ??= [];
foreach ($orderBy as $column => $order) {
if (!str_contains($column, '.')) {
$column = 'entity.' . $column;
$queryBuilder->addOrderBy($column, $order);
* Recursively takes the specified criteria and adds too the expression.
* The criteria is defined in an array notation where each item in the list
* represents a comparison <fieldName, operator, value>. The operator maps
* to comparison methods located in ExpressionBuilder. The key in the array
* can be used to identify grouping of comparisons.
* Currently supported Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr methods:
* eq ['', 'eq', 123] = ?1 -
* neq ['', 'neq', 123] <> ?1 -
* lt ['', 'lt', 123] < ?1 -
* lte ['', 'lte', 123] <= ?1 -
* gt ['', 'gt', 123] > ?1 -
* gte ['', 'gte', 123] >= ?1 -
* in ['', 'in', [1,2]] IN (1,2) third value may contain n values
* notIn ['', 'notIn', [1,2]] NOT IN (1,2) third value may contain n values
* isNull ['', 'isNull', null] IS NULL third value must be set, but not used
* isNotNull ['', 'isNotNull', null] IS NOT NULL third value must be set, but not used
* like ['', 'like', 'abc'] LIKE ?1 -
* notLike ['', 'notLike', 'abc'] NOT LIKE ?1 -
* between ['', 'between', [1,6]] BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2 third value must contain two values
* Also note that you can easily combine 'and' and 'or' queries like
* following examples:
* [
* 'and' => [
* ['u.firstName', 'eq', 'foo bar']
* ['u.lastName', 'neq', 'not this one']
* ]
* ] (u.firstName = ?1 AND u.lastName <> ?2)
* [
* 'or' => [
* ['u.firstName', 'eq', 'foo bar']
* ['u.lastName', 'neq', 'not this one']
* ]
* ] (u.firstName = ?1 OR u.lastName <> ?2)
* Also note that you can nest these criteria arrays as many levels as you
* need - only the sky is the limit...
* @example
* $criteria = [
* 'or' => [
* ['entity.field1', 'like', '%field1Value%'],
* ['entity.field2', 'like', '%field2Value%'],
* ],
* 'and' => [
* ['entity.field3', 'eq', 3],
* ['entity.field4', 'eq', 'four'],
* ],
* ['entity.field5', 'neq', 5],
* ];
* $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('entity');
* $qb->where($this->getExpression($qb, $qb->expr()->andX(), $criteria));
* $query = $qb->getQuery();
* echo $query->getSQL();
* // Result:
* // SELECT *
* // FROM tableName
* // WHERE ((field1 LIKE '%field1Value%') OR (field2 LIKE '%field2Value%'))
* // AND ((field3 = '3') AND (field4 = 'four'))
* // AND (field5 <> '5')
* Also note that you can nest these queries as many times as you wish...
* @see
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $criteria
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public static function getExpression(
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
Composite $expression,
array $criteria,
): Composite {
self::processExpression($queryBuilder, $expression, $criteria);
return $expression;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $criteria
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private static function processExpression(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, Composite $expression, array $criteria): void
$iterator = static function (array $comparison, string | int $key) use ($queryBuilder, $expression): void {
$expressionAnd = ($key === 'and' || array_key_exists('and', $comparison));
$expressionOr = ($key === 'or' || array_key_exists('or', $comparison));
self::buildExpression($queryBuilder, $expression, $expressionAnd, $expressionOr, $comparison);
array_walk($criteria, $iterator);
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $comparison
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private static function buildExpression(
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
Composite $expression,
bool $expressionAnd,
bool $expressionOr,
array $comparison
): void {
if ($expressionAnd) {
$expression->add(self::getExpression($queryBuilder, $queryBuilder->expr()->andX(), $comparison));
} elseif ($expressionOr) {
$expression->add(self::getExpression($queryBuilder, $queryBuilder->expr()->orX(), $comparison));
} else {
[$comparison, $parameters] = self::determineComparisonAndParameters($queryBuilder, $comparison);
/** @var callable $callable */
$callable = [$queryBuilder->expr(), $comparison->operator];
// And finally add new expression to main one with specified parameters
$expression->add(call_user_func_array($callable, $parameters));
* Lambda function to create condition array for 'getExpression' method.
* @param string|array<int, string> $value
* @return array{0: string, 1: string, 2: string|array<int, string>}
private static function createCriteria(string $column, string | array $value): array
if (!str_contains($column, '.')) {
$column = 'entity.' . $column;
$operator = is_array($value) ? 'in' : 'eq';
return [$column, $operator, $value];
* @param array<int|string, string|array<mixed>> $comparison
* @return array<int, mixed>
private static function determineComparisonAndParameters(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, array $comparison): array
/** @var stdClass $comparisonObject */
$comparisonObject = (object)array_combine(['field', 'operator', 'value'], $comparison);
// Increase parameter count
// Initialize used callback parameters
$parameters = [$comparisonObject->field];
$lowercaseOperator = strtolower((string)$comparisonObject->operator);
if ($lowercaseOperator !== 'isnull' && $lowercaseOperator !== 'isnotnull') {
$parameters = self::getComparisonParameters(
return [$comparisonObject, $parameters];
* @param array<int, string> $parameters
* @param array<int, mixed> $value
* @return array<int, array<int, Literal>|string>
private static function getParameters(
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
string $lowercaseOperator,
array $parameters,
array $value,
): array {
// Operator is between, so we need to add third parameter for Expr method
if ($lowercaseOperator === 'between') {
$parameters[] = '?' . self::$parameterCount;
$queryBuilder->setParameter(self::$parameterCount, $value[0], UuidHelper::getType((string)$value[0]));
$parameters[] = '?' . self::$parameterCount;
$queryBuilder->setParameter(self::$parameterCount, $value[1], UuidHelper::getType((string)$value[1]));
} else {
// Otherwise this must be IN or NOT IN expression
try {
$value = array_map(static fn (string $value): string => UuidHelper::getBytes($value), $value);
} catch (InvalidUuidStringException $exception) {
// Ok so value isn't list of UUIDs
syslog(LOG_INFO, $exception->getMessage());
$parameters[] = array_map(
static fn (string $value): Literal => $queryBuilder->expr()->literal(
is_numeric($value) ? (int)$value : $value
return $parameters;
* @param array<int|string, array<array-key, array<int, string>|mixed|string>|string> $condition
private static function getIterator(array &$condition): Closure
return static function (string | array $value, string $column) use (&$condition): void {
// If criteria contains 'and' OR 'or' key(s) assume that array in only in the right format
if (strcmp($column, 'and') === 0 || strcmp($column, 'or') === 0) {
$condition[$column] = $value;
} else {
// Add condition
$condition[] = self::createCriteria($column, $value);
* @param array<int, string> $parameters
* @return array<int, array<int, Literal>|string>
private static function getComparisonParameters(
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
stdClass $comparison,
string $lowercaseOperator,
array $parameters,
): array {
if (is_array($comparison->value)) {
$value = $comparison->value;
$parameters = self::getParameters($queryBuilder, $lowercaseOperator, $parameters, $value);
} else {
$parameters[] = '?' . self::$parameterCount;
return $parameters;