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# SimpleMock

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A fast, tiny (82 lines) hybrid mocking library that supports classical and partial mocking. Partial mocking mixes classical mocking with real objects. There's no monkey patching `Object` or copying. Mock objects are isolated leaving real objects completely untainted. Plays nicely with MiniTest and [RSpec](http://rspec.info/). The interface is 100% compatible with [MiniTest::Mock](https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest) so there is nothing new to learn. SimpleMock's one and only dependancy is Ruby (1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.0).

## Installation

Add this to your project's Gemfile and run `$ bundle`.

``` ruby
gem 'simple_mock', :group => :test

SimpleMock is isolated so there is no need to set require to false.

## Usage

### Classical Mocking

A new SimpleMock object behaves identically to MiniTest::Mock.

``` ruby
mock_model = SimpleMock.new
mock_model.expect :valid?, true

mock_model.valid? # => true

mock_model.verify # => true

### Partial Mocking

Pass an object to mix expectations with the real object's original behaviour.

``` ruby
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :title, :presence => true

real_model = Post.new
mock_model = SimpleMock.new real_model
mock_model.class # => Post

mock_model.expect :valid?, true

mock_model.valid? # => true
mock_model.create # => true

mock_model.verify # => true

This is done with delegation, avoiding monkey patching and copying. The real object is completely untainted.

``` ruby
mock_model.valid  # => true
real_model.valid? # => false

real_model.object_id == mock_model.__getobj__.object_id # => true
real_model.object_id != mock_model.object_id            # => true

More documentation is available at [rubydoc.info](http://rubydoc.info/gems/simple_mock/frames).

## Performance

SimpleMock is fast. In [this benchmark](https://gist.github.com/1871840) we create an array, set an expectation and call that method 10,000 times.

``` plain
             user       system     total      real
mocha:       0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   (0.000279)
simple_mock: 0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   (0.000057)

## Caveats

Like MiniTest::Mock, `#expect` and `#verify` are reserved methods. Expectations should not be defined on real objects which implement these methods. As an alternative, consider creating an anonymous class which inherits from SimpleDelegator.

``` ruby
mock_class = Class.new SimpleDelegator do
  def verify *args
mock_instance = mock_class.new MyRealClass.new
mock_instance.verify # => true

SimpleMock does something similar to this under the hood.

## Copyright

Copyright © 2012 Tate Johnson. SimpleMock is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.