# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <path_to_e2e_ts_test_file>"
exit 1
# Navigate to the API server directory and start setup
cd _io-dev-api-server_
cp ../scripts/api-config.json config/config.json
yarn generate
yarn start &> /tmp/io-dev-api-server.log &
# wait for the server to be up and running
sleep 10
cd ..
yarn detox clean-framework-cache
yarn detox build-framework-cache
yarn detox test \
--loglevel verbose \
-c ios.sim.release \
--cleanup \
--artifacts-location /tmp/e2e_artifacts/detox/ \
--record-logs all \
--take-screenshots all \
--record-videos failing \
--debug-synchronization 1000 \
--retries 3 "$1"