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/* eslint-disable sonarjs/no-duplicate-string */
import * as express from "express";
import * as t from "io-ts";

import { errorsToReadableMessages } from "./reporters";
import { enumType, withDefault } from "./types";
import { UrlFromString } from "./url";

// see
export enum HttpStatusCodeEnum {
  HTTP_STATUS_200 = 200,
  HTTP_STATUS_201 = 201,
  HTTP_STATUS_202 = 202,
  HTTP_STATUS_203 = 203,
  HTTP_STATUS_204 = 204,
  HTTP_STATUS_205 = 205,
  HTTP_STATUS_206 = 206,
  HTTP_STATUS_207 = 207,
  HTTP_STATUS_208 = 208,

  HTTP_STATUS_300 = 300,
  HTTP_STATUS_301 = 301,
  HTTP_STATUS_302 = 302,
  HTTP_STATUS_303 = 303,
  HTTP_STATUS_304 = 304,
  HTTP_STATUS_305 = 305,
  HTTP_STATUS_306 = 306,
  HTTP_STATUS_307 = 307,
  HTTP_STATUS_308 = 308,

  HTTP_STATUS_400 = 400,
  HTTP_STATUS_401 = 401,
  HTTP_STATUS_402 = 402,
  HTTP_STATUS_403 = 403,
  HTTP_STATUS_404 = 404,
  HTTP_STATUS_405 = 405,
  HTTP_STATUS_406 = 406,
  HTTP_STATUS_407 = 407,
  HTTP_STATUS_408 = 408,
  HTTP_STATUS_409 = 409,
  HTTP_STATUS_410 = 410,
  HTTP_STATUS_411 = 411,
  HTTP_STATUS_412 = 412,
  HTTP_STATUS_413 = 413,
  HTTP_STATUS_414 = 414,
  HTTP_STATUS_415 = 415,
  HTTP_STATUS_416 = 416,
  HTTP_STATUS_417 = 417,
  HTTP_STATUS_418 = 418,
  HTTP_STATUS_421 = 421,
  HTTP_STATUS_422 = 422,
  HTTP_STATUS_423 = 423,
  HTTP_STATUS_424 = 424,
  HTTP_STATUS_425 = 425,
  HTTP_STATUS_426 = 426,
  HTTP_STATUS_428 = 428,
  HTTP_STATUS_429 = 429,
  HTTP_STATUS_431 = 431,
  HTTP_STATUS_451 = 451,

  HTTP_STATUS_500 = 500,
  HTTP_STATUS_501 = 501,
  HTTP_STATUS_502 = 502,
  HTTP_STATUS_503 = 503,
  HTTP_STATUS_504 = 504,
  HTTP_STATUS_505 = 505,
  HTTP_STATUS_506 = 506,
  HTTP_STATUS_507 = 507,
  HTTP_STATUS_508 = 508,
  HTTP_STATUS_510 = 510,
  HTTP_STATUS_511 = 511,

export const HttpStatusCode = enumType<HttpStatusCodeEnum>(
export type HttpStatusCode = t.TypeOf<typeof HttpStatusCode>;

export const ProblemJson = t.partial({
  detail: t.string,
  instance: t.string,
  status: HttpStatusCode,
  title: t.string,
  type: withDefault(t.string, "about:blank"),
export type ProblemJson = t.TypeOf<typeof ProblemJson>;

 * Interface for a Response that can be returned by a middleware or
 * by the handlers.
export interface IResponse<T> {
  readonly kind: T;
  readonly apply: (response: express.Response) => void;
  readonly detail?: string;

// Success reponses

 * Interface for a successful response returning a json object.
export interface IResponseSuccessJson<T>
  extends IResponse<"IResponseSuccessJson"> {
  readonly value: T; // needed to discriminate from other T subtypes

 * Returns a successful json response.
 * @param o The object to return to the client
export const ResponseSuccessJson = <T>(o: T): IResponseSuccessJson<T> => {
  const kindlessObject = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o), {
    kind: undefined,
  return {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
    apply: (res) =>
    kind: "IResponseSuccessJson",
    value: o,

 * Interface for a successful response returning a xml object.
export interface IResponseSuccessXml<T>
  extends IResponse<"IResponseSuccessXml"> {
  readonly value: T; // needed to discriminate from other T subtypes

 * Returns a successful xml response.
 * @param o The object to return to the client
export const ResponseSuccessXml = <T>(o: T): IResponseSuccessXml<T> => ({
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
  apply: (res) =>
      .set("Content-Type", "application/xml")
  kind: "IResponseSuccessXml",
  value: o,

 * Interface for a issuing a request accepted response.
export interface IResponseSuccessAccepted<V = undefined>
  extends IResponse<"IResponseSuccessAccepted"> {
  readonly payload?: V;

 * Returns a request accepted response.
export const ResponseSuccessAccepted = <V>(
  detail?: string,
  payload?: V
): IResponseSuccessAccepted<V> => ({
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
  apply: (res) =>
    payload === undefined
      ? res.send(HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_202)
      : res.status(HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_202).json(payload),
  kind: "IResponseSuccessAccepted",

 * Interface for a issuing a client redirect .
export type IResponsePermanentRedirect =

 * Returns a redirect response.
 * @param o The object to return to the client
export const ResponsePermanentRedirect = (
  location: UrlFromString
): IResponsePermanentRedirect => ({
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
  apply: (res) =>
    res.redirect(HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_301, location.href),
  detail: location.href,
  kind: "IResponsePermanentRedirect",

 * Interface for issuing a client see-other redirect (uncached by browser) .
export type IResponseSeeOtherRedirect = IResponse<"IResponseSeeOtherRedirect">;

 * Returns a HTTP_303 redirect response.
 * @param location The url to redirect the client to
export const ResponseSeeOtherRedirect = (
  location: UrlFromString
): IResponseSeeOtherRedirect => ({
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
  apply: (res) =>
    res.redirect(HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_303, location.href),
  detail: location.href,
  kind: "IResponseSeeOtherRedirect",

 * Interface for a successful response returning a redirect to a resource.
export interface IResponseSuccessRedirectToResource<T, V>
  extends IResponse<"IResponseSuccessRedirectToResource"> {
  readonly resource: T; // type checks the right kind of resource
  readonly payload: V;

 * Returns a successful response returning a redirect to a resource.
export const ResponseSuccessRedirectToResource = <T, V>(
  resource: T,
  url: string,
  payload: V
): IResponseSuccessRedirectToResource<T, V> => ({
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
  apply: (res) =>
      .set("Location", url)
  detail: url,
  kind: "IResponseSuccessRedirectToResource",

 * Type for a successful response with no content (http code 204)
export type IResponseSuccessNoContent = IResponse<"IResponseSuccessNoContent">;

 * Returns a successful response without content and with a status code of 204
export const ResponseSuccessNoContent =
  (): IResponse<"IResponseSuccessNoContent"> => ({
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
    apply: (res) => res.status(HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_204).send(),
    kind: "IResponseSuccessNoContent",

// Error responses

 * Interface for a response describing a generic server error.
export type IResponseErrorGeneric = IResponse<"IResponseErrorGeneric">;

 * Returns a response describing a generic error.
 * The error is translated to an RFC 7807 response (Problem JSON)
 * See
export const ResponseErrorGeneric = (
  status: HttpStatusCode,
  title: string,
  detail: string,
  problemType?: string
): IResponseErrorGeneric => {
  const problem: ProblemJson = {
    type: problemType,
  return {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
    apply: (res) =>
        .set("Content-Type", "application/problem+json")
    detail: `${title}: ${detail}`,
    kind: "IResponseErrorGeneric",

 * Interface for a response describing a 404 error.
export type IResponseErrorNotFound = IResponse<"IResponseErrorNotFound">;

 * Returns a response describing a 404 error.
 * @param title The error message
export const ResponseErrorNotFound = (
  title: string,
  detail: string
): IResponseErrorNotFound => ({
  ...ResponseErrorGeneric(HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_404, title, detail),
  detail: `${title}: ${detail}`,
  kind: "IResponseErrorNotFound",

 * Interface for a response describing a validation error.
export type IResponseErrorValidation = IResponse<"IResponseErrorValidation">;

 * Returns a response describing a validation error.
export const ResponseErrorValidation = (
  title: string,
  detail: string
): IResponseErrorValidation => ({
  ...ResponseErrorGeneric(HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_400, title, detail),
  detail: `${title}: ${detail}`,
  kind: "IResponseErrorValidation",

 * Returns a response describing a validation error.
export const ResponseErrorFromValidationErrors =
  <S, A>(
    type: t.Type<A, S>
  ): ((
    errors: ReadonlyArray<t.ValidationError>
  ) => // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
  IResponseErrorValidation) =>
  (errors) => {
    const detail = errorsToReadableMessages(errors).join("\n");
    return ResponseErrorValidation(`Invalid ${}`, detail);

 * Interface for 401 unauthorized
export type IResponseErrorUnauthorized =
  IResponse<"IResponseErrorUnauthorized"> & { readonly detail: string };

 * Returns an unauthorized error response with status code 401.
export const ResponseErrorUnauthorized = (
  detail: string
): IResponseErrorUnauthorized => ({
  detail: `Unauthorized: ${detail}`,
  kind: "IResponseErrorUnauthorized",

 * The user is not allowed here.
export type IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorized =

 * Return an IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorized with a default detail if not provided
export const getResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorized = (
  detail = "You do not have enough permission to complete the operation you requested"
): IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorized => ({
    "You are not allowed here",
  kind: "IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorized",

 * The user is not allowed here.
export const ResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorized: IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorized =

 * The user is not allowed to issue production requests.
export type IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForProduction =

 * The user is not allowed to issue production requests.
export const ResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForProduction: IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForProduction =
      "Production call forbidden",
      "You are not allowed to issue production calls at this time."
    kind: "IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForProduction",

 * The user is not allowed to issue requests for the recipient.
export type IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForRecipient =

 * The user is not allowed to issue requests for the recipient.
export const ResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForRecipient: IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForRecipient =
      "Recipient forbidden",
      "You are not allowed to issue requests for the recipient."
    kind: "IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForRecipient",

 * The user is not allowed to send messages with default addresses.
export type IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForDefaultAddresses =

 * The user is not allowed to send messages with default addresses.
export const ResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForDefaultAddresses: IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForDefaultAddresses =
      "Call forbidden",
      "You are not allowed to send messages by providing default addresses."
    kind: "IResponseErrorForbiddenNotAuthorizedForDefaultAddresses",

 * The user is anonymous.
export type IResponseErrorForbiddenAnonymousUser =

 * The user is anonymous.
export const ResponseErrorForbiddenAnonymousUser: IResponseErrorForbiddenAnonymousUser =
      "Anonymous user",
      "The request could not be associated to a user, missing userId or subscriptionId."
    kind: "IResponseErrorForbiddenAnonymousUser",

 * The user is not part of any valid authorization groups.
export type IResponseErrorForbiddenNoAuthorizationGroups =

 * Return an IResponseErrorForbiddenNoAuthorizationGroups with a default detail if not provided
export const getResponseErrorForbiddenNoAuthorizationGroups = (
  description = "You are not part of any valid scope, you should ask the administrator to give you the required permissions."
): IResponseErrorForbiddenNoAuthorizationGroups => ({
    "User has no valid scopes",
  kind: "IResponseErrorForbiddenNoAuthorizationGroups",

 * The user is not part of any valid authorization groups.
export const ResponseErrorForbiddenNoAuthorizationGroups: IResponseErrorForbiddenNoAuthorizationGroups =

 * Interface for a response describing a conflict error (409).
export type IResponseErrorConflict = IResponse<"IResponseErrorConflict">;

 * Returns a response describing an conflict error (409).
 * @param detail The error message
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorConflict(detail: string): IResponseErrorConflict {
  return {
    kind: "IResponseErrorConflict",

 * Interface for a response describing a precondition failed error (412).
export type IResponseErrorPreconditionFailed =

 * Returns a response describing an precondition failed error (412).
 * @param detail The error message
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorPreconditionFailed(
  detail: string,
  problemType?: string
): IResponseErrorPreconditionFailed {
  return {
      "Precondition Failed",
    kind: "IResponseErrorPreconditionFailed",

 * Interface for a response describing a too many requests error (429).
export type IResponseErrorTooManyRequests =

 * Returns a response describing a too many requests error (429).
 * @param detail The error message
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorTooManyRequests(
  detail?: string
): IResponseErrorTooManyRequests {
  return {
      "Too many requests",
      detail === undefined ? "" : detail
    kind: "IResponseErrorTooManyRequests",

 * Interface for a response describing an internal server error.
export type IResponseErrorInternal = IResponse<"IResponseErrorInternal">;

 * Returns a response describing an internal server error.
 * @param detail The error message
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorInternal(detail: string): IResponseErrorInternal {
  return {
      "Internal server error",
    kind: "IResponseErrorInternal",

 * Interface for a response describing a bad gateway.
export type IResponseErrorBadGateway = IResponse<"IResponseErrorBadGateway">;

 * Returns a response describing a bad gateway error.
 * @param detail The error message
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorBadGateway(
  detail: string
): IResponseErrorBadGateway {
  return {
      "Bad Gateway",
    kind: "IResponseErrorBadGateway",

 * Interface for a response describing a service unavailable error.
export type IResponseErrorServiceUnavailable =

 * Returns a response describing a service unavailable error.
 * @param detail The error message
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorServiceUnavailable(
  detail: string
): IResponseErrorServiceUnavailable {
  return {
      "Service temporarily unavailable",
    kind: "IResponseErrorServiceUnavailable",

 * Returns a response describing a service temporarily unavailable error.
 * @param detail The error message
 * @param retryAfter seconds to wait for the Retry-After header
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorServiceTemporarilyUnavailable(
  detail: string,
  retryAfter: string
): IResponseErrorServiceUnavailable {
  const title = "Service temporarily unavailable";
  const status = HttpStatusCodeEnum.HTTP_STATUS_503;
  const problem: ProblemJson = {
  return {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
    apply: (res) =>
        .set("Content-Type", "application/problem+json")
        .set("Retry-After", retryAfter)
    detail: `${title}: ${detail}`,
    kind: "IResponseErrorServiceUnavailable",

 * Interface for a response describing a gateway timeout.
export type IResponseErrorGatewayTimeout =

 * Returns a response describing a gateway timeout error.
 * @param detail The error message
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorGatewayTimeout(
  detail: string
): IResponseErrorGatewayTimeout {
  return {
      "Gateway Timeout",
    kind: "IResponseErrorGatewayTimeout",

 * Returns a response describing a resource that is no more available.
export interface IResponseErrorGone extends IResponse<"IResponseErrorGone"> {
  readonly value: { readonly detail: string };
 * Returns a response with status 410 and a detail msg.
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions
export function ResponseErrorGone(detail: string): IResponseErrorGone {
  return {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
    apply: (res: express.Response) => res.status(410).json({ detail }),
    kind: "IResponseErrorGone",
    value: { detail },