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Test Coverage
import re
import math
import discord
from discord.ext import commands

def slowExponent(x):
    return 1.3 * x * (1 - math.atan(x / 6.0) * 2 / math.pi)

def slowPow(x, y):
    return math.pow(x, slowExponent(y))

def caseShifts(s):
    s = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', '', s)
    s = re.sub('[A-Z]+', 'U', s)
    s = re.sub('[a-z]+', 'l', s)
    return len(s) - 1

def numberShifts(s):
    s = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', s)
    s = re.sub('[a-zA-Z]+', 'l', s)
    s = re.sub('[0-9]+', 'n', s)
    return len(s) - 1

def is_mention(name):
    if len(name) > 3 and name[:2] == "<@" and name[-1] == ">":
            return True
    return False

def getid(name):
    return name[2:-1]

class Nickometer:
    """Will tell you how lame a nick is by the command `@nickometer [nick]`."""

    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot

    async def nickometer(self, ctx, nick=None):
        """Tells you how lame a person with this name is, 100% accurate."""
        if not nick:
                nick = ctx.message.author.nick
                nick = ctx.message.author.name
                if nick is None:
                    nick = ctx.message.author.name
        elif is_mention(nick):
            members = ctx.message.server.members
            user = discord.utils.get(members, id=getid(nick))
            if user:
                    nick = ctx.message.author.nick
                    nick = user.name
                    if nick is None:
                        nick = ctx.message.author.name
        originalNick = nick

        score = 0

        specialCost = [('69', 500),
                       ('dea?th', 500),
                       ('dark', 400),
                       ('n[i1]ght', 300),
                       ('n[i1]te', 500),
                       ('fuck', 500),
                       ('sh[i1]t', 500),
                       ('coo[l1]', 500),
                       ('kew[l1]', 500),
                       ('lame', 500),
                       ('dood', 500),
                       ('dude', 500),
                       ('[l1](oo?|u)[sz]er', 500),
                       ('[l1]eet', 500),
                       ('e[l1]ite', 500),
                       ('[l1]ord', 500),
                       ('pron', 1000),
                       ('warez', 1000),
                       ('xx', 100),
                       ('\\[rkx]0', 1000),
                       ('\\0[rkx]', 1000)]

        def multipleReplacer(in_dict):
            _matcher = re.compile('|'.join(in_dict.keys()))

            def predicate(s):
                return _matcher.sub(lambda m: in_dict[m.group(0)], s)
            return predicate

        letterNumberTranslator = multipleReplacer(dict(list(zip(
            '02345718', 'ozeasttb'))))
        for special in specialCost:
            tempNick = nick
            if special[0][0] != '\\':
                tempNick = letterNumberTranslator(tempNick)

            if tempNick and re.search(special[0], tempNick, re.IGNORECASE):
                score += special[1]

        # I don't really know about either of these next two statements,
        # but they don't seem to do much harm.
        # Allow Perl referencing
        nick = re.sub('^\\\\([A-Za-z])', '\1', nick)

        # C-- ain't so bad either
        nick = re.sub('^C--$', 'C', nick)

        # Punish consecutive non-alphas
        matches = re.findall('[^\w\d]{2,}', nick)
        for match in matches:
            score += slowPow(10, len(match))

        # Remove balanced brackets ...
        while True:
            nickInitial = nick
            nick = re.sub('^([^()]*)(\()(.*)(\))([^()]*)$', '\1\3\5', nick, 1)
            nick = re.sub('^([^{}]*)(\{)(.*)(\})([^{}]*)$', '\1\3\5', nick, 1)
            nick = re.sub(
                '^([^[\]]*)(\[)(.*)(\])([^[\]]*)$', '\1\3\5', nick, 1)
            if nick == nickInitial:

        # ... and punish for unmatched brackets
        unmatched = re.findall('[][(){}]', nick)
        if len(unmatched) > 0:
            score += slowPow(10, len(unmatched))

        # Punish k3wlt0k
        k3wlt0k_weights = (5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2)
        for i in range(len(k3wlt0k_weights)):
            hits = re.findall(repr(i), nick)
            if (hits and len(hits) > 0):
                score += k3wlt0k_weights[i] * len(hits) * 30

        # An alpha caps is not lame in middle or at end, provided the first
        # alpha is caps.
        nickOriginalCase = nick
        match = re.search('^([^A-Za-z]*[A-Z].*[a-z].*?)[-_]?([A-Z])', nick)
        if match:
            nick = ''.join([nick[:match.start(2)],
                            nick[match.start(2) + 1:]])

        match = re.search('^([^A-Za-z]*)([A-Z])([a-z])', nick)
        if match:
            nick = ''.join([nick[:match.start(2)],

        # Punish uppercase to lowercase shifts and vice-versa, modulo
        # exceptions above

        # the commented line is the equivalent of the original, but i think
        # they intended my version, otherwise, the first caps alpha will
        # still be punished
        # cshifts = caseShifts(nickOriginalCase);
        cshifts = caseShifts(nick)
        if cshifts > 1 and re.match('.*[A-Z].*', nick):
            score += slowPow(9, cshifts)

        # Punish lame endings
        if re.match('.*[XZ][^a-zA-Z]*$', nickOriginalCase):
            score += 50

        # Punish letter to numeric shifts and vice-versa
        nshifts = numberShifts(nick)
        if nshifts > 1:
            score += slowPow(9, nshifts)

        # Punish extraneous caps
        caps = re.findall('[A-Z]', nick)
        if caps and len(caps) > 0:
            score += slowPow(7, len(caps))

        # one trailing underscore is ok. i also added a - for parasite-
        nick = re.sub('[-_]$', '', nick)

        # Punish anything that's left
        remains = re.findall('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', nick)
        if remains and len(remains) > 0:
            score += 50 * len(remains) + slowPow(9, len(remains))

        # Use an appropriate function to map [0, +inf) to [0, 100)
        percentage = 100 * (1 + math.tanh((score - 400.0) / 400.0)) * \
            (1 - 1 / (1 + score / 5.0)) // 2

        # if it's above 99.9%, show as many digits as is interesting
        score_string = re.sub('(99\\.9*\\d|\\.\\d).*', '\\1', repr(percentage))

        await self.bot.say('The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for '
                           '"%s" is %s%%.' % (originalNick, score_string))

def setup(bot):
    n = Nickometer(bot)