import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/function";
import * as O from "fp-ts/lib/Option";
import { EnableableFunctionsEnum } from "../../definitions/pagopa/EnableableFunctions";
import { TypeEnum } from "../../definitions/pagopa/walletv2/CardInfo";
import { CreditCardPaymentMethod, PaymentMethod } from "../types/pagopa";
import { PaymentSupportStatus } from "../types/paymentMethodCapabilities";
import { hasFunctionEnabled } from "./walletv2";
* return true if the payment method has the payment feature
export const hasPaymentFeature = (paymentMethod: PaymentMethod): boolean =>
hasFunctionEnabled(paymentMethod, EnableableFunctionsEnum.pagoPA);
* return true if the payment method has the payment feature and the payment flag enabled
export const isEnabledToPay = (paymentMethod: PaymentMethod): boolean =>
hasPaymentFeature(paymentMethod) && paymentMethod.pagoPA === true;
* return true if the payment method has the payment feature and the payment flag disabled
export const isDisabledToPay = (paymentMethod: PaymentMethod): boolean =>
hasPaymentFeature(paymentMethod) && paymentMethod.pagoPA === false;
export const isCobadge = (paymentMethod: CreditCardPaymentMethod) =>
paymentMethod.info?.issuerAbiCode && paymentMethod.info.type !== TypeEnum.PRV;
* Return a custom representation for a payment method who cannot pay
* @param paymentMethod
const paymentNotSupportedCustomRepresentation = (
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
): PaymentSupportStatus => {
switch (paymentMethod.kind) {
return "notAvailable";
* Check if a payment method is supported or not
* If the payment method have the enableable function pagoPA, can always pay ("available")
* "available" -> can pay
* "arriving" -> will pay
* "notAvailable" -> can't pay
* "onboardableNotImplemented" -> can onboard a card that can pay but is not yet implemented
export const isPaymentSupported = (
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
): PaymentSupportStatus => {
const paymentSupported: O.Option<PaymentSupportStatus> = hasPaymentFeature(
? O.some("available")
: O.none;
const notAvailableCustomRepresentation = O.some(
return pipe(
O.alt(() => notAvailableCustomRepresentation),
O.getOrElseW(() => "notAvailable" as const)