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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'authentication' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "kind": "LoggedOutWithoutIdp",
  "reason": "NOT_LOGGED_IN",

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'content' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "contextualHelp": Object {
    "kind": "PotNone",
  "idps": Object {
    "kind": "undefined",
  "municipality": Object {
    "codiceCatastale": Object {
      "kind": "PotNone",
    "data": Object {
      "kind": "PotNone",

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'crossSessions' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "hashedFiscalCode": undefined,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'debug' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "isDebugModeEnabled": false,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'entities' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "calendarEvents": Object {
    "byMessageId": Object {},
  "messages": Object {
    "allPaginated": Object {
      "archive": Object {
        "data": Object {
          "kind": "PotNone",
        "lastRequest": Object {
          "_tag": "None",
      "inbox": Object {
        "data": Object {
          "kind": "PotNone",
        "lastRequest": Object {
          "_tag": "None",
      "migration": Object {
        "_tag": "None",
      "shownCategory": "INBOX",
    "detailsById": Object {},
    "downloads": Object {},
    "messageGetStatus": Object {
      "status": "idle",
    "messagePrecondition": Object {
      "content": Object {
        "kind": "undefined",
      "messageId": Object {
        "_tag": "None",
    "paginatedById": Object {},
    "payments": Object {
      "userSelectedPayments": Set {},
    "thirdPartyById": Object {},
  "messagesStatus": Object {},
  "organizations": Object {
    "all": Array [],
    "nameByFiscalCode": Object {},
  "paymentByRptId": Object {},
  "services": Object {
    "byId": Object {},
    "byOrgFiscalCode": Object {},
    "firstLoading": Object {
      "isFirstServicesLoadingCompleted": false,
    "readState": Object {},
    "servicePreference": Object {
      "kind": "PotNone",
    "visible": Object {
      "kind": "PotNone",

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'identification' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "fail": undefined,
  "progress": Object {
    "kind": "unidentified",

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'installation' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "appVersionHistory": Array [],
  "isFirstRunAfterInstall": true,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'installation.appVersionHistory' state 1`] = `Array []`;

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'notifications' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "installation": Object {
    "id": "fakeInstallationId",
    "registeredToken": undefined,
    "token": undefined,
  "pendingMessage": null,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'onboarding' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "isFingerprintAcknowledged": false,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'payments' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "creditCardInsertion": Array [],
  "current": Object {
    "kind": "UNSTARTED",
  "history": Array [],
  "lastDeleted": null,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'persistedPreferences' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "continueWithRootOrJailbreak": false,
  "isCustomEmailChannelEnabled": Object {
    "kind": "PotNone",
  "isDesignSystemEnabled": false,
  "isFingerprintEnabled": undefined,
  "isIdPayTestEnabled": false,
  "isItWalletTestEnabled": false,
  "isMixpanelEnabled": null,
  "isNewHomeSectionEnabled": false,
  "isNewWalletSectionEnabled": false,
  "isPagoPATestEnabled": false,
  "isPnTestEnabled": false,
  "preferredCalendar": undefined,
  "preferredLanguage": undefined,
  "wasServiceAlertDisplayedOnce": false,

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'profile' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "kind": "PotNone",

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'userMetadata' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "kind": "PotNone",

exports[`Check the addition for new fields to the persisted store. If one of this test fails, check that exists the migration before updating the snapshot! Freeze 'wallet.wallets.walletById' state 1`] = `
Object {
  "kind": "PotNone",