module Argon2
# Direct external bindings. Call these methods via the Engine class to ensure points are dealt with
# module Ext
# extend FFI::Library
# end
# The engine class shields users from the FFI interface.
# It is generally not advised to directly use this class.
class Engine
def self.hash_argon2i: (untyped password, untyped salt, untyped t_cost, untyped m_cost, ?untyped? out_len) -> untyped
def self.hash_argon2id: (untyped password, untyped salt, untyped t_cost, untyped m_cost, untyped p_cost, ?untyped? out_len) -> untyped
def self.hash_argon2id_encode: (untyped password, untyped salt, untyped t_cost, untyped m_cost, untyped p_cost, untyped secret) -> untyped
def self.argon2_verify: (untyped pwd, untyped hash, untyped secret) -> (false | true)