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1 wk
Test Coverage
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var FB = require('facebook-node');
var Twitter = require('twitter');
var async = require('async');
var Models = require('telepat-models');
var security = require('./security');
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var microtime = require('microtime-nodejs');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var guid = require('uuid');
var mandrill = require('mandrill-api');
var sendgridHelper = require('sendgrid').mail;

var unless = function(paths, middleware) {
    return function(req, res, next) {
        var excluded = false;
        for (var i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
            if (paths[i] === req.path) {
                excluded = true;
        if (excluded) {
            return next();
        } else {
            return middleware(req, res, next);

var isMobileBrowser = function(userAgent) {
    return userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod|Android|Windows Phone)/g) ? true : false;

router.use(unless(['/refresh_token', '/confirm', '/request_password_reset', '/metadata', '/update_metadata', '/reset_password_intermediate'], security.deviceIdValidation));
router.use(unless(['/refresh_token', '/confirm', '/metadata', '/update_metadata', '/reset_password_intermediate'], security.applicationIdValidation));
router.use(unless(['/refresh_token', '/confirm', '/metadata', '/update_metadata', '/reset_password_intermediate'], security.apiKeyValidation));

router.use(['/logout', '/me', '/update', '/update_immediate', '/delete', '/metadata', '/update_metadata'],

 * @api {post} /user/login-password Password login
 * @apiDescription Logs in the user with a password
 * @apiName UserLoginPassword
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-UDID Custom header containing the device ID (obtained from device/register)
 * @apiParam {String} password The password
 * @apiParam {String} username Username
 * @apiExample {json} Client Request
 *     {
 *         "username": "",
 *         "password": "magic-password1337"
 *     }
 *     @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "content": {
 *             "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImdhYmlAYXBwc2NlbmQuY29tIiwiaXNBZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwi
 *             aWF0IjoxNDMyOTA2ODQwLCJleHAiOjE0MzI5MTA0NDB9.knhPevsK4cWewnx0LpSLrMg3Tk_OpchKu6it7FK9C2Q"
 *             "user": {
 *                 "id": 31,
 *                "type": "user",
 *                 "username": "",
 *                 "devices": [
 *                    "466fa519-acb4-424b-8736-fc6f35d6b6cc"
 *                ],
 *                "password": "acb8a9cbb479b6079f59eabbb50780087859aba2e8c0c397097007444bba07c0"
 *             }
 *         }
 *     }
 *     @apiError 401 [031]UserBadLogin User email and password did not match
 */['/login-password', '/login_password'], function(req, res, next) {
    if (!req.body.username)
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['username']));

    if (!req.body.password)
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['password']));

    var userProfile = null;
    var username = req.body.username;
    var password = req.body.password.toString();
    var deviceId = req._telepat.device_id;
    var appId = req._telepat.applicationId;
    var requiresConfirmation = Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_confirmation;

    var hashedPassword = null;

        function(callback) {
            //try and get user profile from DB
            Models.User({username: username}, appId, function(err, result) {
                if (err && err.status == 404) {
                    callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserNotFound));
                else if (err)
                else {
                    if (!requiresConfirmation || result.confirmed) {
                        userProfile = result;
                    } else {
                        return callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UnconfirmedAccount));
        function(callback) {
            var patches = [];
            patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(userProfile, 'append', {devices: deviceId}));

            if (userProfile.devices) {
                var idx = userProfile.devices.indexOf(deviceId);
                if (idx === -1) {
                    Models.User.update(patches, callback);
                } else
            } else {
                Models.User.update(patches, callback);
        function(callback) {
            security.encryptPassword(req.body.password, function(err, hash) {
                if (err)
                    return callback(err);

                hashedPassword = hash;

    ], function(err) {
        if (err)
            return next(err);

        if (hashedPassword != userProfile.password) {
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserBadLogin));

        delete userProfile.password;

        var token = security.createToken({username: username, id:});
        res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: {user: userProfile, token: token }});

 * @api {post} /user/login-{s} Login
 * @apiDescription Log in the user through Facebook or Twitter.
 * @apiName UserLogin
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-UDID Custom header containing the device ID (obtained from device/register)
 * @apiParam {String} s GET param for the login provider
 * @apiParam {String} access_token Facebook access token.
 * @apiExample {json} Facebook login
 *     {
 *         "access_token": "fb access token"
 *     }
 *     @apiExample {json} Twitter login
 *     {
 *         "oauth_token": "oauth token",
 *         "oauth_token_secret": "oauth token secret"
 *     }
 *     @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 200,
 *         "content": {
 *             "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImdhYmlAYXBwc2NlbmQuY29tIiwiaXNBZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwi
 *             aWF0IjoxNDMyOTA2ODQwLCJleHAiOjE0MzI5MTA0NDB9.knhPevsK4cWewnx0LpSLrMg3Tk_OpchKu6it7FK9C2Q"
 *             "user": {
 *                 "id": 31,
 *                "type": "user",
 *                 "username": "",
 *                 "devices": [
 *                    "466fa519-acb4-424b-8736-fc6f35d6b6cc"
 *                ],
 *                "password": "acb8a9cbb479b6079f59eabbb50780087859aba2e8c0c397097007444bba07c0"
 *            }
 *         }
 *     }
 *     @apiError 400 [028]InsufficientFacebookPermissions User email is not publicly available
 *     (insufficient Facebook permissions)
 *     @apiError 404 [023]UserNotFound User not found
 */'/login-:s', function(req, res, next) {
    if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(req.body).length === 0)
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.RequestBodyEmpty));

    var loginProvider = req.params.s;

    if (loginProvider == 'facebook') {
        if (!req.body.access_token)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['access_token']));
        if (!app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers || !app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.facebook)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ServerNotConfigured,
                ['facebook login provider']));
    } else if (loginProvider == 'twitter') {
        if (!req.body.oauth_token)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['oauth_token']));
        if (!req.body.oauth_token_secret)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['oauth_token_secret']));
        if (!app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers || !app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.twitter)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ServerNotConfigured,
                ['twitter login provider']));
    } else {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidLoginProvider, ['facebook, twitter']));

    var accessToken = req.body.access_token;
    var username = null;
    var userProfile = null;
    var socialProfile = null;
    var deviceId = req._telepat.device_id;
    var appId = req._telepat.applicationId;

        //Retrieve facebook information
        function(callback) {
            if (loginProvider == 'facebook') {
                FB.napi('/me?fields=name,email,id,gender,picture', {access_token: accessToken}, function(err, result) {
                    if (err) return callback(err);
                    username = ||;
                    socialProfile = result;
            } else if (loginProvider == 'twitter') {
                var options = {
                    access_token_key: req.body.oauth_token,
                    access_token_secret: req.body.oauth_token_secret

                options.consumer_key = app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.twitter.consumer_key;
                options.consumer_secret = app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.twitter.consumer_secret;

                var twitterClient = new Twitter(options);

                twitterClient.get('account/settings', {}, function(err, result) {
                    if (err)
                        return callback(err);

                    twitterClient.get('users/show', {screen_name: result.screen_name}, function(err1, result1) {
                        if (err1)
                            return callback(err1);

                        username = result.screen_name;
                        socialProfile = result1;

        function(callback) {
            //try and get user profile from DB
            if (req.body.username && loginProvider == 'facebook') {
                    function(callback1) {
                        Models.User({username: username}, appId, function(err, result) {
                            if (err && err.status == 404) {
                            else if (err)
                            else if (!result.fid) {
                            } else {
                                callback1(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserAlreadyExists));
                    function(callback1) {
                        Models.User({username: req.body.username}, appId, function(err, result) {
                            if (!err) {
                                var patches = [];
                                patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(result, 'replace', {username: username}));
                                patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(result, 'replace', {picture:}));
                                patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(result, 'replace', {fid:}));
                                patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(result, 'replace', {name:}));

                                Models.User.update(patches, function(err, modifiedUser) {
                                    if (err) return callback1(err);
                                    userProfile = modifiedUser;
                            } else if (err && err.status != 404)
                            else {
                                callback1(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserNotFound));
                ], callback);
            } else {
                Models.User({username: username}, appId, function(err, result) {
                    if (err && err.status == 404) {
                        callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserNotFound));
                    else if (err)
                    else {
                        userProfile = result;

        //update user with deviceID if it already exists
        function(callback) {
            //if linking account with fb, user updating again is not necessary
            if (req.body.username && loginProvider == 'facebook')
                return callback();
            if (userProfile.devices) {
                var idx = userProfile.devices.indexOf(deviceId);
                if (idx === -1)
            } else {
                userProfile.devices = [deviceId];

            var patches = [];
            patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(userProfile, 'replace', {devices: userProfile.devices}));

            if (loginProvider == 'facebook') {
                if ( !=
                    patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(userProfile, 'replace', {name:}));
                if (userProfile.gender != socialProfile.gender)
                    patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(userProfile, 'replace', {gender: socialProfile.gender}));
                if (userProfile.picture !=
                    patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(userProfile, 'replace', {picture:}));
            } else if (loginProvider == 'twitter') {
                if ( !=
                    patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(userProfile, 'replace', {name:}));
                if (userProfile.picture != socialProfile.profile_image_url_https)
                    patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(userProfile, 'replace', {picture: socialProfile.picture}));

            Models.User.update(patches, callback);
        //final step: send authentification token
    ], function(err) {
        if(err && err.code == '023') {
            return next(err);

        if(loginProvider == 'facebook' && err && err.response && err.response.error.code == 190) {
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidAuthorization, ['Facebook access token has expired']));
        if (err && err[0] && err[0].code == 89) {
             return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidAuthorization, ['Twitter access token has expired']));
        if (err)
            return next(err);
        else {
            var token = security.createToken({username: username, id:});
            delete userProfile.password;
            res.json({status: 200, content: {token: token, user: userProfile}});

 * @api {post} /user/register-{s} Register
 * @apiDescription Registers a new user using a Facebook token or directly with an email and password. User is not created
 * immediately.
 * @apiName UserRegister
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-UDID Custom header containing the device ID (obtained from device/register)
 * @apiParam {String} s GET param for the login provider (can be "username" for registering without a 3rd party)
 * @apiParam {String} access_token Facebook access token.
 * @apiExample {json} Username
 * {
 *         "username": "",
 *         "password": "secure_password1337",
 *         "name": "John Smith"
 * }
 * @apiExample {json} Facebook Request
 *     {
 *         "access_token": "fb access token"
 *     }
 * @apiExample {json} Twitter request
 *     {
 *         "oauth_token": "oauth token",
 *         "oauth_token_secret": "oauth token secret"
 *     }
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 202,
 *         "content": "User created"
 *     }
 *     @apiError 400 [028]InsufficientFacebookPermissions User email is not publicly available
 *     (insufficient facebook permissions)
 *     @apiError 409 [029]UserAlreadyExists User with that email address already exists
 */'/register-:s', function(req, res, next) {
    if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(req.body).length === 0) {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.RequestBodyEmpty));

    var loginProvider = req.params.s;

    if (loginProvider == 'facebook') {
        if (!req.body.access_token)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['access_token']));
        if (!app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers || !app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.facebook)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ServerNotConfigured,
                ['facebook login handler']));
    } else if (loginProvider == 'twitter') {
        if (!req.body.oauth_token)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['oauth_token']));
        if (!req.body.oauth_token_secret)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['oauth_token_secret']));
        if (!app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers || !app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.twitter)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ServerNotConfigured,
                ['twitter login provider']));
    } else if (loginProvider == 'username') {
        if (!req.body.username)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['username']));
        if (!req.body.password)
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['password']));
    } else {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidLoginProvider, ['facebook, twitter, username']));

    var userProfile = req.body;
    var accessToken = req.body.access_token;
    var fbFriends = [];
    var deviceId = req._telepat.device_id;
    var appId = req._telepat.applicationId;
    var requiresConfirmation = Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_confirmation;
    if (loginProvider == 'username' && requiresConfirmation && ! {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField, ['email']));

    var timestamp =;

        function(callback) {
            if (loginProvider == 'facebook') {
                FB.napi('/me?fields=name,email,id,gender,picture', {access_token: accessToken}, function(err, result) {
                    if (err) {
                        return callback(err);

                    var picture =;
                    delete result.picture;

                    userProfile = result;
                    userProfile.picture = picture;
                    userProfile.username = ||;

            } else if (loginProvider == 'twitter') {
                var options = {
                    access_token_key: req.body.oauth_token,
                    access_token_secret: req.body.oauth_token_secret

                options.consumer_key = app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.twitter.consumer_key;
                options.consumer_secret = app.telepatConfig.config.login_providers.twitter.consumer_secret;

                var twitterClient = new Twitter(options);

                twitterClient.get('account/settings', {}, function(err, result) {
                    if (err)
                        return callback(err);

                    twitterClient.get('users/show', {screen_name: result.screen_name}, function(err1, result1) {
                        if (err1)
                            return callback(err1);

                        userProfile = {};
               = result1.screen_name;
                        userProfile.username = result.screen_name;
                        userProfile.picture = result1.profile_image_url_https;

            } else {
        function(callback) {
            //get his/her friends
            if (loginProvider == 'facebook') {
                FB.napi('/me/friends', {access_token: accessToken}, function(err, result) {
                    if (err) return callback(err);

                    for(var f in {
            } else
        function(callback) {
            if (!userProfile.username) {
                return callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField,
            Models.User({username: userProfile.username}, appId, function(err, result) {

                if (!err) {
                    callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserAlreadyExists)); 
                else if (err && err.status != 404)
                else {
        //send message to kafka if user doesn't exist in order to create it
        function(callback) {

            if (fbFriends.length)
                userProfile.friends = fbFriends;

            userProfile.type = 'user';
            userProfile.devices = [deviceId];

            if (userProfile.password)
                security.encryptPassword(userProfile.password, callback);
                callback(null, false);

        }, function(hash, callback) {
            if (hash !== false)
                userProfile.password = hash;

            //request came from facebook
            if (accessToken) {
                userProfile.fid =;

            if (requiresConfirmation &&    loginProvider == 'username') {
                var mandrill = app.telepatConfig.config.mandrill && app.telepatConfig.config.mandrill.api_key;
                var sendgrid = app.telepatConfig.config.sendgrid && app.telepatConfig.config.sendgrid.api_key;

                if (!mandrill && !sendgrid) {
                    Models.Application.logger.warning('Mandrill API key is missing, user email address will be ' +
                        'automatically confirmed');
                    userProfile.confirmed = true;
                } else if (!Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].from_email) {
                    Models.Application.logger.warning('"from_email" config missing, user email address will be ' +
                        'automatically confirmed');
                    userProfile.confirmed = true;
                } else {
                    var messageContent = '';
                    var emailProvider = app.telepatConfig.config.mandrill ? 'mandrill' : 'sendgrid';
                    var apiKey = {};
                    apiKey[emailProvider] = app.telepatConfig.config[emailProvider].api_key;

                    userProfile.confirmed = false;
                    userProfile.confirmationHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(guid.v4()).digest('hex').toLowerCase();
                    var url = 'http://' + '/user/confirm?username='+

                    if (req.body.callbackUrl)
                        url += '&redirect_url='+encodeURIComponent(req.body.callbackUrl);

                    if (Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates &&
                        Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.confirm_account) {

                        messageContent = Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.confirm_account.
                        replace('{CONFIRM_LINK}', url);
                    } else {
                        messageContent = 'In order to be able to use and log in to the "'+Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].name+
                            '" app click this link: <a href="'+url+'">Confirm</a>';

                    if (Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates &&
                        Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.confirm_account) {

                        messageContent = Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.confirm_account.
                            replace(/\{CONFIRM_LINK}/g, url);
                    } else {
                        messageContent = 'In order to be able to use and log in to the "'+Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].name+
                            '" app click this link: <a href="'+url+'">Confirm</a>';

                            email: Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].from_email,
                            name: Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].name
                        'Account confirmation for "'+Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].name+'"',

            userProfile.application_id = req._telepat.applicationId;
            delete userProfile.access_token;
            delete userProfile.callbackUrl;
                op: 'create',
                object: userProfile,
                application_id: req._telepat.applicationId,
                timestamp: timestamp
            })], 'aggregation', callback);
    ], function(err) {
        if (err && err.message == 'Invalid OAuth access token.' && loginProvider == 'facebook') {
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ServerConfigurationFailure, 'Facebook invalid OAuth access token'));
        if (err) return next(err);

        res.status(202).json({status: 202, content: 'User created'});

 * @api {get} /user/confirm ConfirmEmailAddress
 * @apiDescription Confirms the email address for the user
 * @apiName ConfirmEmailAddress
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.3
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiParam {String} username The username
 * @apiParam {String} hash The confirmation hash
 * @apiParam {String} app_id The application ID
 * @apiParam {String} callbackUrl The app deeplink url to redirect the user to
 *     @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "content": {
 *            "id": 31,
 *            "type": "user",
 *             "username": "",
 *             "devices": [
 *                "466fa519-acb4-424b-8736-fc6f35d6b6cc"
 *            ]
 *         }
 *     }
router.get('/confirm', function(req, res, next) {
    var username = req.body.username;
    var hash = req.body.hash;
    var appId = req.body.app_id;
    var user = null;
    var redirectUrl = req.body.redirect_url;

        function(callback) {
            Models.User({username: username}, appId, function(err, result) {
                if (err) return callback(err);

                user = result;
        function(callback) {
            if (hash != user.confirmationHash) {
                return callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ClientBadRequest, ['invalid hash']));

            var patches = [];
            patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(user, 'replace', {confirmed: true}));

            Models.User.update(patches, callback);
    ], function(err) {
        if (err)
            return next(err);

        if (redirectUrl && app.telepatConfig.config.redirect_url) {
        } else if (Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates &&
            Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.after_confirm) {
            res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
        } else {
            res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: 'Account confirmed'});

 * @api {get} /user/me Me
 * @apiDescription Info about logged user
 * @apiName UserMe
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization The authorization token obtained in the login endpoint.
 * Should have the format: <i>Bearer $TOKEN</i>
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-UDID Custom header containing the device ID (obtained from device/register)
 * @apiParam {String} password The password
 * @apiParam {String} email The email
 *     @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "content": {
 *            "id": 31,
 *            "type": "user",
 *             "username": "",
 *             "devices": [
 *                "466fa519-acb4-424b-8736-fc6f35d6b6cc"
 *            ]
 *         }
 *     }
router.get('/me', function(req, res, next) {
    Models.User({id:}, req._telepat.applicationId, function(err, result) {
        if (err && err.status == 404) {
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserNotFound));
        else if (err)
            delete result.password;
            res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: result});

 * @api {get} /user/get getUser
 * @apiDescription Info about an user, based on their ID
 * @apiName UserGet
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization The authorization token obtained in the login endpoint.
 * Should have the format: <i>Bearer $TOKEN</i>
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-UDID Custom header containing the device ID (obtained from device/register)
 * @apiParam {String} user_id The ID of the desired user
 *     @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "content": {
 *            "id": 31,
 *            "type": "user",
 *             "username": "",
 *             "devices": [
 *                "466fa519-acb4-424b-8736-fc6f35d6b6cc"
 *            ]
 *         }
 *     }
router.get('/get', function(req, res, next) {
    Models.User({id: req.body.user_id}, req._telepat.applicationId, function(err, result) {
        if (err && err.status == 404) {
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.UserNotFound));
        else if (err)
            delete result.password;
            res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: result});

 * @api {get} /user/logout Logout
 * @apiDescription Logs out the user removing the device from his array of devices.
 * @apiName UserLogout
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-UDID Custom header containing the device ID (obtained from device/register)
 *     @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 200,
 *         "content": "Logged out of device"
 *     }
router.get('/logout', function(req, res, next) {
    var deviceId = req._telepat.device_id;
    var appID = req._telepat.applicationId;

        function(callback) {
            Models.User({id:}, appID, callback);
        function(user, callback) {
            if (user.devices) {
                var idx = user.devices.indexOf(deviceId);
                if (idx >= 0)
                    user.devices.splice(idx, 1);

                "op": "replace",
                "path": "user/""/devices",
                "value": user.devices
            ], callback);
            } else {
    ], function(err) {
        if (err) return next(err);

        res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: "Logged out of device"});

 * @api {get} /user/refresh_token Refresh Token
 * @apiDescription Sends a new authentication token to the user. The old token must be provide (and it may or not
 * may not be already expired).
 * @apiName RefreshToken
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization The authorization token obtained in the login endpoint.
 * Should have the format: <i>Bearer $TOKEN</i>
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 200,
 *         "content": {
 *             token: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImdhYmlAYXBwc2NlbmQuY29tIiwiaXNBZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwiaW
 *             F0IjoxNDMyOTA2ODQwLCJleHAiOjE0MzI5MTA0NDB9.knhPevsK4cWewnx0LpSLrMg3Tk_OpchKu6it7FK9C2Q"
 *         }
 *     }
 * @apiError 400 [013]AuthorizationMissing  If authorization header is missing
 * @apiError 400 [039]ClientBadRequest Error decoding auth token
 * @apiError 400 [040]MalformedAuthorizationToken Authorization token is malformed
 * @apiError 400 [014]InvalidAuthorization Authorization header is invalid
router.get('/refresh_token', function(req, res, next) {
    if (!req.get('Authorization')) {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.AuthorizationMissing));

    var authHeader = req.get('Authorization').split(' ');
    if (authHeader[0] == 'Bearer' && authHeader[1]) {
        try {
            var decoded = jwt.decode(authHeader[1]);
        } catch (e) {
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ClientBadRequest, [e.message]));

        if (!decoded) {
            return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MalformedAuthorizationToken));

        var newToken = security.createToken(decoded);

        return res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: {token: newToken}});
    } else {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidAuthorization, ['header invalid']));

 * @api {post} /user/update Update
 * @apiDescription Updates the user information. This operation is not immediate.
 * @apiName UserUpdate
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiParam {Object[]} patches Array of patches that describe the modifications
 * @apiExample {json} Client Request
 *     {
 *         "patches": [
 *             {
 *                 "op": "replace",
 *                 "path": "user/user_id/field_name",
 *                 "value": "new value
 *             }
 *         ]
 *     }
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 202,
 *         "content": "User updated"
 *     }
 *     @apiError [042]400 InvalidPatch Invalid patch supplied
 */'/update', function(req, res, next) {
    if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(req.body).length === 0) {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.RequestBodyEmpty));
    } else if (!Array.isArray(req.body.patches)) {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidFieldValue,
            ['"patches" is not an array']));
    } else if (req.body.patches.length == 0) {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidFieldValue,
            ['"patches" array is empty']));

    var patches = req.body.patches;
    var id =;
    var username = req.user.username;
    var modifiedMicrotime =;

    var i = 0;
    async.eachSeries(patches, function(p, c) {
        patches[i].username = username;

        if (patches[i].path.split('/')[2] == 'password') {

            security.encryptPassword(patches[i].value, function(err, hash) {
                patches[i].value = hash;
        } else {
    }, function() {
        async.eachSeries(patches, function(patch, c) {
            var patchUserId = patch.path.split('/')[1];

            if (patchUserId != id) {
                return c(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.InvalidPatch,
                    ['Invalid ID in one of the patches']));
        }, function(err) {
            if (err) return next(err);

                op: 'update',
                patches: patches,
                application_id: req._telepat.applicationId,
                timestamp: modifiedMicrotime
            })], 'aggregation', function(err) {
                if (err)
                    return next(err);
                res.status(202).json({status: 202, content: "User updated"});


 * @api {delete} /user/delete Delete
 * @apiDescription Deletes a user
 * @apiName UserDelete
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization The authorization token obtained in the login endpoint. Should have the format: <i>Bearer $TOKEN</i>
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 202,
 *         "content": "User deleted"
 *     }
router.delete('/delete', function(req, res, next) {
    var timestamp =;

        op: 'delete',
        object: {id:, model: 'user'},
        application_id: req._telepat.applicationId,
        timestamp: timestamp
    })], 'aggregation', function(err) {
        if (err) return next(err);

        res.status(202).json({status: 202, content: "User deleted"});


 * @api {delete} /user/request_password_reset Request Password Reset
 * @apiDescription Requests a password reset for the user, an email is sent to its email address
 * @apiName UserRequestPasswordReset
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiParam {string} link An application deep link to redirect the user when clicking the link in the email sent
 * @apiParam {string} username The username which password we want to reset
 * @apiExample {json} Client Request
 *     {
 *         "link": "app://callback-url",
 *         "username": ""
 *     }
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 200,
 *         "content": "Password reset email sent"
 *     }
 */'/request_password_reset', function(req, res, next) {
    var link = req.body.callbackUrl; // either 'browser' or 'app'
    var appId = req._telepat.applicationId;
    var username = req.body.username;
    var token = crypto.createHash('md5').update(guid.v4()).digest('hex').toLowerCase();
    var user = null;

    var mandrill = app.telepatConfig.config.mandrill && app.telepatConfig.config.mandrill.api_key;
    var sendgrid = app.telepatConfig.config.sendgrid && app.telepatConfig.config.sendgrid.api_key;

    if (!mandrill && !sendgrid) {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ServerNotConfigured, ['mandrill/sendgrid API keys missing']));

        function(callback) {
            Models.User({username: username}, appId, function(err, result) {
                if (err) return callback(err);

                if (!
                    return callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ClientBadRequest,
                        ['user has no email address']));

                user = result;
        function(callback) {
            var messageContent = '';
            var emailProvider = app.telepatConfig.config.mandrill ? 'mandrill' : 'sendgrid';
            var apiKey = {};
            apiKey[emailProvider] = app.telepatConfig.config[emailProvider].api_key;

            link += '?token='+token+'&user_id=';

            var redirectUrl = 'http://''/user/reset_password_intermediate?url='+encodeURIComponent(link)+

            if (Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates &&
                Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.reset_password) {
                messageContent = Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.reset_password.
                    replace(/\{CONFIRM_LINK}/g, redirectUrl);
            } else {
                messageContent = 'Password reset request from the "'+Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].name+
                '" app. Click this URL to reset password: <a href="'+redirectUrl+'">Reset</a>';
                    email: Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].from_email,
                    name: Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].name
                'Reset account password for "'+username+'"',

            var patches = [];
            patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(user, 'replace', {password_reset_token: token}));

            Models.User.update(patches, callback);
    ], function(err) {
        if (err)
            return next(err);
        res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: "Password reset email sent"});

router.get('/reset_password_intermediate', function(req, res, next) {
    var appId = req.query.app_id;

    if (!Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId])
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ApplicationNotFound, [appId]));

    if (!isMobileBrowser(req.get('User-Agent'))) {
        if (Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates &&
            Models.Application.loadedAppModels[appId].email_templates.weblink) {

    } else {

 * @api {delete} /user/password_reset Password Reset
 * @apiDescription Resets the password of the user based on a token
 * @apiName UserPasswordReset
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-APPID Custom header which contains the application ID
 * @apiHeader {String} X-BLGREQ-SIGN Custom header containing the SHA256-ed API key of the application
 * @apiParam {String} token The token received from the query params in the app deeplink callback url
 * @apiParam {String} user_id The user_id received from the query params in the app deeplink callback url
 * @apiParam {String} password The new password
 * @apiExample {json} Client Request
 *     {
 *         "token": "password_reset_token",
 *         "user_id": "user_id",
 *         "password": "new passowrd"
 *     }
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 200,
 *         "content": "new passowrd"
 *     }
 */'/password_reset', function(req, res, next) {
    var token = req.body.token;
    var userId = req.body.user_id;
    var newPassword = req.body.password;
    var appId = req._telepat.applicationId;
    var user = null;

        function(callback) {
            Models.User({id: userId}, appId, function(err, result) {
                if (err) return callback(err);

                if (result.password_reset_token == null ||
                    result.password_reset_token == undefined ||
                    result.password_reset_token != token) {
                    return callback(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.ClientBadRequest,
                        ['invalid token']));

                user = result;
        function(callback) {
            security.encryptPassword(newPassword, function(err, hashedPassword) {
                if (err) return callback(err);

                var patches = [];
                patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(user, 'replace', {password: hashedPassword}));
                patches.push(Models.Delta.formPatch(user, 'replace', {password_reset_token: null}));

                Models.User.update(patches, callback);
    ], function(err) {
        if (err)
            return next(err);

        res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: newPassword});

 * @api {get} /user/metadata Get Metadata
 * @apiDescription Gets user metadata (private info)
 * @apiName UserGetMetadata
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization The authorization token obtained in the login endpoint. Should have the format: <i>Bearer $TOKEN</i>
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 200,
 *         "content": {
 *            "id": "9fa7751a-d733-404a-a269-c8b64817dfd5",
 *           "user_id": "15f76424-d4bd-48d4-b812-c4ebc09782f1",
 *           "points": 100,
 *        }
 *     }
router.get('/metadata', function(req, res, next) {
    var userId =;

    Models.User.getMetadata(userId, function(err, result) {
        if (err) return next(err);

        res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: result});

 * @api {post} /user/update_metadata Update Metadata
 * @apiDescription Updates user metadata
 * @apiName UserUpdateMetadata
 * @apiGroup User
 * @apiVersion 0.4.0
 * @apiHeader {String} Content-type application/json
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization The authorization token obtained in the login endpoint. Should have the format: <i>Bearer $TOKEN</i>
 * @apiParam {Object[]} patches Array of patches that describe the modifications
 * @apiExample {json} Client Request
 *     {
 *         "patches": [
 *             {
 *                 "op": "replace",
 *                 "path": "user_metadata/metadata_id/field_name",
 *                 "value": "new value
 *             }
 *         ]
 *     }
 * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success Response
 *     {
 *         "status": 200,
 *         "content": "Metadata updated successfully"
 *     }
 *     @apiError [042]400 InvalidPatch Invalid patch supplied
 */'/update_metadata', function(req, res, next) {
    var userId =;
    var patches = req.body.patches;

    if (!Array.isArray(patches) || patches.length == 0) {
        return next(new Models.TelepatError(Models.TelepatError.errors.MissingRequiredField,
            ['patches must be a non-empty array']));

    Models.User.updateMetadata(userId, patches, function(err) {
        if (err) return next(err);

        res.status(200).json({status: 200, content: "Metadata updated successfully"});

function sendEmail(provider, from, to, subject, content) {
    var emailService = Object.keys(provider)[0];
    var apiKey = provider[emailService];

    if (emailService == 'mandrill') {
        var mandrillClient = new mandrill.Mandrill(apiKey);

        var message = {
            html: content,
            subject: subject,
            to: [
                    email: to,
                    type: 'to'
        mandrillClient.messages.send({message: message, async: "async"}, function() {}, function(err) {
            Models.Application.logger.warning('Unable to send Mandrill mail: ' + + ' - '
                + err.message);
    } else if (emailService == 'sendgrid') {
        var from_email = new sendgridHelper.Email(,;
        var to_email = new sendgridHelper.Email(to);
        var mail = new sendgridHelper.Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, new sendgridHelper.Content('text/html', content));

        var sg = require('sendgrid')(apiKey);
        var req = sg.emptyRequest({
            method: 'POST',
            path: '/v3/mail/send',
            body: mail.toJSON()

        sg.API(req, function(err, response) {
            if (err) {
                Models.Application.logger.warning('Unable to send Sendgrid amail: ' + + ' - '
                    + err.message);
            else if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
                var error = JSON.parse(response.body);
                Models.Application.logger.warning('Unable to send Sendgrid amail: ' + error.errors[0].message);

module.exports = router;