
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "common": {
    "comingSoon": "Coming Soon",
    "empty": "Empty",
    "noRecords": "No records available",
    "unnamedRecord": "Unnamed record",
    "untitled": "Untitled",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "confirm": "Confirm",
    "back": "Back",
    "done": "Done",
    "create": "Create",
    "search": {
      "placeholder": "Search...",
      "empty": "No results found"
    "selectPlaceHolder": "Select...",
    "loading": "Loading...",
    "loadMore": "Load more",
    "uploadFailed": "Upload failed",
    "rowCount": "{{count}} records",
    "summary": "Summary",
    "summaryTip": "Hover to select summary",
    "actions": "Actions",
    "remove": "Remove"
  "preview": {
    "previewFileLimit": "Preview file size limit: {{size}}MB, please download to view instead.",
    "loadFileError": "Failed to load file"
  "undoRedo": {
    "undo": "Undo",
    "redo": "Redo",
    "undoFailed": "Undo failed",
    "redoFailed": "Redo failed",
    "nothingToUndo": "Nothing to undo",
    "nothingToRedo": "Nothing to redo",
    "undoSucceed": "Undo succeed",
    "redoSucceed": "Redo succeed",
    "undoing": "undoing...",
    "redoing": "redoing..."
  "editor": {
    "attachment": {
      "uploadDragOver": "Release to upload file",
      "uploadDragDefault": "Paste or drag and drop to upload here",
      "upload": "upload"
    "date": {
      "placeholder": "Pick a date",
      "today": "Today"
    "formula": {
      "title": "Formula Editor",
      "guideSyntax": "Syntax",
      "guideExample": "Example",
      "helperExample": "Example: ",
      "fieldValue": "Returns the value to the cells of the {{fieldName}} field.",
      "placeholder": "Enter an expression",
      "placeholderForAI": "Enter an expression or press // to generate with AI"
    "link": {
      "placeholder": "Select records to link",
      "searchPlaceholder": "Search records",
      "create": "Add Record",
      "selectRecord": "Select Record",
      "unselected": "Unselected",
      "selected": "Selected",
      "expandRecordError": "No permission to view this record.",
      "alreadyOpen": "This record is already open.",
      "goToForeignTable": "Go to foreign table"
    "user": {
      "searchPlaceholder": "Find users by name",
      "notify": "Notify users once they're selected"
    "select": {
      "addOption": "Add an option '{{option}}'"
  "filter": {
    "label": "Filter",
    "displayLabel": "Filter by ",
    "displayLabel_other": "Filter by {{fieldName}} and {{count}} other fields",
    "addCondition": "Add condition",
    "addConditionGroup": "Add condition group",
    "nestedLimitTip": "Filter conditions can only be nested {{depth}} levels deep",
    "linkInputPlaceholder": "Enter a value",
    "groupDescription": "Any of the following are true…",
    "currentUser": "Me (current user)",
    "tips": {
      "scope": "In this view, show records"
    "invalidateSelected": "Invalid value",
    "invalidateSelectedTips": "The selected value has been deleted, please select again",
    "default": {
      "empty": "No filter conditions are applied",
      "placeholder": "Enter a value"
    "conjunction": {
      "and": "and",
      "or": "or",
      "where": "where"
    "operator": {
      "is": "is",
      "isNot": "is not",
      "contains": "contains",
      "doesNotContain": "does not contain",
      "isEmpty": "is empty",
      "isNotEmpty": "is not empty",
      "isGreater": "is greater than",
      "isGreaterEqual": "is greater Equal",
      "isLess": "is less than",
      "isLessEqual": "is less Equal",
      "isAnyOf": "is any of",
      "isNoneOf": "is not any of",
      "hasAnyOf": "has any of",
      "hasAllOf": "has all of",
      "hasNoneOf": "has none of",
      "isExactly": "is exactly",
      "isWithIn": "is with in",
      "isBefore": "is before",
      "isAfter": "is after",
      "isOnOrBefore": "is on or before",
      "isOnOrAfter": "is on or after",
      "number": {
        "is": "=",
        "isNot": "≠",
        "isGreater": ">",
        "isGreaterEqual": "≥",
        "isLess": "<",
        "isLessEqual": "≤"
    "component": {
      "date": {
        "today": "today",
        "tomorrow": "tomorrow",
        "yesterday": "yesterday",
        "oneWeekAgo": "one week ago",
        "oneWeekFromNow": "one week from now",
        "oneMonthAgo": "one month ago",
        "oneMonthFromNow": "one month from now",
        "daysAgo": "days ago",
        "daysFromNow": "days from now",
        "exactDate": "exact date",
        "currentWeek": "current week",
        "currentMonth": "current month",
        "currentYear": "current year",
        "lastWeek": "last week",
        "lastMonth": "last month",
        "lastYear": "last year",
        "nextWeekPeriod": "next week",
        "nextMonthPeriod": "next month",
        "nextYearPeriod": "next year",
        "pastWeek": "past week",
        "pastMonth": "past month",
        "pastYear": "past year",
        "nextWeek": "next week",
        "nextMonth": "next Month",
        "nextYear": "next Year",
        "pastNumberOfDays": "past number of days",
        "nextNumberOfDays": "next number of days"
  "color": {
    "label": "color"
  "rowHeight": {
    "short": "short",
    "medium": "medium",
    "tall": "tall",
    "extraTall": "extraTall"
  "share": {
    "title": "share"
  "extensions": {
    "title": "extensions"
  "hidden": {
    "label": "Hidden Fields",
    "configLabel_one": "{{count}} hidden field",
    "configLabel_other": "{{count}} hidden fields",
    "configLabel_other_visible": "{{count}} visible fields",
    "showAll": "Show All",
    "hideAll": "Hide All",
    "primaryKey": "Primary field: Identifies records\ncannot be hidden or deleted, visible in linked records."
  "expandRecord": {
    "copy": "Copy to clipboard",
    "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
    "copyRecordUrl": "Copy record URL",
    "deleteRecord": "Delete record",
    "recordHistory": {
      "hiddenRecordHistory": "Hide record history",
      "showRecordHistory": "Show record history",
      "createdTime": "Created time",
      "createdBy": "Created by",
      "before": "Before",
      "after": "After",
      "viewRecord": "View record"
    "showHiddenFields": "Show {{count}} hidden fields",
    "hideHiddenFields": "Hide {{count}} hidden fields"
  "sort": {
    "label": "Sort",
    "displayLabel_one": "Sort by {{count}} field",
    "displayLabel_other": "Sort by {{count}} fields",
    "setTips": "Sort by",
    "addButton": "Add another sort",
    "autoSort": "Automatically sort records",
    "selectASCLabel": "first → last",
    "selectDESCLabel": "last → first"
  "group": {
    "label": "Group",
    "displayLabel_one": "Group by {{count}} fields",
    "displayLabel_other": "Group by {{count}} fields",
    "setTips": "Group by",
    "addButton": "Add Subgroup"
  "field": {
    "title": {
      "singleLineText": "Single line text",
      "longText": "Long text",
      "singleSelect": "Single select",
      "number": "Number",
      "multipleSelect": "Multiple select",
      "link": "Link to another record",
      "formula": "Formula",
      "date": "Date",
      "createdTime": "Created time",
      "lastModifiedTime": "Last modified time",
      "attachment": "Attachment",
      "checkbox": "Checkbox",
      "rollup": "Rollup",
      "user": "User",
      "rating": "Rating",
      "autoNumber": "Auto number",
      "lookup": "Lookup",
      "button": "Button",
      "createdBy": "Created by",
      "lastModifiedBy": "Last modified by"
  "permission": {
    "actionDescription": {
      "spaceCreate": "Create space",
      "spaceDelete": "Delete space",
      "spaceRead": "Read space",
      "spaceUpdate": "Update space",
      "spaceInviteEmail": "Invite via email in space",
      "spaceInviteLink": "Invite via link in space",
      "spaceGrantRole": "Grant role in space",
      "baseCreate": "Create base",
      "baseDelete": "Delete base",
      "baseRead": "Read base",
      "baseReadAll": "Read all bases",
      "baseUpdate": "Update base",
      "baseInviteEmail": "Invite via email in base",
      "baseInviteLink": "Invite via link in base",
      "baseTableImport": "Import data into base",
      "baseTableExport": "Export data from base",
      "baseAuthorityMatrixConfig": "Configure authority matrix",
      "baseDbConnect": "Connect to database",
      "tableCreate": "Create table",
      "tableRead": "Read table",
      "tableDelete": "Delete table",
      "tableUpdate": "Update table",
      "tableImport": "Import data into table",
      "tableExport": "export table data",
      "tableTrashRead": "Read table trash",
      "tableTrashUpdate": "Update table trash",
      "tableTrashReset": "Reset table trash",
      "viewCreate": "Create view",
      "viewDelete": "Delete view",
      "viewRead": "Read view",
      "viewUpdate": "Update view",
      "viewShare": "Share view",
      "fieldCreate": "Create field",
      "fieldDelete": "Delete field",
      "fieldRead": "Read field",
      "fieldUpdate": "Update field",
      "recordCreate": "Create record",
      "recordComment": "Comment on record",
      "recordDelete": "Delete record",
      "recordRead": "Read record",
      "recordUpdate": "Update record",
      "automationCreate": "Create automation",
      "automationDelete": "Delete automation",
      "automationRead": "Read automation",
      "automationUpdate": "Update automation",
      "userProfileRead": "Read current user profile",
      "userEmailRead": "Read current user email",
      "recordHistoryRead": "Read record history",
      "baseQuery": "Query base",
      "instanceRead": "Read instance",
      "instanceUpdate": "Update instance",
      "enterpriseRead": "Read enterprise configuration",
      "enterpriseUpdate": "Update enterprise configuration"
  "noun": {
    "table": "Table",
    "view": "View",
    "space": "Space",
    "base": "Base",
    "field": "Field",
    "record": "Record",
    "automation": "Automation",
    "user": "User",
    "recordHistory": "Record History",
    "you": "You",
    "instance": "Instance",
    "enterprise": "Enterprise"
  "formula": {
    "SUM": {
      "summary": "Sum together the numbers. Equivalent to number1 + number2 + ...",
      "example": "SUM(100, 200, 300) => 600"
    "AVERAGE": {
      "summary": "Returns the average of the numbers.",
      "example": "AVERAGE(100, 200, 300) => 200"
    "MAX": {
      "summary": "Returns the largest of the given numbers.",
      "example": "MAX(100, 200, 300) => 300"
    "MIN": {
      "summary": "Returns the smallest of the given numbers.",
      "example": "MIN(100, 200, 300) => 100"
    "ROUND": {
      "summary": "Rounds the value to the number of decimal places given by \"precision\" (Specifically, ROUND will round to the nearest integer at the specified precision, with ties broken by rounding half up toward positive infinity.)",
      "example": "ROUND(1.99, 0) => 2\nROUND(16.8, -1) => 20"
    "ROUNDUP": {
      "summary": "Rounds the value to the number of decimal places given by \"precision\" always rounding up, i.e., away from zero. (You must give a value for the precision or the function will not work.)",
      "example": "ROUNDUP(1.1, 0) => 2\nROUNDUP(-1.1, 0) => -2"
    "ROUNDDOWN": {
      "summary": "Rounds the value to the number of decimal places given by \"precision\" always rounding down, i.e., toward zero. (You must give a value for the precision or the function will not work.)",
      "example": "ROUNDDOWN(1.9, 0) => 1\nROUNDDOWN(-1.9, 0) => -1"
    "CEILING": {
      "summary": "Returns the nearest integer multiple of significance that is greater than or equal to the value. If no significance is provided, a significance of 1 is assumed.",
      "example": "CEILING(2.49) => 3\nCEILING(2.49, 1) => 2.5\nCEILING(2.49, -1) => 10"
    "FLOOR": {
      "summary": "Returns the nearest integer multiple of significance that is less than or equal to the value. If no significance is provided, a significance of 1 is assumed.",
      "example": "FLOOR(2.49) => 2\nFLOOR(2.49, 1) => 2.4\nFLOOR(2.49, -1) => 0"
    "EVEN": {
      "summary": "Returns the smallest even integer that is greater than or equal to the specified value.",
      "example": "EVEN(0.1) => 2\nEVEN(-0.1) => -2"
    "ODD": {
      "summary": "Rounds positive value up the nearest odd number and negative value down to the nearest odd number.",
      "example": "ODD(0.1) => 1\nODD(-0.1) => -1"
    "INT": {
      "summary": "Returns number1 if the logical argument is true, otherwise it returns number2. Can also be used to make nested IF statements.\nCan also be used to check if a cell is blank/is empty.",
      "example": "INT(1.9) => 1\nINT(-1.9) => -2"
    "ABS": {
      "summary": "Returns the absolute value.",
      "example": "ABS(-1) => 1"
    "SQRT": {
      "summary": "Returns the square root of a nonnegative number.",
      "example": "SQRT(4) => 2"
    "POWER": {
      "summary": "Computes the specified base to the specified power.",
      "example": "POWER(2) => 4"
    "EXP": {
      "summary": "Computes Euler number (e) to the specified power.",
      "example": "EXP(0) => 1\nEXP(1) => 2.718"
    "LOG": {
      "summary": "Computes the logarithm of the value in provided base. The base defaults to 10 if not specified.",
      "example": "LOG(100) => 2\nLOG(1024, 2) => 10"
    "MOD": {
      "summary": "Returns the remainder after dividing the first argument by the second.",
      "example": "MOD(9, 2) => 1\nMOD(9, 3) => 0"
    "VALUE": {
      "summary": "Converts the text string to a number.",
      "example": "VALUE(\"$1,000,000\") => 1000000"
      "summary": "Joins together various value types arguments into a single text value.",
      "example": "CONCATENATE(\"Hello \", \"Teable\") => Hello Teable"
    "FIND": {
      "summary": "Finds an occurrence of stringToFind in whereToSearch string starting from an optional startFromPosition.(startFromPosition is 0 by default.) If no occurrence of stringToFind is found, the result will be 0.",
      "example": "FIND(\"Teable\", \"Hello Teable\") => 7\nFIND(\"Teable\", \"Hello Teable\", 5) => 7\nFIND(\"Teable\", \"Hello Teable\", 10) => 0"
    "SEARCH": {
      "summary": "Searches for an occurrence of stringToFind in whereToSearch string starting from an optional startFromPosition. (startFromPosition is 0 by default.) If no occurrence of stringToFind is found, the result will be empty.\nSimilar to FIND(), though FIND() returns 0 rather than empty if no occurrence of stringToFind is found.",
      "example": "SEARCH(\"Teable\", \"Hello Teable\") => 7\nSEARCH(\"Teable\", \"Hello Teable\", 5) => 7\nSEARCH(\"Teable\", \"Hello Teable\", 10) => \"\""
    "MID": {
      "summary": "Extract a substring of count characters starting at whereToStart.",
      "example": "MID(\"Hello Teable\", 6, 6) => \"Teable\""
    "LEFT": {
      "summary": "Extract howMany characters from the beginning of the string.",
      "example": "LEFT(\"2023-09-06\", 4) => \"2023\""
    "RIGHT": {
      "summary": "Extract howMany characters from the ending of the string.",
      "example": "RIGHT(\"2023-09-06\", 5) => \"09-06\""
    "REPLACE": {
      "summary": "Replaces the number of characters beginning with the start character with the replacement text.\n(If you are looking for a way to find and replace all occurrences of old_text with new_text, see SUBSTITUTE().)",
      "example": "REPLACE(\"Hello Table\", 7, 5, \"Teable\") => \"Hello Teable\""
      "summary": "Replaces all substrings matching regular expression with replacement.",
      "example": "REGEXP_REPLACE(\"Hello Table\", \"H.* \", \"\") => \"Teable\""
      "summary": "Replaces occurrences of old_text with new_text.\nYou can optionally specify an index number (starting from 1) to replace just a specific occurrence of old_text. If no index number is specified, then all occurrences of old_text will be replaced.",
      "example": "SUBSTITUTE(\"Hello Table\", \"Table\", \"Teable\") => \"Hello Teable\""
    "LOWER": {
      "summary": "Makes a string lowercase.",
      "example": "LOWER(\"Hello Teable\") => \"hello teable\""
    "UPPER": {
      "summary": "Makes a string uppercase.",
      "example": "UPPER(\"Hello Teable\") => \"HELLO TEABLE\""
    "REPT": {
      "summary": "Repeats string by the specified number of times.",
      "example": "REPT(\"Hello!\") => \"Hello!Hello!Hello!\""
    "TRIM": {
      "summary": "Removes whitespace at the beginning and end of string.",
      "example": "TRIM(\" Hello \") => \"Hello\""
    "LEN": {
      "summary": "Extract howMany characters from the beginning of the string.",
      "example": "LEN(\"Hello\") => 5"
    "T": {
      "summary": "Returns the argument if it is text and blank otherwise.",
      "example": "T(\"Hello\") => \"Hello\"\nT(100) => null"
      "summary": "Replaces certain characters with encoded equivalents for use in constructing URLs or URIs. Does not encode the following characters: - _ . ~",
      "example": "ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(\"Hello Teable\") => \"Hello%20Teable\""
    "IF": {
      "summary": "Returns value1 if the logical argument is true, otherwise it returns value2. Can also be used to make nested IF statements.\nCan also be used to check if a cell is blank/is empty.",
      "example": "IF(2 > 1, \"A\", \"B\") => \"A\"\nIF(2 > 1, TRUE, FALSE) => TRUE"
    "SWITCH": {
      "summary": "Takes an expression, a list of possible values for that expression, and for each one, a value that the expression should take in that case. It can also take a default value if the expression input does not match any of the defined patterns. In many cases, SWITCH() can be used instead of a nested IF() formula.",
      "example": "SWITCH(\"B\", \"A\", \"Value A\", \"B\", \"Value B\", \"Default Value\") => \"Value B\""
    "AND": {
      "summary": "Returns true if all the arguments are true, returns false otherwise.",
      "example": "AND(1 < 2, 5 > 3) => true\nAND(1 < 2, 5 < 3) => false"
    "OR": {
      "summary": "Returns true if any one of the arguments is true.",
      "example": "OR(1 < 2, 5 < 3) => true\nOR(1 > 2, 5 < 3) => false"
    "XOR": {
      "summary": "Returns true if an odd number of arguments are true.",
      "example": "XOR(1 < 2, 5 < 3, 8 < 10) => false\nXOR(1 > 2, 5 < 3, 8 < 10) => true"
    "NOT": {
      "summary": "Reverses the logical value of its argument.",
      "example": "NOT(1 < 2) => false\nNOT(1 > 2) => true"
    "BLANK": {
      "summary": "Returns a blank value.",
      "example": "BLANK() => null\nIF(2 > 3, \"Yes\", BLANK()) => null"
    "ERROR": {
      "summary": "Returns the error value.",
      "example": "IF(2 > 3, \"Yes\", ERROR(\"Calculation\")) => \"#ERROR: Calculation\""
    "IS_ERROR": {
      "summary": "Returns true if the expression causes an error.",
      "example": "IS_ERROR(ERROR()) => true"
    "TODAY": {
      "summary": "Returns the current date.",
      "example": "TODAY() => \"2023-09-08 00:00\""
    "NOW": {
      "summary": "Returns the current date and time.",
      "example": "NOW() => \"2023-09-08 16:50\""
    "YEAR": {
      "summary": "Returns the four-digit year of a datetime.",
      "example": "YEAR(\"2023-09-08\") => 2023"
    "MONTH": {
      "summary": "Returns the month of a datetime as a number between 1 (January) and 12 (December).",
      "example": "MONTH(\"2023-09-08\") => 9"
    "WEEKNUM": {
      "summary": "Returns the week number in a year.",
      "example": "WEEKNUM(\"2023-09-08\") => 36"
    "WEEKDAY": {
      "summary": "Returns the day of the week as an integer between 0 and 6, inclusive. You may optionally provide a second argument (either \"Sunday\" or \"Monday\") to start weeks on that day. If omitted, weeks start on Sunday by default. Example:\nWEEKDAY(TODAY(), \"Monday\")",
      "example": "WEEKNUM(\"2023-09-08\") => 5"
    "DAY": {
      "summary": "Returns the day of the month of a datetime in the form of a number between 1-31.",
      "example": "DAY(\"2023-09-08\") => 8"
    "HOUR": {
      "summary": "Returns the hour of a datetime as a number between 0 (12:00am) and 23 (11:00pm).",
      "example": "HOUR(\"2023-09-08 16:50\") => 16"
    "MINUTE": {
      "summary": "Returns the minute of a datetime as an integer between 0 and 59.",
      "example": "MINUTE(\"2023-09-08 16:50\") => 50"
    "SECOND": {
      "summary": "Returns the second of a datetime as an integer between 0 and 59.",
      "example": "SECOND(\"2023-09-08 16:50:30\") => 30"
    "FROMNOW": {
      "summary": "Calculates the number of days between the current date and another date.",
      "example": "FROMNOW({Date}, \"day\") => 25"
    "TONOW": {
      "summary": "Calculates the number of days between the current date and another date.",
      "example": "TONOW({Date}, \"day\") => 25"
      "summary": "Returns the difference between datetimes in specified units. Default units are seconds. (See list of unit specifiers here.)\nThe difference between datetimes is determined by subtracting [date2] from [date1]. This means that if [date2] is later than [date1], the resulting value will be negative.",
      "example": "DATETIME_DIFF(\"2022-08-01\", \"2023-09-08\", \"day\") => 403"
    "WORKDAY": {
      "summary": "Returns the workday to the start date, excluding the specified holidays",
      "example": "WORKDAY(\"2023-09-08\", 200) => \"2024-06-14 00:00:00\"\nWORKDAY(\"2023-09-08\", 200, \"2024-01-22, 2024-01-23, 2024-01-24, 2024-01-25\") => \"2024-06-20 00:00:00\""
      "summary": "Returns the number of working days between date1 and date2. Working days exclude weekends and an optional list of holidays, formatted as a comma-separated string of ISO-formatted dates.",
      "example": "WORKDAY_DIFF(\"2023-06-18\", \"2023-10-01\") => 75\nWORKDAY(\"2023-06-18\", \"2023-10-01\", \"2023-07-12, 2023-08-18, 2023-08-19\") => 73"
    "IS_SAME": {
      "summary": "Compares two dates up to a unit and determines whether they are identical. Returns true if yes, false if no.",
      "example": "IS_SAME(\"2023-09-08\", \"2023-09-10\") => false\nIS_SAME(\"2023-09-08\", \"2023-09-10\", \"month\") => true"
    "IS_AFTER": {
      "summary": "Determines if date1 is later than date2. Returns true if yes, false if no.",
      "example": "IS_AFTER(\"2023-09-10\", \"2023-09-08\") => true\nIS_AFTER(\"2023-09-10\", \"2023-09-08\", \"month\") => false"
    "IS_BEFORE": {
      "summary": "Determines if date1 is earlier than date2. Returns true if yes, false if no.",
      "example": "IS_BEFORE(\"2023-09-08\", \"2023-09-10\") => true\nIS_BEFORE(\"2023-09-08\", \"2023-09-10\", \"month\") => false"
    "DATE_ADD": {
      "summary": "Adds specified \"count\" units to a datetime.",
      "example": "DATE_ADD(\"2023-09-08 18:00:00\", 10, \"day\") => \"2023-09-18 18:00:00\""
    "DATESTR": {
      "summary": "Formats a datetime into a string (YYYY-MM-DD).",
      "example": "DATESTR(\"2023/09/08\") => \"2023-09-08\""
    "TIMESTR": {
      "summary": "Formats a datetime into a time-only string (HH:mm:ss).",
      "example": "DATESTR(\"2023/09/08 16:50:30\") => \"16:50:30\""
      "summary": "Formats a datetime into a specified string. For an explanation of how to use this function with date fields, click here. For a list of supported format specifiers, please click here.",
      "example": "DATETIME_FORMAT(\"2023-09-08\", \"DD-MM-YYYY\") => \"08-09-2023\""
      "summary": "Interprets a text string as a structured date, with optional input format and locale parameters. The output format will always be formatted \"M/D/YYYY h:mm a\".",
      "example": "DATETIME_PARSE(\"8 Sep 2023 18:00\", \"D MMM YYYY HH:mm\") => \"2023-09-08 18:00:00\""
      "summary": "Returns the creation time of the current record.",
      "example": "CREATED_TIME() => \"2023-09-08 18:00:00\""
      "summary": "Returns the date and time of the most recent modification made by a user in a non-computed field in the table.",
      "example": "LAST_MODIFIED_TIME() => \"2023-09-08 18:00:00\""
    "COUNTALL": {
      "summary": "Returns the number of all elements including text and blanks.",
      "example": "COUNTALL(100, 200, \"\", \"Teable\", TRUE()) => 5"
    "COUNTA": {
      "summary": "Returns the number of non-empty values. This function counts both numeric and text values.",
      "example": "COUNTA(100, 200, 300, \"\", \"Teable\", TRUE) => 4"
    "COUNT": {
      "summary": "Returns the number of numeric items.",
      "example": "COUNT(100, 200, 300, \"\", \"Teable\", TRUE) => 3"
    "ARRAY_JOIN": {
      "summary": "Join the array of rollup items into a string with a separator.",
      "example": "ARRAY_JOIN([\"Tom\", \"Jerry\", \"Mike\"], \"; \") => \"Tom; Jerry; Mike\""
      "summary": "Returns only unique items in the array.",
      "example": "ARRAY_UNIQUE([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]) => [1, 2, 3]"
      "summary": "Flattens the array by removing any array nesting. All items become elements of a single array.",
      "example": "ARRAY_FLATTEN([1, 2, \" \", 3, true], [\"ABC\"]) => [1, 2, 3, \" \", true, \"ABC\"]"
      "summary": "Removes empty strings and null values from the array. Keeps \"false\" and strings that contain one or more blank characters.",
      "example": "ARRAY_COMPACT([1, 2, 3, \"\", null, \"ABC\"]) => [1, 2, 3, \"ABC\"]"
    "TEXT_ALL": {
      "summary": "Returns all text values",
      "example": "TEXT_ALL(\"t\") => t"
    "RECORD_ID": {
      "summary": "Returns the ID of the current record.",
      "example": "RECORD_ID() => \"recxxxxxx\""
    "AUTO_NUMBER": {
      "summary": "Returns the unique and incremented numbers for each record.",
      "example": "AUTO_NUMBER() => 1"
    "FORMULA": {
      "summary": "Fill in variables, operational characters, and functions to form formulas for calculations.",
      "example": "Quoting the Column: {Field name}\n\nUsing operator: 100 * 2 + 300\n\nUsing function: SUM({Number Field 1}, 100)\n\nUsing IF statement: \nIF(logical condition, \"value 1\", \"value 2\")"
  "functionType": {
    "fields": "Fields",
    "numeric": "Numeric",
    "text": "Text",
    "logical": "Logical",
    "date": "Date",
    "array": "Array",
    "system": "System"
  "statisticFunc": {
    "none": "None",
    "count": "Count",
    "empty": "Empty",
    "filled": "Filled",
    "unique": "Unique",
    "max": "Max",
    "min": "Min",
    "sum": "Sum",
    "average": "Average",
    "checked": "Checked",
    "unChecked": "Unchecked",
    "percentEmpty": "Percent Empty",
    "percentFilled": "Percent Filled",
    "percentUnique": "Percent Unique",
    "percentChecked": "Percent Checked",
    "percentUnChecked": "Percent Unchecked",
    "earliestDate": "Earliest Date",
    "latestDate": "Latest Date",
    "dateRangeOfDays": "Date Range (days)",
    "dateRangeOfMonths": "Date Range (months)",
    "totalAttachmentSize": "Total Attachment Size"
  "baseQuery": {
    "add": "Add",
    "error": {
      "invalidCol": "Invalid column, please reselect",
      "invalidCols": "Invalid columns: {{colNames}}",
      "invalidTable": "Invalid table, please reselect",
      "requiredSelect": "You must select one"
    "from": {
      "title": "From",
      "fromTable": "Select Table",
      "fromQuery": "From Query"
    "select": {
      "title": "Select"
    "where": {
      "title": "Where"
    "groupBy": {
      "title": "Group By"
    "orderBy": {
      "title": "Order By",
      "asc": "Ascending",
      "desc": "Descending"
    "limit": {
      "title": "Limit"
    "offset": {
      "title": "Offset"
    "join": {
      "title": "Join",
      "joinType": "Join Type",
      "leftJoin": "Left Join",
      "rightJoin": "Right Join",
      "innerJoin": "Inner Join",
      "fullJoin": "Full Join",
      "data": "From"
    "aggregation": {
      "title": "Aggregation"
  "comment": {
    "title": "Comment",
    "placeholder": "Leave a comment...",
    "emptyComment": "Start a conversation",
    "deletedComment": "Deleted Comment",
    "imageSizeLimit": "Image size could not be greater than {{size}}",
    "tip": {
      "editing": "Editing...",
      "edited": "(Edited)",
      "onNotify": "Only be notified comment relative to you if you turn off",
      "offNotify": "You will be notified by all active if you turn on",
      "reactionUserSuffix": "reacted with {{emoji}} emoji",
      "me": "You",
      "connection": "and"
    "toolbar": {
      "link": "Link",
      "image": "Image"
    "floatToolbar": {
      "editLink": "Edit Link",
      "caption": "Caption",
      "delete": "Delete",
      "linkText": "Link Text",
      "enterUrl": "Enter URL"
  "memberSelector": {
    "title": "Select Members",
    "memberSelectorSearchPlaceholder": "Search members...",
    "departmentSelectorSearchPlaceholder": "Search departments...",
    "selected": "Selected",
    "noSelected": "No selected",
    "empty": "No members",
    "emptyDepartment": "No departments"