* this state / reducer represents and handles all those data should be kept across multiple users sessions
import { FiscalCode, NonEmptyString } from "@pagopa/ts-commons/lib/strings";
import { isActionOf } from "typesafe-actions";
import { createSelector } from "reselect";
import * as O from "fp-ts/lib/Option";
import sha from "sha.js";
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/function";
import { Action } from "../actions/types";
import { setProfileHashedFiscalCode } from "../actions/crossSessions";
import { GlobalState } from "./types";
type HashedFiscalCode = NonEmptyString | undefined;
export type CrossSessionsState = {
hashedFiscalCode: HashedFiscalCode;
const INITIAL_STATE: CrossSessionsState = {
hashedFiscalCode: undefined
const hash = (value: FiscalCode): NonEmptyString =>
sha("sha256").update(value).digest("hex") as NonEmptyString;
const reducer = (
state: CrossSessionsState = INITIAL_STATE,
action: Action
): CrossSessionsState => {
if (isActionOf(setProfileHashedFiscalCode, action)) {
return {
hashedFiscalCode: hash(action.payload)
return state;
// return the stored hashed fiscal code
export const hashedProfileFiscalCodeSelector = (
state: GlobalState
): HashedFiscalCode => state.crossSessions.hashedFiscalCode;
* return true if the given fiscal code is different from the hashed stored one, false otherwise
* if there is no stored hashed fiscal code it returns undefined (cant say if they are different)
export const isDifferentFiscalCodeSelector = (
state: GlobalState,
fiscalCode: FiscalCode
) =>
(hashedProfile: HashedFiscalCode): boolean | undefined =>
O.map(hp => hp !== hash(fiscalCode)),
export default reducer;