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Function getFieldsByProjection has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  public async getFieldsByProjection(
    tableId: string,
    projection?: { [fieldNameOrId: string]: boolean },
    fieldKeyType: FieldKeyType = FieldKeyType.Id
  ) {
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nestjs-backend/src/features/record/record.service.ts - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function castToSingleSelect has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  private async castToSingleSelect(cellValues: unknown[]): Promise<unknown[]> {
    const allValuesSet = new Set<string>();
    const { preventAutoNewOptions } = this.field.options as ISelectFieldOptions;
    const existsChoicesNameMap = this.cache.choicesMap as Record<string, ISelectFieldChoice>;
    const newCellValues = this.mapFieldsCellValuesWithValidate(cellValues, (cellValue: unknown) => {
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nestjs-backend/src/features/record/typecast.validate.ts - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function getSearchFields has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  async getSearchFields(
    originFieldInstanceMap: Record<string, IFieldInstance>,
    search?: [string, string?, boolean?],
    viewId?: string,
    projection?: string[]
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nestjs-backend/src/features/record/record.service.ts - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function selectionCoverAttachments has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const selectionCoverAttachments = (selection: CombinedSelection, fields: Field[]) => {
  const { type, ranges } = selection;
  switch (type) {
    case SelectionRegionType.Cells: {
      const [start, end] = ranges;
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nextjs-app/src/features/app/blocks/view/grid/utils/selection.ts - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function checkConfig has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  private checkConfig() {
    const { tokenExpireIn } = this.config;
    if (ms(tokenExpireIn) >= ms('7d')) {
      throw new BadRequestException('Token expire in must be more than 7 days');
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nestjs-backend/src/features/attachments/plugins/s3.ts - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function ResetPasswordPage has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const ResetPasswordPage = () => {
  const [error, setError] = useState<string>();
  const [password, setPassword] = useState<string>();
  const router = useRouter();
  const code = router.query.code as string;
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nextjs-app/src/features/auth/pages/ResetPasswordPage.tsx - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function sentryFlushServerSide has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

const sentryFlushServerSide = async (flushAfter: number) => {
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
    try {
      await sentryFlush(flushAfter);
    } catch (e) {
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nextjs-app/src/pages/_error.tsx - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function AddDateFieldDialog has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const AddDateFieldDialog = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation(tableConfig.i18nNamespaces);
  const view = useView();
  const tableId = useTableId();
  const permission = useTablePermission();

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function InplaceFieldConfigPanel has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

const InplaceFieldConfigPanel = (props: IInplaceFieldConfigPanel) => {
  const baseId = useBaseId() as string;
  const { t } = useTranslation(['table']);
  const { tableId, workSheets, insertConfig, onChange, errorMessage } = props;

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function NumberFormatting has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const NumberFormatting: React.FC<IProps> = (props) => {
  const { formatting = defaultNumberFormatting, onChange } = props;
  const { type, precision } = formatting;
  const { t } = useTranslation(['table']);

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function Account has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const Account: React.FC = () => {
  const { user: sessionUser, refresh, refreshAvatar } = useSession();
  const { t } = useTranslation('common');

  const updateUserAvatarMutation = useMutation(updateUserAvatar, {
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nextjs-app/src/features/app/components/setting/Account.tsx - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function LoginPage has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const LoginPage = (props: { children?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[] }) => {
  const { children } = props;
  const { t } = useTranslation(authConfig.i18nNamespaces);
  const router = useRouter();
  const redirect = decodeURIComponent((router.query.redirect as string) || '');
Severity: Minor
Found in apps/nextjs-app/src/features/auth/pages/LoginPage.tsx - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function OAuthAppDecisionPage has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const OAuthAppDecisionPage = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { user } = useSession();
  const transactionId = router.query.transaction_id as string;
  const getPreviewUrl = usePreviewUrl();

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function ExpirationSelect has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const ExpirationSelect = (props: IExpirationSelect) => {
  const { onChange } = props;
  const [isCustom, setIsCustom] = useState<boolean>(false);
  const [date, setDate] = useState<Date>();
  const { t } = useTranslation('token');

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function NotificationsManage has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const NotificationsManage: React.FC = () => {
  const queryClient = useQueryClient();
  const notification = useNotification();
  const { t } = useTranslation('common');

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading
