
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "brand": "Teable",
  "actions": {
    "title": "Actions",
    "add": "Add",
    "save": "Save",
    "doNotSave": "Don't Save",
    "submit": "Submit",
    "confirm": "Confirm",
    "close": "Close",
    "edit": "Edit",
    "fill": "Fill",
    "update": "Update",
    "create": "Create",
    "delete": "Delete",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "zoomIn": "Zoom in",
    "zoomOut": "Zoom out",
    "back": "Back",
    "remove": "Remove",
    "saveSucceed": "Save Succeed!",
    "submitSucceed": "Submit Succeed!",
    "editSucceed": "Edit Succeed!",
    "updateSucceed": "Update Succeed!",
    "deleteSucceed": "Delete Succeed!",
    "resetSucceed": "Empty trash Succeed!",
    "restoreSucceed": "Restored Succeed!",
    "loading": "Loading...",
    "refreshPage": "Refresh Page",
    "yesDelete": "Yes, delete",
    "rename": "Rename",
    "duplicate": "Duplicate",
    "change": "Change",
    "upgrade": "Upgrade",
    "search": "Search",
    "loadMore": "Load more",
    "collapseSidebar": "Collapse Sidebar",
    "restore": "Restore",
    "permanentDelete": "Permanent Delete",
    "globalSearch": "Global Search",
    "fieldSearch": "Search Field",
    "tableIndex": "Index",
    "showAllRow": "Display all rows",
    "hideNotMatchRow": "Hide not match row",
    "more": "More"
  "quickAction": {
    "title": "Quick Actions...",
    "placeHolder": "Type a command or search..."
  "password": {
    "setInvalid": "The password is invalid, at least 8 characters, and must contain at least one letter and one number."
  "settings": {
    "title": "Settings",
    "back": "Back to home",
    "account": {
      "title": "My profile",
      "tab": "My Account",
      "updatePhoto": "Update photo",
      "updateNameDesc": "Your name will be displayed on contributions and mentions. You can change it anytime.",
      "securityTitle": "Account security",
      "email": "Email",
      "password": "Password",
      "passwordDesc": "Set a permanent password to login to your account.",
      "changePassword": {
        "title": "Change password",
        "desc": "Please enter your current password and your new password.",
        "current": "Enter your current password",
        "new": "Enter your new password",
        "confirm": "Confirm your new password"
      "changePasswordError": {
        "disMatch": "Your new password does not match.",
        "equal": "Your new password must be different from your current password.",
        "invalid": "Your current password is invalid."
      "changePasswordSuccess": {
        "title": "🎉 Change password successfully.",
        "desc": "You will be redirected to the login page in 2 seconds."
      "manageToken": "Access Token",
      "addPassword": {
        "title": "Add password",
        "desc": "Set a permanent password to login to your account.",
        "password": "Enter your password",
        "confirm": "Confirm your password"
      "addPasswordError": {
        "disMatch": "Your password does not match."
      "addPasswordSuccess": {
        "title": "🎉 Add password successfully."
      "changeEmail": {
        "title": "Update email",
        "desc": "Please enter your current password and your new email.",
        "current": "Enter your current password",
        "new": "Enter your new email",
        "code": "Enter the verification code",
        "getCode": "Get verification code",
        "error": {
          "invalidCode": "The verification code is invalid.",
          "invalidPassword": "The password is invalid.",
          "invalidConflict": "The new email is already registered.",
          "invalidSameEmail": "The new email is the same as the current email."
        "success": {
          "title": "🎉 Change email successfully.",
          "desc": "You will be redirected to the login page in 2 seconds.",
          "sendSuccess": "Verification code sent successfully."
    "notify": {
      "title": "My Notifications",
      "label": "Activity in your space",
      "desc": "Receive emails when you get comments, mentions, page invites, reminders, access requests, and property changes."
    "setting": {
      "title": "My Settings",
      "theme": "Theme",
      "themeDesc": "Select the theme for the app.",
      "dark": "Dark",
      "light": "Light",
      "system": "System",
      "version": "App version",
      "language": "Language"
    "nav": {
      "settings": "Settings",
      "logout": "Log out"
    "integration": {
      "title": "Integrations",
      "description": "You have granted {{count}} applications access to your account.",
      "lastUsed": "Last used at {{date}}",
      "revoke": "Revoke",
      "owner": "Owner by {{user}}",
      "revokeTitle": "Are you sure you want to revoke authorization?",
      "revokeDesc": "{{name}} will no longer be able to access the Teable API. You cannot undo this action.",
      "scopeTitle": "Permissions",
      "scopeDesc": "This application will be able to get the following scopes:"
  "noun": {
    "table": "Table",
    "view": "View",
    "space": "Space",
    "base": "Base",
    "field": "Field",
    "record": "Record",
    "dashboard": "Dashboard",
    "automation": "Automation",
    "authorityMatrix": "Authority Matrix",
    "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
    "license": "License",
    "instanceId": "Instance ID",
    "beta": "Beta",
    "trash": "Trash",
    "global": "Global",
    "organizationPanel": "Organization Panel",
    "unknownError": "Unknown error"
  "level": {
    "free": "Free",
    "plus": "Plus",
    "pro": "Pro",
    "enterprise": "Enterprise"
  "noResult": "No Result.",
  "untitled": "Untitled",
  "name": "Name",
  "description": "Description",
  "required": "Required",
  "atLeastOne": "At least reserve a {{noun}}",
  "guide": {
    "prev": "Prev",
    "next": "Next",
    "done": "Done",
    "skip": "Skip",
    "createSpaceTooltipTitle": "Create a space",
    "createSpaceTooltipContent": "Teable is organized into spaces, where each space invites users to collaborate. <br></br>Spaces in Teable serve as a primary navigation element within the menu bar, offering a foundational platform for users to add and manage databases as needed.",
    "createBaseTooltipTitle": "Create a base",
    "createBaseTooltipContent": "A base (short for \"database\") is a place to store important data, and the workflows that depend on it.",
    "createTableTooltipTitle": "Create a table",
    "createTableTooltipContent": "Tables are designed to efficiently handle diverse datasets, offering a versatile display of information through various data types.",
    "createViewTooltipTitle": "Create a view",
    "createViewTooltipContent": "Currently, users can create Grid, Gallery, Kanban and Form views, with Calendar views planned for future releases. <br></br>This variety equips users with a comprehensive toolkit for various data management tasks.",
    "viewFilteringTooltipTitle": "Filtering records",
    "viewFilteringTooltipContent": "One of the core features of views is the ability to filter out records from a view according to the conditions you set. <br></br>When a record is filtered out based on a condition, it is not deleted—it's just hidden from the particular view you're using to look at your table.",
    "viewSortingTooltipTitle": "Sorting records",
    "viewSortingTooltipContent": "While in a view, you can sort your records so that they appear in a particular order according to the values in specific fields. <br></br>Sorting your records in one view doesn't affect the order of records in other views—it just applies to the view you're currently using to look at your table.",
    "viewGroupingTooltipTitle": "Grouping records",
    "viewGroupingTooltipContent": "Grouping records allows creators to build a set of one or more conditions that will help to categorize the dataset that is being presented within a particular view.",
    "apiButtonTooltipTitle": "API",
    "apiButtonTooltipContent": "Teable offers a powerful API that supports nearly all product features, allowing developers to make calls using an <a>Token</a>."
  "token": "Token",
  "poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
  "invite": {
    "dialog": {
      "title": "{{spaceName}} space sharing",
      "desc_one": "This space has <b>{{count}} collaborator</b>. Adding a space collaborator will give them access to all bases within this space.",
      "desc_other": "This space has <b>{{count}} collaborators</b>. Adding a space collaborator will give them access to all bases within this space.",
      "tabEmail": "Invite by email",
      "emailPlaceholder": "Invite more collaborators via email",
      "tabLink": "Invite by link",
      "linkPlaceholder": "Create an invite link that grants <0/> access to anyone who opens it.",
      "emailSend": "Send invite",
      "linkSend": "Create link",
      "spaceTitle": "Space collaborators",
      "collaboratorSearchPlaceholder": "Find a space collaborator by name or email",
      "collaboratorJoin": "joined {{joinTime}}",
      "collaboratorRemove": "Remove collaborator",
      "linkTitle": "Invite links",
      "linkCreatedTime": "created {{createdTime}}",
      "linkCopySuccess": "Link copied",
      "linkRemove": "Remove link"
    "base": {
      "title": "Share {{baseName}}",
      "desc_one": "This base is shared with {{count}} collaborator.",
      "desc_other": "This base is shared with {{count}} collaborators.",
      "baseTitle": "Base collaborators",
      "collaboratorSearchPlaceholder": "Find a base collaborator by name or email"
    "addOrgCollaborator": {
      "title": "Add organization collaborator",
      "placeholder": "Select organization member or department"
  "help": {
    "title": "Help",
    "mainLink": "https://help.teable.io",
    "apiLink": "https://help.teable.io/developer/api"
  "pagePermissionChangeTip": "Page permissions have been updated. Please refresh the page to see the latest content.",
  "listEmptyTips": "The list is empty",
  "billing": {
    "overLimits": "Over limits",
    "overLimitsDescription": "Your current subscription has exceeded its usage limit. Please upgrade your plan to continue using this feature without interruption.",
    "userLimitExceededDescription": "The current instance have reached the maximum number of users allowed by your license. Please deactivate some users or upgrade the license.",
    "unavailableInPlanTips": "The current subscription plan does not support this feature",
    "levelTips": "This space is currently on the {{level}} plan",
    "spaceSubscriptionModal": {
      "title": "Upgrade space's subscription plan",
      "description": "You can only upgrade workspaces where you are an owner"
    "status": {
      "active": "Active",
      "canceled": "Canceled",
      "incomplete": "Incomplete",
      "incompleteExpired": "Incomplete Expired",
      "trialing": "Trialing",
      "pastDue": "Past Due",
      "unpaid": "Unpaid",
      "paused": "Paused",
      "seatLimitExceeded": "Seat limit exceeded"
  "admin": {
    "setting": {
      "description": "Change the settings for your current instance",
      "allowSignUp": "Allow creating new accounts",
      "allowSignUpDescription": "Disabling this option will prohibit new user registrations, and the register button will no longer appear on the login page.",
      "allowSpaceInvitation": "Allow sending space invitations",
      "allowSpaceInvitationDescription": "Disabling this option will prevent users other than administrators from inviting others to join spaces. Enabling this option will allow directly invited users to create an account even if new account registration is disabled.",
      "allowSpaceCreation": "Allow everyone to create new spaces",
      "allowSpaceCreationDescription": "Disabling this option will prevent users other than administrators from creating new spaces.",
      "enableEmailVerification": "Enable email verification",
      "enableEmailVerificationDescription": "Disabling this option will prevent users from creating new accounts without verifying their email address.",
      "generalSettings": "General settings",
      "aiSettings": "AI settings",
      "ai": {
        "name": "Name",
        "nameDescription": "The name of the LLM provider",
        "enable": "Enable AI",
        "enableDescription": "Enable AI for current instance, all users will be able to use AI features",
        "updateLLMProvider": "Update LLM provider",
        "addProvider": "Add LLM provider",
        "addProviderDescription": "Add a new LLM provider to the list",
        "providerType": "Provider type",
        "baseUrl": "Base URL",
        "apiKey": "API key",
        "baseUrlDescription": "The base URL of the LLM provider",
        "apiKeyDescription": "The API key of the LLM provider",
        "models": "Models",
        "modelsDescription": "The models supported by the LLM provider",
        "baseUrlRequired": "Base URL is required",
        "fetchModelListError": "Failed to fetch model list",
        "provider": "LLM provider",
        "providerDescription": "The LLM provider to use",
        "modelPreferences": "Model preferences",
        "modelPreferencesDescription": "The model preferences for the LLM provider",
        "embeddingModel": "Embedding model",
        "embeddingModelDescription": "The embedding model to use",
        "translationModel": "Translation model",
        "translationModelDescription": "The translation model to use",
        "codingModel": "Coding model",
        "codingModelDescription": "The coding model to use",
        "configUpdated": "AI config updated",
        "noModelFound": "No model found.",
        "searchModel": "Search model...",
        "selectModel": "Select model..."
  "notification": {
    "title": "Notifications",
    "unread": "Unread",
    "read": "Read",
    "markAs": "Mark this notification as {{status}}",
    "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
    "noUnread": "No {{status}} notifications",
    "changeSetting": "Change page notification settings",
    "new": "new {{count}}",
    "showMore": "Show more"
  "role": {
    "title": {
      "owner": "Owner",
      "creator": "Creator",
      "editor": "Editor",
      "commenter": "Commenter",
      "viewer": "Viewer"
    "description": {
      "owner": "Can fully configure and edit bases, automation, authority matrices and manage space settings and billing",
      "creator": "Can fully configure and edit bases, automation and enable the authority matrix",
      "editor": "Can edit records and views, but cannot configure tables or fields",
      "commenter": "Can comment on records",
      "viewer": "Cannot edit or comment"
  "trash": {
    "type": "Type",
    "resetTrash": "Empty trash",
    "deletedBy": "Deleted by",
    "deletedTime": "Deleted time",
    "fromSpace": "From \"{{name}}\" space",
    "permanentDeleteTips": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"{{name}}\" {{resource}}?",
    "resetTrashConfirm": "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?"
  "pluginCenter": {
    "pluginUrlEmpty": "Plugin Not Setting url",
    "install": "Install",
    "publisher": "Publisher",
    "lastUpdated": "Last Updated",
    "pluginNotFound": "Plugin Not Found",
    "pluginEmpty": {
      "title": "No Plugins Yet"