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declare(strict_types = 1);
 * /src/Rest/RequestHandler.php
 * @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <tarmo.leppanen@pinja.com>

namespace App\Rest;

use App\Utils\JSON;
use Closure;
use JsonException;
use LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request as HttpFoundationRequest;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response as HttpFoundationResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
use function abs;
use function array_filter;
use function array_key_exists;
use function array_unique;
use function array_values;
use function array_walk;
use function explode;
use function in_array;
use function is_array;
use function is_string;
use function mb_strtoupper;
use function mb_substr;
use function str_starts_with;

 * @package App\Rest
 * @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <tarmo.leppanen@pinja.com>
final class RequestHandler
     * Method to get used criteria array for 'find' and 'count' methods. Some
     * examples below.
     * Basic usage:
     *  ?where={"foo": "bar"} => WHERE entity.foo = 'bar'
     *  ?where={"bar.foo": "foobar"} => WHERE bar.foo = 'foobar'
     *  ?where={"id": [1,2,3]} => WHERE entity.id IN (1,2,3)
     *  ?where={"bar.foo": [1,2,3]} => WHERE bar.foo IN (1,2,3)
     * Advanced usage:
     *  By default you cannot make anything else that described above,
     *  but you can easily manage special cases within your controller
     *  'processCriteria' method, where you can modify this generated
     *  'criteria' array as you like.
     *  Note that with advanced usage you can easily use everything that
     *  App\Repository\Base::getExpression method supports - and that is
     *  basically 99% that you need on advanced search criteria.
     * @return array<string, mixed>
     * @throws HttpException
    public static function getCriteria(HttpFoundationRequest $request): array
        try {
            $where = array_filter(
                    (string)($request->query->get('where') ?? $request->request->get('where', '{}')),
                static fn ($value): bool => $value !== null,
        } catch (JsonException $error) {
            throw new HttpException(
                'Current \'where\' parameter is not valid JSON.',

        return $where;

     * Getter method for used order by option within 'find' method. Some
     * examples below.
     * Basic usage:
     *  ?order=column1 => ORDER BY entity.column1 ASC
     *  ?order=-column1 => ORDER BY entity.column2 DESC
     *  ?order=foo.column1 => ORDER BY foo.column1 ASC
     *  ?order=-foo.column1 => ORDER BY foo.column2 DESC
     * Array parameter usage:
     *  ?order[column1]=ASC => ORDER BY entity.column1 ASC
     *  ?order[column1]=DESC => ORDER BY entity.column1 DESC
     *  ?order[column1]=foobar => ORDER BY entity.column1 ASC
     *  ?order[column1]=DESC&order[column2]=DESC => ORDER BY entity.column1 DESC, entity.column2 DESC
     *  ?order[foo.column1]=ASC => ORDER BY foo.column1 ASC
     *  ?order[foo.column1]=DESC => ORDER BY foo.column1 DESC
     *  ?order[foo.column1]=foobar => ORDER BY foo.column1 ASC
     *  ?order[foo.column1]=DESC&order[column2]=DESC => ORDER BY foo.column1 DESC, entity.column2 DESC
     * @return array<string, string>
    public static function getOrderBy(HttpFoundationRequest $request): array
        $key = 'order';
        $input = [];

        if ($request->query->has($key)) {
            $input = $request->query->all()[$key];
        } elseif ($request->request->has($key)) {
            $input = $request->request->all()[$key];

        if (!is_array($input)) {
            $input = (array)$input;

        $input = array_filter($input);

        // Initialize output
        $output = [];

        // Process user input
        array_walk($input, self::getIterator($output));

        return $output;

     * Getter method for used limit option within 'find' method.
     * Usage:
     *  ?limit=10
    public static function getLimit(HttpFoundationRequest $request): ?int
        $limit = $request->query->get('limit') ?? $request->request->get('limit');

        return $limit !== null ? (int)abs((float)$limit) : null;

     * Getter method for used offset option within 'find' method.
     * Usage:
     *  ?offset=10
    public static function getOffset(HttpFoundationRequest $request): ?int
        $offset = $request->query->get('offset') ?? $request->request->get('offset');

        return $offset !== null ? (int)abs((float)$offset) : null;

     * Getter method for used search terms within 'find' and 'count' methods.
     * Note that these will affect to columns / properties that you have
     * specified to your resource service repository class.
     * Usage examples:
     *  ?search=term
     *  ?search=term1+term2
     *  ?search={"and": ["term1", "term2"]}
     *  ?search={"or": ["term1", "term2"]}
     *  ?search={"and": ["term1", "term2"], "or": ["term3", "term4"]}
     * @return array<mixed>
     * @throws HttpException
    public static function getSearchTerms(HttpFoundationRequest $request): array
        $search = $request->query->get('search') ?? $request->request->get('search');

        return $search !== null ? self::getSearchTermCriteria((string)$search) : [];

     * Method to return search term criteria as an array that repositories can easily use.
     * @return array<int|string, array<int, string>>
     * @throws HttpException
    private static function getSearchTermCriteria(string $search): array
        $searchTerms = self::determineSearchTerms($search);

        // By default we want to use 'OR' operand with given search words.
        $output = [
            'or' => array_unique(array_values(array_filter(explode(' ', $search)))),

        if ($searchTerms !== null) {
            $output = self::normalizeSearchTerms($searchTerms);

        return $output;

     * Method to determine used search terms. Note that this will first try to JSON decode given search term. This is
     * for cases that 'search' request parameter contains 'and' or 'or' terms.
     * @return array<int|string, array<int, string>>|null
     * @throws HttpException
    private static function determineSearchTerms(string $search): ?array
        try {
            $searchTerms = JSON::decode($search, true);

        } catch (JsonException | LogicException) {
            $searchTerms = null;

        return $searchTerms;

     * @throws LogicException
     * @throws HttpException
    private static function checkSearchTerms(mixed $searchTerms): void
        if (!is_array($searchTerms)) {
            throw new LogicException('Search term is not an array, fallback to string handling');

        if (!array_key_exists('and', $searchTerms) && !array_key_exists('or', $searchTerms)) {
            throw new HttpException(
                'Given search parameter is not valid, within JSON provide \'and\' and/or \'or\' property.'

     * Method to normalize specified search terms. Within this we will just filter out any "empty" values and return
     * unique terms after that.
     * @param array<int|string, array<int, string>> $searchTerms
     * @return array<int|string, array<int, string>>
    private static function normalizeSearchTerms(array $searchTerms): array
        // Normalize user input, note that this support array and string formats on value
        array_walk($searchTerms, static fn (array $terms): array => array_unique(array_values(array_filter($terms))));

        return $searchTerms;

     * @param array<string, string> $output
    private static function getIterator(array &$output): Closure
        return static function (string $value, string | int $key) use (&$output): void {
            $order = in_array(mb_strtoupper($value), ['ASC', 'DESC'], true) ? mb_strtoupper($value) : 'ASC';
            $column = is_string($key) ? $key : $value;

            if (str_starts_with($column, '-')) {
                $column = mb_substr($column, 1);
                $order = 'DESC';

            $output[$column] = $order;