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# GitCloner

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GitCloner clone git repositoris from Gitclonerfile settings.

## Dependency
GitCloner depends on git. GitCloner use 'git clone' command.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'git_cloner'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install git_cloner

## CLI Usage

### show help

gitcloner h

### generate Gitclonerfile

gitcloner init


gitcloner i

Gitclonerfile contents is...  

# encoding: utf-8

# default_output place
# default_output allow only String
# default_output's default value => "./"
default_output "./"

# git repositries
# repos allow only Array(in Array, Hash[:place, :output, :copies])
# copies is option.
# copies must have Array[Hash{:from, :to}].
# you can copy files or directories.
# repos's default value => []
repos [
    place: 'https://github.com/tbpgr/rspec_piccolo.git',
    output: './tmp',
    copies: [
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/lib/rspec_piccolo", to: "./"},
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/spec", to: "./sample"}

### edit Gitclonerfile manually

# encoding: utf-8
default_output "./"
repos [
    place: "https://github.com/tbpgr/rspec_piccolo.git",
    output: "./tmp",
    copies: [
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/lib/rspec_piccolo", to: "./"}, 
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/spec", to: "./sample"}, 
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/spec/spec_helper.rb", to: "./helper/helper.rb"}, 
    place: "https://github.com/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils.git",

### execute clone repositories

gitcloner clone


gitcloner c

### confirm clone result

$ tree
┃ ┗spec_helper.rb
┃ ┗many files...
┃ ┠rspec_piccolo_spec.rb
┃ ┗spec_helper.rb
┃ ┗rspec_piccolo

## Direct Usage
if you want to use GitCloner directly in your ruby logic, you can use like this sample.

require 'git_cloner_core'

default_output = "./",
repos = [
    place: "https://github.com/tbpgr/rspec_piccolo.git",
    output: "./tmp",
    copies: [
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/lib/rspec_piccolo", to: "./"}, 
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/spec", to: "./sample"}, 
      {from: "./tmp/rspec_piccolo/spec/spec_helper.rb", to: "./helper/helper.rb"}, 
    place: "https://github.com/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils.git",

GitCloner::Core.new.clone default_output, repos

## Sample Usage
You want to copy chef cookbooks(cookbook1, cookbook2) to cookbooks directory.

generate Gitclonerfile  

gitcloner i

edit Gitclonerfile  

# encoding: utf-8
default_output "./cookbooks"
repos [
  {place: "https://github.com/some_account/cookbook1.git"},
  {place: "https://github.com/some_account/cookbook2.git"},

execute clone repositories  

gitcloner c

confirm results  

$ tree

## History
* version 0.0.4 : fix exit status.
* version 0.0.3 : enable direct call clone.
* version 0.0.2 : add files,directories copy.
* version 0.0.1 : first release.

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request