* This is an updater for the utility "standard-version" that increase the versionName value
* for publiccode.yml file.
* Replace the line:
* softwareVersion: $VERSION
* with the new generated version.
* and the line:
* releaseDate: '$DATE'
* with the today date.
const softwareVersionRegex = /(softwareVersion: )(.+)/gm;
const releaseDateRegex = /(releaseDate: ')(.+)(')/gm;
module.exports.readVersion = function (contents) {
// return the 2nd group of the regex (the version)
return softwareVersionRegex.exec(contents)[2];
function replaceReleaseDate(_, version, p1, p2, p3) {
return [p1, version, p3].join("");
function replaceVersionName(_, version, p1) {
return [p1, version].join("");
module.exports.writeVersion = function (contents, version) {
// Update version
contents = contents.replace(softwareVersionRegex, (substr, ...args) =>
replaceVersionName(substr, version, ...args)
const today = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0];
// update date
contents = contents.replace(releaseDateRegex, (substr, ...args) =>
replaceReleaseDate(substr, today, ...args)
return contents;