import { e2eWaitRenderTimeout } from "../../../../__e2e__/config";
import { ensureLoggedIn } from "../../../../__e2e__/utils";
import I18n from "../../../../i18n";
import { activateCGNBonusSuccess, deactivateCGNCardIfNeeded } from "./utils";
describe("CGN", () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await deactivateCGNCardIfNeeded();
await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true });
await ensureLoggedIn();
it("When the user want to start activation from card carousel, it should complete activation", async () => {
await element(by.text(I18n.t("global.navigator.wallet"))).tap();
// TODO: This could be fail if we will add more e2e tests on the addition of a new payment method (just do a single swipe, not a scroll)
await waitFor(element(by.id("walletPaymentMethodsTestId")))
await element(by.id("walletPaymentMethodsTestId")).swipe("up");
await element(by.id("FeaturedCardCGNTestID")).tap();
await activateCGNBonusSuccess();