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  <h3 align="center"><strong>Manage Your Data & Connect Your Team</strong></h3>
  <p>Teable uses a simple, spreadsheet-like interface to create powerful database applications. Collaborate with your team in real-time, and scale to millions of rows
  <p>Try out Teable using our hosted version at <a href="https://teable.io">teable.io</a></p>

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## Quick Guide

1. Looking for a quick experience? Select a scenario from the [template center](https://template.teable.io) and click "Use this template".
2. Seeking high performance? Try the [1 million rows demo](https://app.teable.io/share/shrVgdLiOvNQABtW0yX/view) to feel the speed of Teable.
3. Want to learn to use it quickly? Click on this [tutorial](https://help.teable.io/quick-start/build-a-simple-base)
4. Interested in deploying it yourself? Click [Deploy on Railway](https://railway.app/template/wada5e?referralCode=rE4BjB)

## ✨Features

### 🍺 Feature Packed

Everything you need, right out of the box:

- [x] Aggregation
- [x] Attachments Preview
- [x] Batch Editing
- [x] Charts
- [x] Comments
- [x] Custom Columns
- [x] Field Conversion
- [x] Filtering
- [x] Formatting
- [x] Formula Support
- [x] Grouping
- [x] History
- [x] Import/Export
- [x] Millions of Rows
- [x] Plugins
- [x] Real-time
- [x] Search
- [x] Sorting
- [x] SQL Query
- [x] Undo/Redo
- [x] Validation

### 🏞️ Multiple Views

Visualize and interact with data in various ways best suited for their specific tasks.

- [x] Grid View
- [x] Form View
- [x] Kanban View
- [x] Gallery View
- [x] Calendar View

<table align="center" style="width: 100%;">
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Grid View" src="static/assets/images/view-grid.png"></td>
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Search" src="static/assets/images/search.png"></td>
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Calendar View" src="static/assets/images/view-calendar.png"></td>
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Gallery View" src="static/assets/images/view-gallery.png"></td>
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Kanban View" src="static/assets/images/view-kanban.png"></td>
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Form View" src="static/assets/images/view-form.png"></td>
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Comments" src="static/assets/images/comments.png"></td>
    <td width="50%"><img alt="Record history" src="static/assets/images/record-history.png"></td>

### πŸ“Š Charts & Dashboard

  <img alt="Teable Dashboard" width="100%" src="static/assets/images/dashboard.png">

More features coming soon, see our <a target="_blank" href="https://app.teable.io/share/shr04TEw1u9EOQojPmG/view">Roadmap</a>


# Structure

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β”œβ”€β”€ apps (AGPL 3.0) 
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ nextjs-app          (front-end)
β”‚   └── nestjs-backend      (backend)
β”œβ”€β”€ packages (MIT)
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ common-i18n         (locales)
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ core                (share code and interface)
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ sdk                 (sdk for extensions)
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ db-main-prisma      (schema, migrations, prisma client)
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ eslint-config-bases (to shared eslint configs)
β”‚   └── ui-lib              (ui component)
└── plugins (AGPL 3.0)      (custom plugins)


## Deploy

### Deploy With Docker

cd dockers/examples/standalone/
docker-compose up -d

for more details, see [install teable](https://help.teable.io/deployment/docker-compose)

### One Click Deployment

These platforms are easy to deploy with one click and come with free credits.

[![Deploy on Railway](https://railway.app/button.svg)](https://railway.app/template/wada5e?referralCode=rE4BjB)

[![Deploy on Zeabur](https://zeabur.com/button.svg)](https://zeabur.com/templates/QF8695)

[![Deploy on Sealos](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/labring-actions/templates/main/Deploy-on-Sealos.svg)](https://cloud.sealos.io/?openapp=system-template%3FtemplateName%3Dteable)

[![Deploy to RepoCloud](https://d16t0pc4846x52.cloudfront.net/deploylobe.svg)](https://repocloud.io/details/?app_id=273)

[![Deploy on Elestio](https://elest.io/images/logos/deploy-to-elestio-btn.png)](https://elest.io/open-source/teable)

[![Deploy on AlibabaCloud ComputeNest](https://service-info-public.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/computenest-en.svg)](https://computenest.console.aliyun.com/service/instance/create/default?ServiceName=Teable%20%E7%A4%BE%E5%8C%BA%E7%89%88)

## Development

#### 1. Initialize

# Enabling the Help Management Package Manager
corepack enable

# Install project dependencies
pnpm install

#### 2. Select Database

we currently support `sqlite` (dev only) and `postgres`, you can switch between them by running the following command

make switch-db-mode

#### 3. Custom Environment Variables(OptionalοΌ‰

cd apps/nextjs-app
cp .env.development .env.development.local

#### 4. Run Dev Server

you just need to start backend, it will start next server for frontend automatically, file change will be auto reload

cd apps/nestjs-backend
pnpm dev

By default, the plugin development server is not started. To preview and develop plugins, run:
cd plugins
pnpm dev
This will start the plugin development server on port 3002.

## Why Teable?

No-code tools have significantly speed up how we get things done, allowing non-tech users to build amazing apps and changing the way many work and live. People like using spreadsheet-like UI to handle their data because it's easy, flexible, and great for team collaboration. They also prefer designing their app screens without being stuck with clunky templates.

Giving non-techy people the ability to create their software sounds exciting. But that's just the start:

- As businesses expand, their data needs intensify. No one wishes to hear that once their orders reach 100k, they'll outgrow their current interface. Yet, many no-code platforms falter at such scales.
- Most no-code platforms are cloud-based. This means your important data sits with the provider, and switching to another platform can be a headache.
- Sometimes, no-code tools can't do what you want because of their limitations, leaving users stuck.
- If a tool becomes essential, you'll eventually need some tech expertise. But developers often find these platforms tricky.
- Maintaining systems with complex setups can be hard for developers, especially if these aren't built using common software standards.
- Systems that don't use these standards might need revamping or replacing, costing more in the long run. It might even mean ditching the no-code route and going back to traditional coding.

#### What We Think the Future Of No-code Products Look Like

- An interface that anyone can use to build applications easily.
- Easy access to data, letting users grab, move, and reuse their information as they wish.
- Data privacy and choice, whether that's in the cloud, on-premise, or even just on your local.
- It needs to work for developers too, not just non-tech users.
- It should handle lots of data, so it can grow with your business.
- Flexibility to integrate with other software, combining strengths to get the job done.
- Last, native AI integration to takes usability to the next level.

In essence, Teable isn't just another no-code solution, it's a comprehensive answer to the evolving demands of modern software development, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their technical proficiency, has a platform tailored to their needs.

# License

### Editions

Teable Community Edition (CE) is the current available version, it's free for self-host under the AGPL license.

Teable Enterprise Edition (EE) is yet to be published, it will have more advanced features and enterprise-oriented offerings, including but not exclusive to authority matrix, automation, advanced admin and audit, etc., you may refer to https://help.teable.io/deployment/docker-compose for more information

See [./LICENSE](./LICENSE) for details.