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// Some code to re-size our window to config defined minimum height/width
//     We have little control over what size a content provider generates a
//     window for a link resolver. Often it's too small. So we resize in
//     js.

// Some browsers won't let us resize the window though. Oh well, we try. 
// Those that wont' let us just silently no-op. 

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {    
  var min_width = <%= UmlautController.umlaut_config.lookup!('minimum_window_width', 0).to_i %>;
  var min_height = <%= UmlautController.umlaut_config.lookup!('minimum_window_height', 0).to_i %>;

  // Default to something huge, so if we fail in getting dimensions,
  // we won't resize. 
  var orig_width = 100000; 
  var orig_height = 100000;
  // JQuery document viewport width/height 
  orig_width = $(window).width();
  orig_height = $(window).height();
  width_diff = min_width - orig_width;
  height_diff = min_height - orig_height;
  if (width_diff < 0) { width_diff = 0 }
  if (height_diff < 0) { height_diff = 0 }
  if (width_diff >0 || height_diff > 0) {
    window.resizeBy(width_diff, height_diff)