#encoding: UTF-8
module ResolveHelper
# some useful methods started out as helper methods, but now are in the
# Request model. We delegate them for convenience and backwards compat.
delegate :get_service_type,
:title_level_citation?, :to => :@user_request
#backwards compat, should be called title_level_citation? delegated
# to @user_request above, but some
alias title_level_request? title_level_citation?
# Will render an Umlaut HTML section. See SectionRenderer.
# Argument can be:
# 1. An already initialized SectionRenderer
# 2. :id => X, will load Section description hash from the resolve_sections
# configuration, finding description hash with :div_id == X.
# 3. A complete section description hash. Ordinarily only used when that
# complete hash was previously looked up from resolve_sections config.
# For documentation of possible values in the section descripton hash,
# see SectionRenderer.
def render_section(arguments = {})
presenter = (arguments.kind_of?( SectionRenderer )) ?
arguments :, arguments )
render(:partial => "section_display", :locals => {:presenter => presenter })
# Return an array of css classes that should be attached to an .umlaut_section
# generally 'umlaut-section', plus the section_id, plus possibly
# 'umlaut-section-highlighted'. See #should_highlight_section?
# pass in:
# * current Umlaut Request object
# * string section id
# * array of umlaut ServiceResponses already fetched for this section.
# third paramter used to exist but was not used, deprecated but left there
# for now for backwards compat. TODO.
def section_css_classes(umlaut_request, section_id, unused = nil)
classes = ["umlaut-section", section_id]
classes << 'umlaut-section-highlighted' if section_highlights(umlaut_request).should_highlight_section?(section_id)
return classes
# Deprecated!
# Left for backwards compat. TODO.
def should_highlight_section?(umlaut_request, section_id)
$stderr.warn "should_highlight_section? is deprecated, use `section_highlighter(umlaut_request).should_highlight_section?(section_id)`"
highlighted_sections(umlaut_request).include? section_id.to_s
# Returns a section highlighter for the current umlaut request.
# (Cached for given @umlaut_request)
def section_highlights(umlaut_request = @umlaut_request)
# Need to cache for efficiency, need to cache by request id since we take
# it as an arg.
@_section_highlighters ||= {}
return @_section_highlighters[] ||=
# size can be 'small', 'medium', or 'large.
# returns a ServiceResponse object, or nil.
def cover_image_response(size='medium')
cover_images = get_service_type('cover_image')
cover_images.each do |service_response|
return service_response if service_response.service_data[:size] == size
return nil
# Did this come from citation linker style entry?
# We check the referrer.
def user_entered_citation?(uml_request)
return false unless uml_request && uml_request.referrer_id
id = uml_request.referrer_id
return id == 'info:sid/' || id == umlaut_config.lookup!("rfr_ids.citation") || id == umlaut_config.lookup!('rfr_ids.opensearch')
def display_not_found_warning?(uml_request)
metadata = uml_request.referent.metadata
display_manually_entered_typo_warning = umlaut_config.lookup!("entry_not_in_kb_warning", false)
return (metadata['genre'] != 'book' && metadata['object_id'].blank? && user_entered_citation?(@user_request) && display_manually_entered_typo_warning)
# Generate content in an expand-contract block, with a heading that
# you can click on to show/hide it. Actual content in block.
# Example, in view:
# <% expand_contract_section("My Content", "div_id_to_use") do %>
# this will be hidden and shown
# <% end %>
def expand_contract_section(arg_heading, id, options={}, &block)
expanded = (params["umlaut.show_#{id}"] == "true") || options[:initial_expand] || false
icon = content_tag(:i, nil, :class => [] << ( expanded ? "umlaut_icons-list-open" : "umlaut_icons-list-closed"))
heading = content_tag(:span,( expanded ? "Hide " : "Show "), :class=>'expand_contract_action_label') + arg_heading
body_class = (expanded ? "in" : "")
link_params = params.merge('umlaut.request_id' =>,
"umlaut.show_#{id}" => (! expanded).to_s,
# Need to zero out format-related params for when we're coming
# from a partial html api request, so the link we generate
# is not to format json/xml/etc.
:format => nil,
'umlaut.response_format' => nil,
# In Rails3, an :anchor param will actually be used for #fragmentIdentifier
# on end of url
:anchor => "#{id}_toggle_link"
# Make sure a self-referencing link from partial_html_sections
# really goes to full HTML view.
link_params[:action] = "index" if link_params[:action] == "partial_html_sections"
return content_tag(:div, :class => "collapsible", :id => "collapse_#{id}") do
link_to(icon + " " + heading, link_params, :class => "collapse-toggle", "data-target" => "##{id}", "data-toggle" => "collapse") +
content_tag(:div, :id => id, :class => ["collapse"]<< body_class, &block)
# If response has a :content key returns it -- and marks it html_safe
# if response has a :content_html_safe == true key.
# returns false if no :content.
def response_content(service_response)
content = service_response[:content]
return false unless content
content = content.html_safe if service_response[:content_html_safe] == true
return content
# Code-generating helper to add a "More" link to a list, with a maximum
# number of items to show before 'more'. AJAXy show, with unobtrusive
# degredation when no javascript.
# Based on the idea here for a helper that takes a block. Uses
# expand_contract_section for actual hidden overflow. Will split list
# into two different <ul>'s, one before the cut and one after. Will generate
# <ul> tags itself.
# id: id to use for HTML div for hidden part of list. Other ids
# will be based on this id too.
# list: your list
# limit: how many lines to show before cut off. Default 5. Note that
# at least two items will always be included in 'more'. If cutoff
# is 5 and your list is 5, all 5 will be shown. If cut-off is 5
# and list is 6, 4 items will be shown, with more. This is five
# total lines if the 'more' is considered a line.
# block: will be passed |item, index|, should generate html for that
# item in block.
# Example, in a view:
# <% list_with_limit("div_id_for_list", list, :limit=>10) do |item, index| %>
# <li>Item Number: <%= index %>: <%= item.title %></li>
# <% end %>
def list_with_limit(id, list, options = {}, &block)
# backwards compatible to when third argument was just a number
# for limit.
options = {:limit => options} unless options.kind_of?(Hash)
options[:limit] ||= 5
options[:ul_class] ||= "list-unstyled"
return "" if list.empty?
visible_list = (list.length > options[:limit]) ? list.slice(0, options[:limit]-1) : list
hidden_list = (list.length > options[:limit]) ? list.slice((options[:limit]-1)..list.length-1) : []
parts =[]
parts << content_tag(:ul, :class => options[:ul_class]) do
visible_list.enum_for(:each_with_index).collect do |item, index|
yield(item, index)
end, " \n "
if (hidden_list.present?)
parts << expand_contract_section("#{hidden_list.length} more", id) do
content_tag(:ul, :class=>options[:ul_class]) do
hidden_list.enum_for(:each_with_index).collect do |item, index|
yield(item, index + options[:limit] - 1)
end, " \n "
return safe_join(parts, "\n")
# Methods to grab SectionRenderer definitions from config. Caching in
# class-level variables.
@@bg_update_sections = nil
@@partial_update_sections = nil
# Called by background updater to get a list of all sections configured
# in application config parameter resolve_sections to be included in
# background updates.
def bg_update_sections
unless (@@bg_update_sections)
@@bg_update_sections = config_resolve_sections.find_all do |section|
section[:bg_update] != false
# Called by partial_html_sections action to get a list of all sections
# that should be included in the partial_html_sections api response.
def partial_html_sections
unless (@@partial_update_sections)
@@partial_update_sections = config_resolve_sections.find_all do |section|
section[:partial_html_api] != false
# Called by resolve/index view to find sections configured
# in application config resolve_sections list for a specific
# part of the page. :main, :sidebar, or :resource_info.
def html_sections(area)
config_resolve_sections.find_all do |section|
section[:html_area] == area
# Looks up umlaut_config.lookup!("resolve_sections"), then passes it through
# resolve_sections_filter config if available -- caches result in an iVar, for this
# action.
def config_resolve_sections
unless defined? @_config_resolve_sections
@_config_resolve_sections = umlaut_config.lookup!("resolve_sections",
# deep dup it, so we aren't reordering the original
@_config_resolve_sections = @_config_resolve_sections.deep_dup
umlaut_config.lookup!("resolve_sections_filter", []).each do |reorder_proc|, @_config_resolve_sections)
return @_config_resolve_sections
def html_section_by_div_id(div_id)
config_resolve_sections.find do |defn|
defn[:div_id] == div_id
def item_icon(section_id)
sections_with_icons = ["fulltext", "audio", "excerpts"]
content_tag(:i, nil) if sections_with_icons.include? section_id
# Outputs "yyyy - yyyy" coverage summary, with html tags, IF coverage
# dates are available, it is a title-level request, and we're configured
# to show with config resolve_display.show_coverage_summary
def coverage_summary(response)
unless (@user_request.title_level_citation? &&
umlaut_config.lookup!("resolve_display.show_coverage_summary", false) &&
(response[:coverage_begin_date] || response[:coverage_end_date]))
return nil
start = response[:coverage_begin_date].try(:year) || I18n.t("umlaut.citation.coverage_summary.open_start")
finish = response[:coverage_end_date].try(:year) || I18n.t("umlaut.citation.coverage_summary.open_end")
content_tag("span", :class=>"coverage_summary") do
"#{start} – #{finish}:"