import * as t from "io-ts";
const LocalizedMessage = t.type({
"en-EN": t.string,
"it-IT": t.string
const Status = t.keyof({
errorBlocking: null,
errorTryAgain: null,
success: null
const OutcomeCodeR = t.type({
status: Status
const OutcomeCodeO = t.partial({
title: LocalizedMessage,
description: LocalizedMessage,
icon: t.unknown
const OutcomeCode = t.intersection([OutcomeCodeR, OutcomeCodeO]);
// These are the errors that we want to map specifically at the moment.
// All the other errors will fall back in the generic error category.
const OutcomeCodes = {
"0": OutcomeCodeR,
"1": OutcomeCode,
"2": OutcomeCode,
"3": OutcomeCode,
"4": OutcomeCode,
"7": OutcomeCode,
"8": OutcomeCode,
"10": OutcomeCode,
"15": OutcomeCode,
"18": OutcomeCode,
"19": OutcomeCode
const OutcomeCodesCodec = t.type(OutcomeCodes);
export type OutcomeStatus = t.TypeOf<typeof Status>;
export type OutcomeCode = t.TypeOf<typeof OutcomeCode>;
export type OutcomeCodes = t.TypeOf<typeof OutcomeCodesCodec>;
export const OutcomeCodesKey = t.keyof(OutcomeCodes);
export type OutcomeCodesKey = t.TypeOf<typeof OutcomeCodesKey>;