declare(strict_types = 1);
* /src/ValueResolver/EntityValueResolver.php
* @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <>
namespace App\ValueResolver;
use App\Entity\Interfaces\EntityInterface;
use App\Resource\ResourceCollection;
use Generator;
use Override;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ValueResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata\ArgumentMetadata;
use Throwable;
use function end;
use function explode;
use function is_string;
use function is_subclass_of;
use function Symfony\Component\String\u;
* Example how to use this within your controller;
* #[Route(path: 'some_path_to_your_route/{user}/{apikey}')]
* public function someMethod(\App\Entity\User $user, \App\Entity\ApiKey $apikey): Response
* {
* ...
* }
* And when you make your request like `GET /some_path_to_your_route/_user_uuid_/_apikey_uuid`
* you will get those entities to your controller method which are resolved automatically via
* those entity resource classes.
* Only thing that you need check is that parameter in your `path` definition matches with
* method argument name.
* @package App\ValueResolver
* @author TLe, Tarmo Leppänen <>
class EntityValueResolver implements ValueResolverInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly ResourceCollection $resourceCollection,
) {
* With this we check following cases:
* 1. Request parameter is a string (query, request, attributes)
* 2. Argument type is subclass of EntityInterface
* 3. Argument name is same as entity name (argument type) as in camel case format
* 4. Our REST resource collection has resource for this entity
* Examples:
* public function __invoke(UserGroup $userGroup): JsonResponse => Works
* public function __invoke(User $user): JsonResponse => Works
* public function __invoke(UserGroup $UserGroup): JsonResponse => Doesn't work
* public function __invoke(UserGroup $group): JsonResponse => Doesn't work
* public function __invoke(User $requestUser): JsonResponse => Doesn't work (another resolver does this)
public function supports(Request $request, ArgumentMetadata $argument): bool
$bits = explode('\\', (string)$argument->getType());
$entity = end($bits);
return is_string($this->getUuid($argument, $request))
&& is_subclass_of((string)$argument->getType(), EntityInterface::class, true)
&& $argument->getName() === u($entity)->camel()->toString()
&& $this->resourceCollection->hasEntityResource($argument->getType());
* @throws Throwable
* @return Generator<EntityInterface|null>
public function resolve(Request $request, ArgumentMetadata $argument): Generator
if (!$this->supports($request, $argument)) {
return [];
yield $this->resourceCollection
->findOne((string)($this->getUuid($argument, $request)), !$argument->isNullable());
private function getUuid(ArgumentMetadata $argument, Request $request): mixed
$argumentName = $argument->getName();
return $request->attributes->get($argumentName)
?? $request->request->get($argumentName)
?? $request->query->get($argumentName);