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# @teable/db-main-prisma

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## Intro

Basic demo of a shared package using [prisma](<(https://prisma.io)>) to handle database access, part of the [nextjs-monorepo-example](https://github.com/teableio/teable)

## Quick start

Start the database with `docker-compose up database` then run

cd packages/db-main-prisma
yarn prisma-db-push

> See the .env(.local|.production|.development) file to edit the connection.
> **Curious about the setup ?**, we use [dotenv-flow](https://github.com/kerimdzhanov/dotenv-flow) under the hood read [this](https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/3865)
> and see the script section of [./package.json](./package.json)

## Install

### Database

#### Option 0: sqlite local

The default env for `PRISMA_DATABASE_URL` is defined in the main [.env](.env) file.
By default, it connects to the sqlite file main.db

#### Option 1: Postgresql local (deprecated)

The default env for `PRISMA_DATABASE_URL` is defined in the main [.env](.env) file.
By default, it connects to the postgresql service defined in [../../docker-compose.yml](../../dockers/docker-compose.yml).

Ensure you have docker and docker-compose and run

# In the root folder
docker-compose up database
# Alternatively, from any folder
yarn docker:up

#### Option 2: An hosted postgres instance (deprecated)

To quick start, you can use a free tier at supabase.io, but all providers will work.

As an example, simply create an `.env.local` and set the supabase pgbouncer url:


> You can append `&connection_limit=1` if deploying on a serverless/lambda provider (ie: vercel, netlify...)

## DB creation

To create the database, simply run

yarn prisma-db-push

## DB type generation

Create or update the types. This is generally automatically done in
a postinstall from any app, see script section of [../../apps/nextjs-app/package.json](../../apps/nextjs-app/package.json)
or try it out with `yarn workspace web-app postinstall`

yarn prisma generate