import * as pot from "@pagopa/ts-commons/lib/pot";
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/function";
import * as O from "fp-ts/lib/Option";
import _ from "lodash";
import * as React from "react";
import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { Dispatch } from "redux";
import { StatusEnum } from "../../../../../../../definitions/pagopa/cobadge/configuration/CoBadgeService";
import { mixpanelTrack } from "../../../../../../mixpanel";
import { GlobalState } from "../../../../../../store/reducers/types";
import { loadCoBadgeAbiConfiguration } from "../../store/actions";
import { getCoBadgeAbiConfigurationSelector } from "../../store/reducers/abiConfiguration";
import { onboardingCoBadgeAbiSelectedSelector } from "../../store/reducers/abiSelected";
import CoBadgeChosenBankScreen from "./CoBadgeChosenBankScreen";
import CoBadgeStartKoDisabled from "./ko/CoBadgeStartKoDisabled";
import CoBadgeStartKoUnavailable from "./ko/CoBadgeStartKoUnavailable";
import LoadAbiConfiguration from "./LoadAbiConfiguration";
type Props = ReturnType<typeof mapDispatchToProps> &
ReturnType<typeof mapStateToProps>;
type StartScreenState = "All" | "Enabled" | "Disabled" | "Unavailable";
const trackOutput = (screenState: StartScreenState, abi?: string) =>
mixpanelTrack(eventTrackName, { screen: screenState, abi });
* The entry screen that orchestrate the different screens
* @constructor
* @param props
const CoBadgeStartComponent = (props: Props): React.ReactElement => {
const { loadAbiConfig, maybeAbiSelected } = props;
const firstLoading = useRef(true);
// If a single ABI is selected, we should check the abiConfiguration
useEffect(() => {
if (maybeAbiSelected !== undefined && firstLoading.current) {
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/immutable-data
firstLoading.current = false;
}, [loadAbiConfig, maybeAbiSelected]);
// All ABI selected
if (props.maybeAbiSelected === undefined) {
void trackOutput("All");
return <CoBadgeChosenBankScreen testID={"CoBadgeChosenBankScreenAll"} />;
// The ABI configuration is loading
if (props.abiSelectedConfiguration.kind !== "PotSome") {
return <LoadAbiConfiguration testID={"LoadAbiConfiguration"} />;
switch (props.abiSelectedConfiguration.value) {
case StatusEnum.enabled:
void trackOutput("Enabled", props.maybeAbiSelected);
// Single ABI (bank) screen that allow to start the search
return (
case StatusEnum.disabled:
void trackOutput("Disabled", props.maybeAbiSelected);
// The chosen ABI is disabled (not yet available)
return <CoBadgeStartKoDisabled />;
case StatusEnum.unavailable:
void trackOutput("Unavailable", props.maybeAbiSelected);
// THe chosen ABI is unavailable (technical problems)
return <CoBadgeStartKoUnavailable />;
const CoBadgeStartMemo = React.memo(
(prev: Props, curr: Props) =>
prev.maybeAbiSelected === curr.maybeAbiSelected &&
prev.abiSelectedConfiguration.kind === curr.abiSelectedConfiguration.kind &&
pot.isSome(prev.abiSelectedConfiguration) &&
pot.isSome(curr.abiSelectedConfiguration) &&
const CoBadgeStartScreen = (props: Props) => <CoBadgeStartMemo {...props} />;
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch) => ({
loadAbiConfig: () => dispatch(loadCoBadgeAbiConfiguration.request())
const mapStateToProps = (state: GlobalState) => {
const maybeAbiSelected = onboardingCoBadgeAbiSelectedSelector(state);
const abiSelectedConfiguration = pipe(
O.map(abiSelected =>
getCoBadgeAbiConfigurationSelector(state, abiSelected)
O.getOrElseW(() => pot.some(StatusEnum.disabled))
return { maybeAbiSelected, abiSelectedConfiguration };
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CoBadgeStartScreen);