/* eslint-disable sonarjs/no-duplicate-string */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import { ForbiddenException, NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common';
import type { TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import type { Action } from '@teable/core';
import { Role, getPermissions } from '@teable/core';
import { PrismaService } from '@teable/db-main-prisma';
import { noop } from 'lodash';
import { ClsService } from 'nestjs-cls';
import type { DeepMockProxy } from 'vitest-mock-extended';
import { mockDeep, mockReset } from 'vitest-mock-extended';
import type { IClsStore } from '../../types/cls';
import { PermissionService } from './permission.service';
describe('PermissionService', () => {
let service: PermissionService;
let prismaServiceMock: DeepMockProxy<PrismaService>;
let clsServiceMock: DeepMockProxy<ClsService<IClsStore>>;
beforeEach(async () => {
prismaServiceMock = mockDeep<PrismaService>();
clsServiceMock = mockDeep<ClsService<IClsStore>>();
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [PermissionService, PrismaService, ClsService],
service = module.get<PermissionService>(PermissionService);
afterEach(() => {
describe('getRoleBySpaceId', () => {
it('should return a SpaceRole', async () => {
const spaceId = 'space-id';
const roleName = 'space-role';
prismaServiceMock.collaborator.findFirst.mockResolvedValue({ roleName } as any);
const result = await service['getRoleBySpaceId'](spaceId);
it('should throw a ForbiddenException if collaborator is not found', async () => {
const spaceId = 'space-id';
await expect(service['getRoleBySpaceId'](spaceId)).rejects.toThrowError(
new ForbiddenException(`you have no permission to access this space`)
describe('getRoleByBaseId', () => {
it('should return a BaseRole', async () => {
const baseId = 'base-id';
const roleName = 'base-role';
prismaServiceMock.collaborator.findFirst.mockResolvedValue({ roleName } as any);
const result = await service['getRoleByBaseId'](baseId);
it('should return null if collaborator is not found', async () => {
const baseId = 'base-id';
const result = await service['getRoleByBaseId'](baseId);
describe('getPermissionsByResourceId', () => {
it('should return permissions for a space resource', async () => {
const resourceId = 'spcxxxxxxxx';
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getPermissionBySpaceId').mockImplementation(noop);
await service.getPermissionsByResourceId(resourceId);
it('should return permissions for a base resource', async () => {
const resourceId = 'bsexxxxxx';
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getPermissionByBaseId').mockImplementation(noop);
await service.getPermissionsByResourceId(resourceId);
expect(service['getPermissionByBaseId']).toHaveBeenCalledWith(resourceId, undefined);
it('should return permissions for a table resource', async () => {
const resourceId = 'tblxxxxxxx';
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getPermissionByTableId').mockImplementation(noop);
await service.getPermissionsByResourceId(resourceId);
expect(service['getPermissionByTableId']).toHaveBeenCalledWith(resourceId, undefined);
it('should throw an error if resource is not found', async () => {
const resourceId = 'invalid-id';
await expect(service.getPermissionsByResourceId(resourceId)).rejects.toThrowError(
new ForbiddenException('request path is not valid')
describe('getUpperIdByBaseId', () => {
it('should return spaceId when valid baseId is provided', async () => {
const baseId = 'bsexxxxxxxx';
const spaceId = 'spcxxxxxxxxx';
prismaServiceMock.base.findFirst.mockResolvedValueOnce({ spaceId } as any);
const result = await service['getUpperIdByBaseId'](baseId);
expect(result).toEqual({ spaceId });
it('should throw NotFoundException when invalid baseId is provided', async () => {
const baseId = 'bsexxxxxxxx';
await expect(service['getUpperIdByBaseId'](baseId)).rejects.toThrowError(NotFoundException);
describe('isBaseIdAllowedForResource', () => {
it('should return true when baseId is allowed for the resource', async () => {
const baseId = 'bsexxxxxxxxx';
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxxx'];
const baseIds = ['bsexxxxxxxxx'];
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getUpperIdByBaseId').mockResolvedValueOnce({
spaceId: 'spcxxxxxxx',
const result = await service['isBaseIdAllowedForResource'](baseId, spaceIds, baseIds);
it('should return false when baseId is not allowed for the resource', async () => {
const baseId = 'invalidBaseId';
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxxx'];
const baseIds = ['bsexxxxxxxxx'];
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getUpperIdByBaseId').mockResolvedValueOnce({
spaceId: 'spc222222222',
const result = await service['isBaseIdAllowedForResource'](baseId, spaceIds, baseIds);
it('should return true when baseIds is undefined', async () => {
const baseId = 'bsexxxxxxxxx';
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxxx'];
const baseIds = undefined;
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getUpperIdByBaseId').mockResolvedValueOnce({
spaceId: 'spcxxxxxxx',
const result = await service['isBaseIdAllowedForResource'](baseId, spaceIds, baseIds);
describe('isTableIdAllowedForResource', () => {
it('should return true when tableId is allowed for the resource', async () => {
const tableId = 'validTableId';
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxx'];
const baseIds = ['bsexxxxxx'];
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getUpperIdByTableId').mockResolvedValueOnce({
spaceId: 'spcxxxxxx',
baseId: 'bsexxxxxx',
const result = await service['isTableIdAllowedForResource'](tableId, spaceIds, baseIds);
it('should return false when tableId is not allowed for the resource', async () => {
const tableId = 'invalidTableId';
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxx'];
const baseIds = ['bsexxxxxx'];
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getUpperIdByTableId').mockResolvedValueOnce({
spaceId: 'spc11111111',
baseId: 'bse1111111',
const result = await service['isTableIdAllowedForResource'](tableId, spaceIds, baseIds);
it('should return true when baseIds is undefined', async () => {
const tableId = 'tblxxxxxx';
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxx'];
const baseIds = undefined;
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'getUpperIdByTableId').mockResolvedValueOnce({
spaceId: 'spcxxxxxx',
baseId: 'bsexxxxxxx',
const result = await service['isTableIdAllowedForResource'](tableId, spaceIds, baseIds);
describe('getPermissionsByAccessToken', () => {
it('should return scopes when resourceId is a valid spaceId and allowed', async () => {
const resourceId = 'spcxxxxxxx';
const accessTokenId = 'validAccessTokenId';
const scopes: Action[] = ['table|create', 'table|update'];
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxxx'];
vi.spyOn(service, 'getAccessToken').mockResolvedValueOnce({
baseIds: undefined,
const result = await service.getPermissionsByAccessToken(resourceId, accessTokenId);
it('should throw ForbiddenException when resourceId is a valid spaceId but not allowed', async () => {
const resourceId = 'invalidSpaceId';
const accessTokenId = 'validAccessTokenId';
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxxx'];
vi.spyOn(service, 'getAccessToken').mockResolvedValueOnce({
scopes: ['table|update'],
baseIds: undefined,
await expect(
service.getPermissionsByAccessToken(resourceId, accessTokenId)
it('should throw ForbiddenException when resourceId is a valid baseId but not allowed', async () => {
const resourceId = 'bsexxxxxx';
const accessTokenId = 'validAccessTokenId';
const baseIds = ['bsexxxxxx1'];
vi.spyOn(service, 'getAccessToken').mockResolvedValueOnce({
scopes: ['table|read'],
spaceIds: undefined,
vi.spyOn(service as any, 'isBaseIdAllowedForResource').mockResolvedValueOnce(false);
await expect(
service.getPermissionsByAccessToken(resourceId, accessTokenId)
it('should throw ForbiddenException when resourceId is a valid tableId but not allowed', async () => {
const resourceId = 'invalidTableId';
const accessTokenId = 'validAccessTokenId';
const baseIds = ['bsexxxxxx'];
const spaceIds = ['spcxxxxxxx'];
vi.spyOn(service, 'getAccessToken').mockResolvedValueOnce({
scopes: ['table|read'],
await expect(
service.getPermissionsByAccessToken(resourceId, accessTokenId)
describe('getPermissions', () => {
it('should return permissions for a user', async () => {
const resourceId = 'bsexxxxxx';
vi.spyOn(service, 'getPermissionsByResourceId').mockResolvedValue(
const result = await service.getPermissions(resourceId);
it('should return permissions for access token', async () => {
const resourceId = 'bsexxxxxx';
vi.spyOn(service, 'getPermissionsByResourceId').mockResolvedValue(
vi.spyOn(service, 'getPermissionsByAccessToken').mockResolvedValue([
const result = await service.getPermissions(resourceId, 'access-token-id');
describe('validPermissions', () => {
it('should return true if user has all required permissions', async () => {
const permissions = getPermissions(Role.Creator);
vi.spyOn(service, 'getPermissions').mockResolvedValue(permissions);
const resourceId = 'bsexxxxxx';
const result = await service.validPermissions(resourceId, ['base|create']);
it('should throw an error if user does not have all required permissions', async () => {
vi.spyOn(service, 'getPermissions').mockResolvedValue(getPermissions(Role.Editor));
const resourceId = 'bsexxxxxx';
await expect(service.validPermissions(resourceId, ['space|create'])).rejects.toThrowError(
new ForbiddenException(`not allowed to operate space|create on ${resourceId}`)