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File `Seq.ts` has 529 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.
import { identity } from "@tdreyno/figment"
export const DONE = Symbol()
type Tramp<T> = () => typeof DONE | T
`Seq` has 45 functions (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
export class Seq<T> {
public static MAX_YIELDS = 1_000_000
private yields_ = 0
constructor(private source_: () => Tramp<T>) {}
public map<U>(fn: (value: T, index: number) => U): Seq<U> {
return new Seq(() => {
const parentNext = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | U => {
const result = parentNext()
if (result === DONE) {
return DONE
return fn(result, counter++)
public window(size: number, allowPartialWindow = true): Seq<T[]> {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
const self: Seq<T> = this
return new Seq(() => {
let head: Seq<T> = self
return (): typeof DONE | T[] => {
const items = head.take(size).toArray()
if (!allowPartialWindow && items.length < size) {
return DONE
head = head.skip(size)
return items
public pairwise(): Seq<[T, T]> {
return this.window(2, false) as unknown as Seq<[T, T]>
public isEmpty(): boolean {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
return next() === DONE
public tap(fn: (value: T, index: number) => void): Seq<T> {
return, k) => {
fn(v, k)
return v
public log(): Seq<T> {
return this.tap((v, k) => console.log([k, v]))
public flatMap<U>(fn: (value: T, index: number) => U[]): Seq<U> {
public flat<U>(this: Seq<U[]>): Seq<U> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let items = next()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | U => {
if (items === DONE) {
return DONE
if (counter >= items.length) {
items = next()
counter = 0
if (items === DONE) {
return DONE
return items[counter++]
public filter(fn: (value: T, index: number) => unknown): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
while (true) {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
if (fn(item, counter++)) {
return item
public compact<C>(): Seq<C> {
return this.filter(identity) as unknown as Seq<C>
public concat(...tail: Array<Seq<T>>): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const nexts = [
this.createTrampoline_(), => s.createTrampoline_()),
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
while (true) {
if (nexts.length === 0) {
return DONE
const currentSeq = nexts[0]
const item = currentSeq()
if (item === DONE) {
return item
public interleave(...tail: Array<Seq<T>>): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const nexts = [this.source_(), => s.source_())]
let index = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
while (true) {
if (nexts.length === 0) {
return DONE
const boundedIndex = index++ % nexts.length
const next = nexts[boundedIndex]
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
nexts.splice(boundedIndex, 1)
return item
public interpose(separator: T): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let backPressure: T | undefined
let lastWasSep = true
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
if (backPressure) {
const previousItem = backPressure
backPressure = undefined
lastWasSep = false
return previousItem
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
if (!lastWasSep) {
lastWasSep = true
backPressure = item
return separator
lastWasSep = false
return item
public distinctBy<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): Seq<T> {
const seen = new Set<U>()
return this.filter(value => {
const compareBy = fn(value)
if (seen.has(compareBy)) {
return false
return true
public distinct(): Seq<T> {
return this.distinctBy(identity)
Function `partitionBy` has 52 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public partitionBy(
fn: (value: T, index: number) => unknown,
): [Seq<T>, Seq<T>] {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
const self = this
const trueBackpressure: T[] = []
const falseBackpressure: T[] = []
let previousSource: ReturnType<typeof self.source_> | undefined
const singletonTrampoline = (): Tramp<T> => {
if (!previousSource) {
previousSource = self.createTrampoline_()
return previousSource
return [
new Seq(() => {
const next = singletonTrampoline()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
while (true) {
if (trueBackpressure.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
return trueBackpressure.shift()!
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
if (fn(item, counter++)) {
return item
} else {
new Seq(() => {
const next = singletonTrampoline()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
while (true) {
if (falseBackpressure.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
return falseBackpressure.shift()!
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
if (!fn(item, counter++)) {
return item
} else {
public includes(value: T): boolean {
return !!this.find(a => a === value)
public find(fn: (value: T, index: number) => unknown): T | undefined {
return this.filter(fn).first()
public reduce<A>(fn: (sum: A, value: T, index: number) => A, initial: A): A {
const parentNext = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
let current: A = initial
while (true) {
const result = parentNext()
if (result === DONE) {
return current
current = fn(current, result, counter++)
public join(this: Seq<string>, separator = ","): string {
return this.reduce((sum, str) => sum + str + separator, "").slice(0, -1)
public pipe<U>(fn: (value: Seq<T>) => U): U {
return fn(this)
public some(fn: (value: T, index: number) => unknown): boolean {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
while (true) {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return false
if (fn(item, counter++)) {
return true
public every(fn: (value: T, index: number) => unknown): boolean {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
while (true) {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return true
if (!fn(item, counter++)) {
return false
public takeWhile(fn: (value: T, index: number) => unknown): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
if (!fn(item, counter++)) {
return DONE
return item
public take(num: number): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let i = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
if (i++ >= num) {
return DONE
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
return item
public skipWhile(fn: (value: T, index: number) => unknown): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
while (true) {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
if (fn(item, counter++)) {
return item
public skip(num: number): Seq<T> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let doneSkipping = false
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
if (!doneSkipping) {
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
const skippedItem = next()
if (skippedItem === DONE) {
return DONE
doneSkipping = true
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return DONE
return item
public nth(i: number): T | undefined {
return this.skip(i - 1).first()
public index(i: number): T | undefined {
return this.skip(i).first()
public first(): T | undefined {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return undefined
return item
public zipWith<T2, T3>(
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
fn: (
[result1, result2]: [T, T2] | [T, undefined] | [undefined, T2],
index: number,
) => T3,
seq2: Seq<T2>,
): Seq<T3> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next1 = this.createTrampoline_()
const next2 = seq2.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T3 => {
const result1 = next1()
const result2 = next2()
if (result1 === DONE && result2 === DONE) {
return DONE
if (result1 === DONE && result2 !== DONE) {
return fn([undefined, result2], counter++)
if (result1 !== DONE && result2 === DONE) {
return fn([result1, undefined], counter++)
return fn([result1 as T, result2 as T2], counter++)
public zip<T2>(seq2: Seq<T2>): Seq<[T | undefined, T2 | undefined]> {
return this.zipWith(identity, seq2)
Function `zip2With` has 33 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public zip2With<T2, T3, T4>(
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
fn: (
[result1, result2, result3]:
| [T, T2, T3]
| [T, undefined, undefined]
| [T, T2, undefined]
| [T, undefined, T3]
| [undefined, T2, undefined]
| [undefined, T2, T3]
| [undefined, undefined, T3],
index: number,
) => T4,
seq2: Seq<T2>,
seq3: Seq<T3>,
): Seq<T4> {
return new Seq(() => {
const next1 = this.createTrampoline_()
const next2 = seq2.createTrampoline_()
const next3 = seq3.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
return (): typeof DONE | T4 => {
const result1 = next1()
const result2 = next2()
const result3 = next3()
if (result1 === DONE && result2 === DONE && result3 === DONE) {
return DONE
if (result1 !== DONE && result2 === DONE && result3 === DONE) {
return fn([result1, undefined, undefined], counter++)
if (result1 !== DONE && result2 !== DONE && result3 === DONE) {
return fn([result1, result2, undefined], counter++)
if (result1 !== DONE && result2 === DONE && result3 !== DONE) {
return fn([result1, undefined, result3], counter++)
if (result1 === DONE && result2 !== DONE && result3 === DONE) {
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return fn([undefined, result2, undefined], counter++)
if (result1 === DONE && result2 !== DONE && result3 !== DONE) {
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return fn([undefined, result2, result3], counter++)
if (result1 === DONE && result2 === DONE && result3 !== DONE) {
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return fn([undefined, undefined, result3], counter++)
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return fn([result1 as T, result2 as T2, result3 as T3], counter++)
public zip2<T2, T3>(
seq2: Seq<T2>,
seq3: Seq<T3>,
): Seq<[T | undefined, T2 | undefined, T3 | undefined]> {
return this.zip2With(identity, seq2, seq3)
public *[Symbol.iterator]() {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
while (true) {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
yield item
public toArray(): T[] {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
const result: T[] = []
while (true) {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
return result
public forEach(fn: (value: T, index: number) => void): void {
const next = this.createTrampoline_()
let counter = 0
while (true) {
const item = next()
if (item === DONE) {
fn(item, counter++)
public sumBy(fn: (value: T) => number): number {
return, num) => sum + num, 0)
public sum(this: Seq<number>): number {
return this.sumBy(identity)
public averageBy(fn: (value: T) => number): number {
return, num, i) => sum + (num - sum) / (i + 1), 0)
public average(this: Seq<number>): number {
return this.averageBy(identity)
public frequencies(): Map<T, number> {
return this.reduce((sum, value) => {
if (sum.has(value)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
return sum.set(value, sum.get(value)! + 1)
return sum.set(value, 0 + 1)
}, new Map<T, number>())
public groupBy<U>(fn: (item: T) => U): Map<U, T[]> {
return this.reduce((sum, item) => {
const group = fn(item)
if (sum.has(group)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const currentArray = sum.get(group)!
return sum.set(group, currentArray)
return sum.set(group, [item])
}, new Map<U, T[]>())
// Barely public. Do not use.
public createTrampoline_(): () => typeof DONE | T {
const nextCallback = this.source_()
return (): typeof DONE | T => {
const result = nextCallback()
if (++this.yields_ > Seq.MAX_YIELDS) {
throw new Error(
`Seq has yielded ${this.yields_} times. If this is okay, set Seq.MAX_YIELDS to a higher number (currently ${Seq.MAX_YIELDS}).`,
return result