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# Nightwatch SEO [![version][npm-version]][npm-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url]

> **DEPRECATED** in favor of [Lighthouse](

> Nightwatch.js utility assertion for SEO testing in accordance to TELUS digital [SEO rules](#seo-rules)

[![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
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## Install

# using npm
npm install --only=production --save @telusdigital/nightwatch-seo

# using yarn
yarn add @telusdigital/nightwatch-seo --dev

## Usage

Update your nightwatch config:

  custom_assertions_path: ["./node_modules/@telusdigital/nightwatch-seo/assertions"]

Use in your tests:

module.exports = {
  'Test': function (browser) {
    browser.assert.seo('#app', {
      scoped: true

## API

### `browser.assert.seo(context, options)`

Analyzes the defined `context` against [SEO rules](#seo-rules)

Name          | Type     | Default  | Required | Description
------------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -----------
**`context`** | `String` | `'html'` | `✖️`      | A CSS selector that selects the portion(s) of the document that must be analyzed
**`options`** | `Object` | `null`   | `✖️`      | configure how SEO assertion operates

#### `options`

Name       | Type      | Default | Required | Description
---------- | --------- | ------- | -------- | -----------
**`meta`** | `Boolean` | `false` | `✖️`      | check page meta
**`titleRegExp`** | `RegExp` | `/.* -` | `✖️`      | configurable regex for <title> assertions

## SEO Rules

This is a work in progress, checklist below indicates what has been implemented to date:

###### Layout

- `<h1/>`
  - [x] element should be unique and found only once per page

- `<img>`
  - [x] element should have `alt` attributes
  - [ ] element `src` attribute should be separated by underscores

###### Meta

- Page URL
  - [ ] URL phrase should be separated with dashes (`-`) between each word

- `<link rel="canonical">`
  - [ ] element should exist and be unique
  - [ ] element `href` attribute should not be empty
  - [ ] element `href` attribute should exclude provincial parameters, tracking codes and any other extra parameters & query strings

- `<title>`
  - [x] element should exists and be unique
  - [x] element should conform to pattern (` -`)
  - [x] element content length should be not exceed `65` characters

- `<meta name="description">`
  - [x] element should exists and be unique
  - [x] element content length should not exceed `155` characters

###### Social Meta

- `<meta property="og:title">`
  - [ ] element should exists and be unique
  - [ ] element should contain company domain name (``)
  - [ ] element should use a spaced dash (` - `) to separate sections
  - [ ] element content length should be not exceed `65` characters

- `<meta property="og:description">`
  - [ ] element should exists and be unique
  - [ ] element content length should not exceed `155` characters

- `<meta property="og:url">`
  - [ ] element should exists and be unique
  - [ ] element `content` attribute should not be empty
  - [ ] element `content` attribute should exclude provincial parameters, tracking codes and any other extra parameters & query strings

- `<meta property="og:image">`
  - [ ] element should exist and be unique
  - [ ] element should contain an image URL that best represents the page

###### Structured Data

##### For product detail pages ie phones and accessories

- `"@type": "Product"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"name"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"description"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"image"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"brand"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"@type": "Offer"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"price"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"priceCurrency"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"availability"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"url"`
  - [ ] element should exist

##### For video content types

- `"@type": "VideoObject"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"name"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"description"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"thumbnailUrl"`
  - [ ] element should exist

- `"uploadDate"`
  - [ ] element should exist and in ISO 8601 format

> :copyright: [TELUS digital]( · 
> License: [ISC][license-url] · 
> Github: [@telusdigital]( · 
> Twitter: [@telusdigital](





