#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs-extra'),
path = require('path'),
spawn = require('cross-spawn'),
unCompress = require('all-unpacker'),
fetching = require('node-wget-fetch'),
system_installer = require('system-installer'),
macos_release = require('macos-release');
const versionCompare = (left, right) => {
if (typeof left + typeof right != 'stringstring')
return false;
let a = left.split('.');
let b = right.split('.');
let i = 0;
let len = Math.max(a.length, b.length);
for (; i < len; i++) {
if ((a[i] && !b[i] && parseInt(a[i]) > 0) || (parseInt(a[i]) > parseInt(b[i]))) {
return 1;
} else if ((b[i] && !a[i] && parseInt(b[i]) > 0) || (parseInt(a[i]) < parseInt(b[i]))) {
return -1;
return 0;
const appleOs = (process.platform == "darwin") ? macos_release.version : '99.99.99',
macOsVersion = (versionCompare(appleOs, '10.11.12') == 1) ? '10.15' : '10.11',
_7zAppUrl = '',
join = path.join,
sep = path.sep,
cwd = process.cwd(),
binaryDestination = join(__dirname, 'binaries', process.platform);
const windowsPlatform = {
source: join(cwd, '7z1900-extra.7z'),
destination: join(cwd, 'win32'),
url: '',
filename: '7z1900-extra.7z',
extraName: 'lzma1900.7z',
extractFolder: '',
appLocation: '',
binaryFiles: ['Far', 'x64', '7za.dll', '7za.exe', '7zxa.dll'],
binaryDestinationDir: join(__dirname, 'binaries', 'win32'),
sfxModules: ['7zr.exe', '7zS2.sfx', '7zS2con.sfx', '7zSD.sfx'],
platform: 'win32',
binary: '7za.exe',
extraSourceFile: join(cwd, 'win32', 'lzma1900.7z'),
const windowsOtherPlatform = {
source: join(cwd, '7z1604-extra.7z'),
destination: join(cwd, 'other32'),
url: '',
filename: '7z1604-extra.7z',
extraName: 'lzma1604.7z',
extractFolder: '',
appLocation: '',
binaryFiles: ['Far', 'x64', '7za.dll', '7za.exe', '7zxa.dll'],
binaryDestinationDir: join(__dirname, 'binaries', 'win32', 'other32'),
sfxModules: ['7zr.exe', '7zS2.sfx', '7zS2con.sfx', '7zSD.sfx'],
platform: 'win32',
binary: '7za.exe',
extraSourceFile: join(cwd, 'other32', 'lzma1604.7z'),
const linuxPlatform = {
source: join(cwd, 'p7zip_16.02_x86_linux_bin.tar.bz2'),
destination: join(cwd, 'linux'),
url: '',
filename: 'p7zip_16.02_x86_linux_bin.tar.bz2',
extraName: 'lzma1604.7z',
extractFolder: 'p7zip_16.02',
appLocation: 'bin',
binaryFiles: ['7z', '', '7za', '7zCon.sfx', '7zr', 'Codecs'],
binaryDestinationDir: join(__dirname, 'binaries', 'linux'),
sfxModules: ['7zS2.sfx', '7zS2con.sfx', '7zSD.sfx'],
platform: 'linux',
binary: '7za',
extraSourceFile: join(cwd, 'linux', 'lzma1604.7z'),
const macVersion = (macOsVersion == '10.15') ? 'p7zip-16.02-macos10.15.pkg' : 'p7zip-16.02-macos10.11.pkg';
const appleMacPlatform = {
source: join(cwd, macVersion),
destination: join(cwd, 'darwin'),
url: '',
filename: macVersion,
extraName: 'lzma1604.7z',
extractFolder: '',
appLocation: 'usr/local/lib/p7zip',
binaryFiles: ['7z', '', '7za', '7zCon.sfx', '7zr', 'Codecs'],
binaryDestinationDir: join(__dirname, 'binaries', 'darwin'),
sfxModules: ['7zS2.sfx', '7zS2con.sfx', '7zSD.sfx'],
platform: 'darwin',
binary: '7za',
extraSourceFile: join(cwd, 'darwin', 'lzma1604.7z'),
function retrieve(path = {
url: '',
dest: ''
}) {
console.log('Downloading ' + path.url);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetching.wget(path.url, path.dest)
.then((info) => resolve(info))
.catch((err) => reject('Error downloading file: ' + err));
function platformUnpacker(platformData = windowsPlatform) {
return new retryPromise({
retries: 5
}, (resolve, retry) => {
return retrieve({
url: platformData.url + platformData.filename,
dest: platformData.source
}).then(() => {
console.log('Extracting: ' + platformData.filename);
if (platformData.platform == 'darwin') {
let destination = platformData.destination;
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
.then(() => {
return resolve('darwin');
}).catch((err) => retry(err));
} else {
unpack(platformData.source, destination)
.then((data) => {
console.log('Decompressing: p7zipinstall.pkg/Payload');
unpack(join(destination, 'p7zipinstall.pkg', 'Payload'), destination).then(() => {
console.log('Decompressing: Payload');
unpack(join(destination, 'Payload'), destination, platformData.appLocation + sep + '*').then(() => {
return resolve('darwin');
.catch((err) => retry(err));
.catch((err) => retry(err));
.catch((err) => retry(err));
} else if (platformData.platform == 'win32') {
unpack(platformData.source, platformData.destination)
.then(() => {
return resolve('win32');
.catch((err) => retry(err));
} else if (platformData.platform == 'linux') {
unpack(platformData.source, platformData.destination)
.then(() => {
const system = system_installer.packager();
const toInstall = (system.packager == 'yum' || system.packager == 'dnf') ?
'glibc.i686' : 'libc6-i386';
if (process.platform == 'linux')
system_installer.installer(toInstall).then(() => {
return resolve('linux');
return resolve('linux');
.catch((err) => retry(err));
} else if (fetching.isString(platformData.platform)) {
unpack(platformData.source, platformData.destination)
.then(() => {
return resolve(platformData.platform);
.catch((err) => retry(err));
}).catch((err) => retry(err));
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
function unpack(source, destination, toCopy) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return unCompress.unpack(
source, {
files: (toCopy == null ? '' : toCopy),
targetDir: destination,
forceOverwrite: true,
noDirectory: true,
quiet: true,
(err, files, text) => {
if (err)
return reject(err);
return resolve(files);
function extraUnpack(cmd = '', source = '', destination = '', toCopy = []) {
let args = ['e', source, '-o' + destination];
let extraArgs = args.concat(toCopy).concat(['-r', '-aos']);
console.log('Running: ' + cmd + ' ' + extraArgs);
return spawnSync(cmd, extraArgs);
function macUnpack(dataFor = appleMacPlatform, dataForOther = windowsOtherPlatform) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url: dataForOther.url + '7z1805-extra.7z',
dest: '.' + sep + '7z-extra.7z'
.then(() => {
let destination = join(cwd, 'other');
function extractDone() {
fs.emptyDir(destination).then(() => {
fs.unlink(join(__dirname, '7z-extra.7z')).then(() => {
return resolve('darwin');
unpack(join(__dirname, '7z-extra.7z'), destination)
.then(() => {
extraUnpack(join(__dirname, 'other', '7za.exe'), dataFor.source, dataFor.destination);
console.log('Decompressing: ' + 'p7zip-16.02-macos10.15');
unpack(join(dataFor.destination, 'p7zip-16.02-macos10.15'), dataFor.destination)
.then(() => {
return extractDone();
.catch(() => {
return extractDone();
}).catch((err) => reject);
}).catch((err) => reject);
function spawnSync(spCmd = '', spArgs = []) {
let doUnpack = spawn.sync(spCmd, spArgs, {
stdio: 'pipe'
if (doUnpack.error) {
console.error('Error 7za exited with code ' + doUnpack.error);
console.error('resolve the problem and re-install using:');
console.error('npm install');
return doUnpack;
function makeExecutable(binary = [], binaryFolder = '') {
binary.forEach((file) => {
try {
if (file == 'Codecs')
file = 'Codecs' + sep + ''
fs.chmodSync(join(binaryFolder, file), 755);
} catch (err) {
let extractionPromises = [];
[linuxPlatform, appleMacPlatform, windowsPlatform, windowsOtherPlatform]
.forEach((dataFor) => {
fs.mkdir(dataFor.destination, (err) => {
if (err) {}
const extracted = retrieve({
url: _7zAppUrl + dataFor.extraName,
dest: dataFor.extraSourceFile
.then(() => {
return platformUnpacker(dataFor)
.then(() => {
dataFor.binaryFiles.forEach((file) => {
try {
let from = join(dataFor.destination, dataFor.extractFolder, dataFor.appLocation, file);
let to = join(dataFor.binaryDestinationDir, file);
if (file == '7zCon.sfx') {
file = '7zCon' + dataFor.platform + '.sfx';
let location = join(binaryDestination, (process.platform == 'win32' ? 'other32' : ''));
to = join(location, file);
fs.moveSync(from, to, {
overwrite: true
makeExecutable([file], location);
console.log('Sfx module ' + file + ' copied successfully!');
} else if (dataFor.platform == process.platform) {
fs.moveSync(from, to, {
overwrite: true
if (dataFor.platform != 'win32')
makeExecutable([file], dataFor.binaryDestinationDir);
} catch (err) {
throw (err);
console.log('Binaries copied successfully!');
return dataFor;
.catch((err) => {
throw ('Unpacking for platform failed: ' + err);
.catch((err) => {
throw ('Error downloading file: ' + err);
.then((extracted) => {
extracted.forEach(function (dataFor) {
if (dataFor.sfxModules && dataFor.platform == process.platform) {
try {
const directory = (process.platform == "win32") ? dataFor.binaryDestinationDir : binaryDestination;
extraUnpack(join(binaryDestination, (process.platform == "win32") ? '7za.exe' : '7za'),
dataFor.sfxModules.forEach((file) => {
let name = file.replace(/.sfx/g, (dataFor.destination.includes('win32') ? 'win32' : 'other32') + '.sfx');
let to = join(directory, name);
if (!file.includes('7zr.exe'))
fs.renameSync(join(directory, file), to);
console.log('Sfx module ' + name + ' copied successfully!');
} catch (err) {
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
* Returns a promise that conditionally tries to resolve multiple times, as specified by the retry
* policy.
* @param {retryPolicy} [options] - Either An object that specifies the retry policy.
* @param {retryExecutor} executor - A function that is called for each attempt to resolve the promise.
* @returns {Promise}
function retryPromise(options, executor) {
if (executor == undefined) {
executor = options;
options = {};
var opts = prepOpts(options);
var attempts = 1;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let retrying = false;
function retry(err) {
if (retrying) return;
retrying = true;
if (attempts < opts.retries) {
setTimeout(() => {
retrying = false;
executor(resolve, retry, reject, attempts);
}, createTimeout(attempts, opts));
} else {
//console.log(attempts, opts.retries);
executor(resolve, retry, reject, attempts);
* Preps the options object, initializing default values and checking constraints.
* @param {Object} options - The options as provided to `retryingPromise`.
function prepOpts(options) {
var opts = {
retries: 10,
factor: 2,
minTimeout: 1000,
maxTimeout: Infinity,
randomize: false
for (var key in options) {
opts[key] = options[key];
if (opts.minTimeout > opts.maxTimeout) {
throw new Error('minTimeout is greater than maxTimeout');
return opts;
* Get a timeout value in milliseconds.
* @param {number} attempt - The attempt count.
* @param {Object} opts - The options.
* @returns {number} The timeout value in milliseconds.
function createTimeout(attempt, opts) {
var random = opts.randomize ? Math.random() + 1 : 1;
var timeout = Math.round(random * opts.minTimeout * Math.pow(opts.factor, attempt));
timeout = Math.min(timeout, opts.maxTimeout);
return timeout;