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It is a ZF2  module , about 42kb sized , plug and play architecture , super fast & super easy to use , Its job to audit Doctrine 2 entities in ZF2 and provide web interface to browse the audit log , inspired by https://github.com/simplethings/EntityAudit.

#### Version 0.1 Stable :
please refer to the [documentation page] 

#### Version 0.2 Stable  :
this versions is currently good for production 
please refer to the [documentation page] 

#### Upgrading :
It has a simple console script that will you to upgrade between 0.1 to 0.2 , I had use it in production & successfully upgraded about 10000 revisions . 
please refer to the [documentation page] 

#### PHP Unit Testing :
ZF2EntityAudit tests are executed on every commit on [Travis-ci.org](https://travis-ci.org/tawfekov/ZF2EntityAudit) againt both MYSQL & Sqlite with 94% code coverage .

#### Support :
Please don't be shy and share me with your problems & ideas about this module , I will be more than happy to hear form you .
feel free to submit bugs to  github issue tracker , via [@tawfekov] (http://www.twitter.com/tawfekov) or via 