import { DragDropContext, Droppable } from '@hello-pangea/dnd';
import type { DropResult } from '@hello-pangea/dnd';
import { FieldKeyType, FieldType } from '@teable/core';
import type { IUpdateRecordRo } from '@teable/openapi';
import { generateLocalId } from '@teable/sdk/components';
import { useTableId, useViewId } from '@teable/sdk/hooks';
import { Record } from '@teable/sdk/model';
import { keyBy } from 'lodash';
import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { UNCATEGORIZED_STACK_ID } from '../constant';
import type { IKanbanContext } from '../context';
import { useKanban } from '../hooks';
import { useKanbanStackCollapsedStore } from '../store';
import { getCellValueByStack, moveTo, reorder } from '../utils';
import type { ICardMap } from './interface';
import { KanbanStackContainer } from './KanbanStackContainer';
import { KanbanStackCreator } from './KanbanStackCreator';
const EMPTY_LIST: never[] = [];
export const KanbanContainer = () => {
const tableId = useTableId();
const viewId = useViewId();
const { collapsedStackMap } = useKanbanStackCollapsedStore();
const { permission, stackField, stackCollection } = useKanban() as Required<IKanbanContext>;
const [cardMap, setCardMap] = useState<ICardMap>({});
const [stackIds, setStackIds] = useState({ id }) => id));
const localId = generateLocalId(tableId, viewId);
const { stackCreatable } = permission;
const { id: fieldId, type: fieldType, isLookup } = stackField;
const isSingleSelectField = fieldType === FieldType.SingleSelect && !isLookup;
const collapsedStackIdSet = useMemo(() => {
return new Set(collapsedStackMap[localId] ?? []);
}, [localId, collapsedStackMap]);
useEffect(() => {
setStackIds({ id }) => id));
}, [stackCollection]);
const stackMap = useMemo(() => keyBy(stackCollection, 'id'), [stackCollection]);
const setCardMapInner = useCallback((partialCardMap: ICardMap) => {
setCardMap((prev) => ({ ...prev, ...partialCardMap }));
}, []);
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
const onDragEnd = (result: DropResult) => {
const { source, destination } = result;
if (!destination) return;
const { droppableId: sourceStackId, index: sourceIndex } = source;
const { droppableId: targetStackId, index: targetIndex } = destination;
if (sourceStackId === viewId) {
const newStackIds = reorder(stackIds, sourceIndex, targetIndex);
if (!isSingleSelectField || sourceIndex === targetIndex) {
const { choices } = stackField.options;
const choiceMap = keyBy(choices, 'name');
const newChoices = newStackIds
.map((choiceId) => {
if (choiceId === UNCATEGORIZED_STACK_ID) return;
const stack = stackMap[choiceId];
if (stack == null) return;
return choiceMap[ as string];
type: fieldType,
options: { ...stackField.options, choices: newChoices },
if (sourceStackId === targetStackId) {
const cards = cardMap[sourceStackId];
const cardCount = cards?.length;
if (!cardCount) return;
if (sourceIndex < cardCount && targetIndex < cardCount) {
if (tableId && viewId) {
Record.updateRecordOrders(tableId, viewId, {
anchorId: cards[targetIndex].id,
position: targetIndex > sourceIndex ? 'after' : 'before',
recordIds: [cards[sourceIndex].id],
const newCards = reorder(cards, sourceIndex, targetIndex);
setCardMapInner({ [sourceStackId]: newCards });
const sourceCards = cardMap[sourceStackId];
const targetCards = cardMap[targetStackId];
const sourceCardId = sourceCards?.[sourceIndex]?.id;
const targetCardId = targetCards?.[targetIndex]?.id;
if (tableId && viewId && sourceCardId) {
const stack = stackCollection.find(({ id }) => id === targetStackId);
if (stack == null) return;
const fieldValue = getCellValueByStack(stack);
const recordRo: IUpdateRecordRo = {
fieldKeyType: FieldKeyType.Id,
record: {
fields: {
[fieldId]: fieldValue,
// Drag a card to the end of another stack
if (targetCardId == null) {
if (targetIndex !== 0) {
const lastTargetCardId = targetCards?.[targetIndex - 1]?.id;
if (lastTargetCardId != null) {
recordRo.order = {
anchorId: lastTargetCardId,
position: 'after',
} else {
recordRo.order = {
anchorId: targetCardId,
position: 'before',
Record.updateRecord(tableId, sourceCardId, recordRo);
const { sourceList, targetList } = moveTo({
source: sourceCards,
target: targetCards,
[sourceStackId]: sourceList,
[targetStackId]: targetList,
return (
<DragDropContext onDragEnd={onDragEnd}>
<div className="flex h-full">
<Droppable droppableId={viewId!} direction="horizontal" type="column">
{(provided) => {
const { droppableProps, placeholder } = provided;
return (
<div ref={provided.innerRef} {...droppableProps} className="flex shrink-0">
{, index) => {
const stack = stackMap[stackId];
if (stack == null) return null;
const isCollapsed = collapsedStackIdSet.has(stackId as string);
return (
cards={cardMap[stackId] ?? EMPTY_LIST}
{stackCreatable && isSingleSelectField && (
<div className="pr-2">
<KanbanStackCreator />