import { IdPrefix } from '../../utils';
import { z } from '../../zod';
import { columnMetaSchema } from './column-meta.schema';
import { ViewType } from './constant';
import {
} from './derivate';
import { filterSchema } from './filter';
import { groupSchema } from './group';
import { viewOptionsSchema } from './option.schema';
import { sortSchema } from './sort';
export const sharePasswordSchema = z.string().min(3);
export const shareViewMetaSchema = z.object({
allowCopy: z.boolean().optional(),
includeHiddenField: z.boolean().optional(),
password: sharePasswordSchema.optional(),
includeRecords: z.boolean().optional(),
submit: z
allow: z.boolean().optional(),
requireLogin: z.boolean().optional(),
export type IShareViewMeta = z.infer<typeof shareViewMetaSchema>;
export const viewVoSchema = z.object({
id: z.string().startsWith(IdPrefix.View),
name: z.string(),
type: z.nativeEnum(ViewType),
description: z.string().optional(),
order: z.number().optional(),
options: viewOptionsSchema.optional(),
sort: sortSchema.optional(),
filter: filterSchema.optional(),
group: groupSchema.optional(),
shareId: z.string().optional(),
enableShare: z.boolean().optional(),
shareMeta: shareViewMetaSchema.optional(),
createdBy: z.string(),
lastModifiedBy: z.string().optional(),
createdTime: z.string(),
lastModifiedTime: z.string().optional(),
columnMeta: columnMetaSchema.openapi({
description: 'A mapping of view IDs to their corresponding column metadata.',
pluginId: z.string().optional(),
export type IViewVo = z.infer<typeof viewVoSchema>;
export const viewRoSchema = viewVoSchema
id: true,
createdBy: true,
lastModifiedBy: true,
createdTime: true,
lastModifiedTime: true,
name: true,
order: true,
columnMeta: true,
.superRefine((data, ctx) => {
const { type } = data;
const optionsSchemaMap = {
[ViewType.Form]: formViewOptionSchema,
[ViewType.Kanban]: kanbanViewOptionSchema,
[ViewType.Grid]: gridViewOptionSchema,
[ViewType.Plugin]: pluginViewOptionSchema,
} as const;
if (!(type in optionsSchemaMap)) {
return ctx.addIssue({
path: ['options'],
code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom,
message: `Unknown view type: ${type}`,
const optionsSchema = optionsSchemaMap[type as keyof typeof optionsSchemaMap];
const result =
type === ViewType.Plugin
? optionsSchema.safeParse(data.options)
: optionsSchema.optional().safeParse(data.options);
if (!result.success) {
const issue = result.error.issues[0];
? { ...issue, path: ['options'] }
: {
path: ['options'],
code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom,
message: `${result.error.message}`,
export type IViewRo = z.infer<typeof viewRoSchema>;
export type IViewPropertyKeys = keyof IViewVo;
export const VIEW_JSON_KEYS = ['options', 'sort', 'filter', 'group', 'shareMeta', 'columnMeta'];