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Test Coverage
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.enums import Status
from cogs.utils import checks
from cogs.utils.chat_formatting import *
from cogs.utils.dataIO import fileIO
import os
import datetime
import time

class MentionTracker:
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.mail = fileIO("data/mentiontracker/mail.json", "load")
        self.settings = fileIO("data/mentiontracker/settings.json", "load")

    async def mentionset(self, ctx):
        """Manage mentiontracker settings"""
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
            msg = "```"
            for k, v in self.settings.items():
                msg += str(k) + ": " + str(v) + "\n"
            msg += "```"
            await self.bot.say(msg)

    @mentionset.command(name="limit", pass_context=True)
    async def _mentionset_limit(self, ctx, num: int):
        """Number of minutes to wait in between saving mentions."""
        if num < 0:
        self.settings["MENTION_TIME_LIMIT"] = num
        fileIO("data/mentiontracker/settings.json", "save", self.settings)
        self.bot.say("Settings saved.")

    async def mention(self, ctx):
        """Saves your mentions when you're not online."""
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)

    @mention.command(pass_context=True, name="register")
    async def _mention_register(self, ctx):
        """Register yourself for mention tracking"""
        user = ctx.message.author
        if user.id not in self.mail:
            self.mail[user.id] = {}
            self.mail[user.id]['mail'] = []
            self.mail[user.id]['last_notify'] = 0
            fileIO("data/mentiontracker/mail.json", "save", self.mail)
            await self.bot.reply("thanks for registering.")
            await self.bot.reply("you're already registered.")

    @mention.command(pass_context=True, name="unregister")
    async def _mention_unregister(self, ctx):
        """Unregister yourself from mention tracking"""
        user = ctx.message.author
        s = ctx.message.server
        if user.id in self.mail:
            del self.mail[user.id]
            await self.bot.say("You will stop receiving mention mail.")
            await self.bot.say("You haven't registered yet, try {}.".format(
                    self.bot.settings.get_prefixes(s)[0] +
                    "mention register")))

    @mention.command(pass_context=True, name="read")
    async def _mention_read(self, ctx):
        """Read all mentions since you've been away."""
        user = ctx.message.author
        if user.id not in self.mail:
            await self.bot.reply("you're not registered!")
            temp_context = ctx
            temp_context.invoked_subcommand = self._mention_register
            await self.bot.send_cmd_help(temp_context)
        if len(self.mail[user.id]['mail']) == 0:
            await self.bot.say("You have no mentions.")
        for mail in self.mail[user.id]['mail']:
            await self.bot.whisper(self._fmt_mail(mail))
        self.mail[user.id]['mail'] = []
        self.mail[user.id]['last_notify'] = 0
        fileIO("data/mentiontracker/mail.json", "save", self.mail)

    def _fmt_mail(self, mail):
        author = mail.get("author", "no_author")
        message = mail.get("message", "no_message")
        server = mail.get("server", "no_server")
        channel = mail.get("channel", "no_channel")
        time = mail.get("time", "no_time")
        ret = "A message from {} at {} UTC:\n".format(author, time)
        ret += "\tServer: {}\n".format(server)
        ret += "\tChannel: {}\n".format(channel)
        ret += "\tMessage:\n{}".format(message)
        return box(ret)

    async def _add_mail(self, add_id, message):
        mail = {}
        mail["author"] = message.author.name
        message_to_store = ""
        async for x in self.bot.logs_from(message.channel, limit=3,
            message_to_store += x.author.name + \
                ": " + self._clean_message(x) + "\n"
        mail["message"] = message_to_store + self._clean_message(message)
        mail["server"] = message.server.name
        mail["channel"] = message.channel.name
        mail["time"] = str(message.timestamp)
        fileIO("data/mentiontracker/mail.json", "save", self.mail)

    def _clean_message(self, message):
        ret = message.content
        for user in message.mentions:
            ret = ret.replace(user.mention, "@" + user.name)
        return ret

    def _last_time(self, mention):
        mail = self.mail[mention.id]['mail']
        if len(mail) > 0:
            last_mention = mail[-1]
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(last_mention["time"],
                                              "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
            return datetime.datetime.min

    async def tracker(self, message):
        if message.author == self.bot.user:
        mentions = message.mentions
        for mention in mentions:
            if not message.channel.permissions_for(mention).read_messages:
            if mention != message.author and mention.id in self.mail \
                    and mention.status != Status.online:
                limit = self.settings.get("MENTION_TIME_LIMIT", 0)
                delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=limit)
                if self._last_time(mention) + \
                        delta < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
                    await self._add_mail(mention.id, message)

    async def user_update(self, before, after):
        if before.id in self.mail and len(self.mail[before.id]['mail']) > 0:
            if before.status != Status.online \
                    and after.status == Status.online:
                if self.mail[after.id]['last_notify'] + 300 < int(time.time()):
                    self.mail[after.id]['last_notify'] = int(time.time())
                    await self.bot.send_message(
                        after, "You have mail!\n\nType {} to view.".format(
                            inline("mention read"))
                    fileIO("data/mentiontracker/mail.json", "save", self.mail)

def check_folder():
    if not os.path.exists("data/mentiontracker"):
        print("Creating data/mentiontracker folder...")

def check_file():
    mail = {}
    settings = {"MENTION_TIME_LIMIT": 5}

    f = "data/mentiontracker/mail.json"
    if not fileIO(f, "check"):
        print("Creating default mentiontracker's mail.json...")
        fileIO(f, "save", mail)

    f = "data/mentiontracker/settings.json"
    if not fileIO(f, "check"):
        print("Creating default mentiontracker's settings.json...")
        fileIO(f, "save", settings)

def setup(bot):
    n = MentionTracker(bot)
    bot.add_listener(n.tracker, "on_message")
    bot.add_listener(n.user_update, "on_member_update")