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const fs = require('fs').promises
const path = require('path')

const shell = require('shelljs')

const { getPackages, isPro, registryUrl, errorExit } = require('../utils')

const cwd = process.cwd()

process.env.PATH = `${cwd}/bin:${cwd}/node_modules/.bin:${process.env.PATH}`

shell.config.verbose = true
shell.config.fatal = true


const { gitTag } = checkVersion()
let packages


async function main(ps) {


  packages = await getPackages()

  await runBuild()

  await commit()
  await pushAndPublish()

function configGitUser() {
  shell.exec('git config user.name "CI"')
  shell.exec('git config user.email "<>"')

function ensureCleanIndex() {
  // make sure the repo is clean
  try {
    shell.exec('git diff-index -G . HEAD --stat --exit-code')
  } catch {
    throw new Error('working directory must be clean')

function checkVersion() {
  const getVersion = require('../getVersion')
  const version = require('semver').clean(getVersion())

  if (!version) {
    throw new Error('failed to parse version')

  return {
    gitTag: 'v' + version,

function gitDetatch() {
  shell.exec('git checkout --detach')

function clean() {

async function runBuild() {
  // copy README to interactjs package
  await Promise.all(
      .filter((p) => p.endsWith('interactjs'))
      .map((p) => fs.copyFile(`${cwd}/README.md`, `${p}/README.md`)),

  // copy license file and npmignore to all packages
  const licenseFilename = isPro ? 'LICENSE.md' : 'LICENSE'
  await Promise.all(
    packages.map(async (pkg) => {
      await fs.copyFile(licenseFilename, path.join(pkg, licenseFilename))
      await fs.copyFile('.npmignore', path.join(pkg, '.npmignore'))

  if (isPro) await fs.rm(path.resolve('LICENSE'))

  // clean up scope deps
  shell.exec('npx _check_deps')

  if (!isPro) {
    // bundle interactjs
    shell.exec('npm run build:bundle')
    // ensure that the output is valid ES5 syntax
    shell.exec('acorn --silent --ecma5 packages/interactjs/dist/*.js')

    // generate docs
    shell.exec('npm run build:docs')

  // create @interactjs/**/use/* modules
  shell.exec('npx _add_plugin_indexes')

  // generate types
  shell.exec('npx _types')

  // generate esnext .js modules
  shell.exec('rollup -c esnext.rollup.config.cjs')
  // ensure that the output is valid ES2018 syntax
  shell.exec('acorn --silent --module --ecma2018 packages/**/*.js')

  // set publishConfig
  await editPackageJsons((pkg) => {
    pkg.publishConfig = isPro ? { access: 'restricted', registry: registryUrl } : { access: 'public' }

function commit() {
  // commit and add new version tag
  shell.exec('git add --all .')
  shell.exec('git add --force packages')
  if (!isPro) shell.exec('git add --force dist/api')
  shell.exec('git reset **/node_modules')
  shell.exec(`git commit --no-verify -m ${gitTag}`)

async function pushAndPublish() {
  const { NPM_TAG } = process.env

  try {
    shell.exec(`git push --no-verify origin HEAD:refs/tags/${gitTag}`)
  } catch {
    throw new Error(`failed to push git tag ${gitTag} to origin`)

  const gitHead = shell.exec('git rev-parse --short HEAD').trim()
  await editPackageJsons((pkg) => {
    pkg.gitHead = gitHead

  const { deleteAsync } = await import('del')
  if (isPro) await deleteAsync('packages/**/*.map')

  const npmPublishCommand = 'npm publish' + (NPM_TAG ? ` --tag ${NPM_TAG}` : '')
  const packagesToPublish = isPro ? packages.filter((p) => /@interactjs\//.test(p)) : packages

  for (const pkg of packagesToPublish) {
    shell.exec(npmPublishCommand, { cwd: path.resolve(pkg) })

  shell.exec('git checkout $(git ls-files "**package.json")')

async function editPackageJsons(func) {
  await Promise.all(
    ['.', ...packages].map(async (packageDir) => {
      const file = path.resolve(packageDir, 'package.json')
      const pkg = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(file)).toString())


      await fs.writeFile(file, `${JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)}\n`)