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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==============================================================================
"""TPU Strategy."""

import atexit
import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import functools
import weakref

from absl import logging
import numpy as np

from tensorflow.python.autograph.core import ag_ctx as autograph_ctx
from tensorflow.python.autograph.impl import api as autograph
from tensorflow.python.compiler.xla.experimental import xla_sharding
from tensorflow.python.distribute import cross_device_ops as cross_device_ops_lib
from tensorflow.python.distribute import device_util
from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribute_lib
from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribute_utils
from tensorflow.python.distribute import input_lib
from tensorflow.python.distribute import input_util
from tensorflow.python.distribute import numpy_dataset
from tensorflow.python.distribute import reduce_util
from tensorflow.python.distribute import tpu_replicated_variable
from tensorflow.python.distribute import tpu_util
from tensorflow.python.distribute import tpu_values
from tensorflow.python.distribute import values
from tensorflow.python.distribute.cluster_resolver import tpu_cluster_resolver as tpu_cluster_resolver_lib
from tensorflow.python.distribute.v1 import input_lib as input_lib_v1
from tensorflow.python.eager import context
from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function
from tensorflow.python.eager import function
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import device as tf_device
from tensorflow.python.framework import device_spec
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import indexed_slices
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables as variables_lib
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import save_context
from tensorflow.python.tpu import device_assignment as device_assignment_lib  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from tensorflow.python.tpu import tpu
from tensorflow.python.tpu import tpu_hardware_feature
from tensorflow.python.tpu import training_loop
from tensorflow.python.tpu.ops import tpu_ops
from tensorflow.python.util import deprecation
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_export
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect



def enable_batch_variable_initialization():
  """Whether to batch variable initialization in tf.function."""
  return (
      and context.executing_eagerly()
      and not save_context.in_save_context()

def maybe_init_scope():
  if ops.executing_eagerly_outside_functions():
    with ops.init_scope():

def validate_run_function(fn):
  """Validate the function passed into strategy.run."""

  # We allow three types of functions/objects passed into TPUStrategy
  # run in eager mode:
  #   1. a user annotated tf.function
  #   2. a ConcreteFunction, this is mostly what you get from loading a saved
  #      model.
  #   3. a callable object and the `__call__` method itself is a tf.function.
  # Otherwise we return an error, because we don't support eagerly running
  # run in TPUStrategy.

  if (context.executing_eagerly()
      and not isinstance(fn, def_function.Function)
      and not isinstance(fn, function.ConcreteFunction)
      and not (
          callable(fn) and isinstance(fn.__call__, def_function.Function))
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "TPUStrategy.run(fn, ...) does not support pure eager "
        "execution. please make sure the function passed into "
        "`strategy.run` is a `tf.function` or "
        "`strategy.run` is called inside a `tf.function` if "
        "eager behavior is enabled.")

def _maybe_partial_apply_variables(fn, args, kwargs):
  """Inspects arguments to partially apply any DistributedVariable.

  This avoids an automatic cast of the current variable value to tensor.

  Note that a variable may be captured implicitly with Python scope instead of
  passing it to run(), but supporting run() keeps behavior consistent
  with MirroredStrategy.

  Since positional arguments must be applied from left to right, this function
  does some tricky function inspection to move variable positional arguments
  into kwargs. As a result of this, we can't support passing Variables as *args,
  nor as args to functions which combine both explicit positional arguments and

    fn: The function to run, as passed to run().
    args: Positional arguments to fn, as passed to run().
    kwargs: Keyword arguments to fn, as passed to run().

    A tuple of the function (possibly wrapped), args, kwargs (both
    possibly filtered, with members of args possibly moved to kwargs).
    If no variables are found, this function is a noop.

    ValueError: If the function signature makes unsupported use of *args, or if
      too many arguments are passed.

  def is_distributed_var(x):
    flat = nest.flatten(x)
    return flat and isinstance(flat[0], values.DistributedVariable)

  # We will split kwargs into two dicts, one of which will be applied now.
  var_kwargs = {}
  nonvar_kwargs = {}

  if kwargs:
    var_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if is_distributed_var(v)}
  if var_kwargs:
    nonvar_kwargs = {
        k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not is_distributed_var(v)

  # Dump the argument names of `fn` to a list. This will include both positional
  # and keyword arguments, but since positional arguments come first we can
  # look up names of positional arguments by index.
  positional_args = []
  index_of_star_args = None
  for i, p in enumerate(tf_inspect.signature(fn).parameters.values()):
    # Class methods define "self" as first argument, but we don't pass "self".
    # Note that this is a heuristic, as a method can name its first argument
    # something else, and a function can define a first argument "self" as well.
    # In both of these cases, using a Variable will fail with an unfortunate
    # error about the number of arguments.
    # inspect.is_method() seems not to work here, possibly due to the use of
    # tf.function().
    if i == 0 and p.name == "self":

    if p.kind == tf_inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:

    elif p.kind == tf_inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
      # We'll raise an error later if a variable is passed to *args, since we
      # can neither pass it by name nor partially apply it. This case only
      # happens once at most.
      index_of_star_args = i

    elif p.kind == tf_inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
      # This is a rare Python feature, indicating a / in the arg list.
      if var_kwargs or any(is_distributed_var(a) for a in args):
        raise ValueError(
            "Mixing Variables and positional-only parameters not supported by "
            f"TPUStrategy. Received {len(var_kwargs)} DistributedVariables in "
            f"**kwargs and {sum(is_distributed_var(a) for a in args)} in *args,"
            " expected zero for both."
      return fn, args, kwargs

  star_args = []
  have_seen_var_arg = False

  for i, a in enumerate(args):
    if is_distributed_var(a):
      if index_of_star_args is not None and i >= index_of_star_args:
        raise ValueError(
            "TPUStrategy.run() cannot handle Variables passed to *args. "
            "Either name the function argument, or capture the Variable "
      if len(positional_args) <= i:
        raise ValueError(
            "Too many positional arguments passed to call to TPUStrategy.run()."
      var_kwargs[positional_args[i]] = a
      have_seen_var_arg = True
      if index_of_star_args is not None and i >= index_of_star_args:
        if have_seen_var_arg:
          raise ValueError(
              "TPUStrategy.run() cannot handle both Variables and a mix of "
              "positional args and *args. Either remove the *args, or capture "
              "the Variable implicitly.")

      if len(positional_args) <= i:
        raise ValueError(
            "Too many positional arguments passed to call to TPUStrategy.run()."
      nonvar_kwargs[positional_args[i]] = a

  if var_kwargs:
    return functools.partial(fn, **var_kwargs), star_args, nonvar_kwargs
  return fn, args, kwargs

@tf_export.tf_export("distribute.TPUStrategy", v1=[])
class TPUStrategyV2(distribute_lib.Strategy):
  """Synchronous training on TPUs and TPU Pods.

  To construct a TPUStrategy object, you need to run the
  initialization code as below:

  >>> resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
  >>> tf.config.experimental_connect_to_cluster(resolver)
  >>> tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
  >>> strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(resolver)

  While using distribution strategies, the variables created within the
  strategy's scope will be replicated across all the replicas and can be kept in
  sync using all-reduce algorithms.

  To run TF2 programs on TPUs, you can either use `.compile` and
  `.fit` APIs in `tf.keras` with TPUStrategy, or write your own customized
  training loop by calling `strategy.run` directly. Note that
  TPUStrategy doesn't support pure eager execution, so please make sure the
  function passed into `strategy.run` is a `tf.function` or
  `strategy.run` is called inside a `tf.function` if eager
  behavior is enabled. See more details in https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/tpu.

  `distribute_datasets_from_function` and
  `experimental_distribute_dataset` APIs can be used to distribute the dataset
  across the TPU workers when writing your own training loop. If you are using
  `fit` and `compile` methods available in `tf.keras.Model`, then Keras will
  handle the distribution for you.

  An example of writing customized training loop on TPUs:

  >>> with strategy.scope():
  ...   model = tf.keras.Sequential([
  ...     tf.keras.layers.Dense(2, input_shape=(5,)),
  ...   ])
  ...   optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1)

  >>> def dataset_fn(ctx):
  ...   x = np.random.random((2, 5)).astype(np.float32)
  ...   y = np.random.randint(2, size=(2, 1))
  ...   dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x, y))
  ...   return dataset.repeat().batch(1, drop_remainder=True)
  >>> dist_dataset = strategy.distribute_datasets_from_function(
  ...     dataset_fn)
  >>> iterator = iter(dist_dataset)

  >>> @tf.function()
  ... def train_step(iterator):
  ...   def step_fn(inputs):
  ...     features, labels = inputs
  ...     with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
  ...       logits = model(features, training=True)
  ...       loss = tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(
  ...           labels, logits)
  ...     grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
  ...     optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))
  ...   strategy.run(step_fn, args=(next(iterator),))

  >>> train_step(iterator)

  For the advanced use cases like model parallelism, you can set
  `experimental_device_assignment` argument when creating TPUStrategy to specify
  number of replicas and number of logical devices. Below is an example to
  initialize TPU system with 2 logical devices and 1 replica.

  >>> resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
  >>> tf.config.experimental_connect_to_cluster(resolver)
  >>> topology = tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
  >>> device_assignment = tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment.build(
  ...     topology,
  ...     computation_shape=[1, 1, 1, 2],
  ...     num_replicas=1)
  >>> strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(
  ...     resolver, experimental_device_assignment=device_assignment)

  Then you can run a `tf.add` operation only on logical device 0.

  >>> @tf.function()
  ... def step_fn(inputs):
  ...   features, _ = inputs
  ...   output = tf.add(features, features)
  ...   # Add operation will be executed on logical device 0.
  ...   output = strategy.experimental_assign_to_logical_device(output, 0)
  ...   return output
  >>> dist_dataset = strategy.distribute_datasets_from_function(
  ...     dataset_fn)
  >>> iterator = iter(dist_dataset)
  >>> strategy.run(step_fn, args=(next(iterator),))

  `experimental_spmd_xla_partitioning` enables the experimental XLA SPMD feature
  for model parallelism. This flag can reduce the compilation time and HBM
  requirements. When running in this mode, every input tensor must either be
  partitioned (via `strategy.experimental_split_to_logical_devices`) or fully
  replicated (via `strategy.experimental_replicate_to_logical_devices`) to all
  logical devices. And calling `strategy.experimental_assign_to_logical_device`
  will result in a ValueError in this mode.

  def __init__(self,
    """Synchronous training in TPU donuts or Pods.

      tpu_cluster_resolver: A
        `tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver` instance, which
        provides information about the TPU cluster. If None, it will assume
        running on a local TPU worker.
      experimental_device_assignment: Optional
        `tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment` to specify the placement of
        replicas on the TPU cluster.
      experimental_spmd_xla_partitioning: If True, enable the SPMD (Single
        Program Multiple Data) mode in XLA compiler. This flag only affects the
        performance of XLA compilation and the HBM requirement of the compiled
        TPU program. Ceveat: if this flag is True, calling
        `tf.distribute.TPUStrategy.experimental_assign_to_logical_device` will
        result in a ValueError.
    # Packed variable is used to reduce the overhead of function execution.
    # For a DistributedVariable, only one variable handle is captured into a
    # function graph. It's only supported in eager mode.
    self._enable_packed_variable_in_eager_mode = True

  def run(self, fn, args=(), kwargs=None, options=None):
    """Run the computation defined by `fn` on each TPU replica.

    Executes ops specified by `fn` on each replica. If `args` or `kwargs` have
    `tf.distribute.DistributedValues`, such as those produced by a
    `tf.distribute.DistributedDataset` from
    `tf.distribute.Strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset` or
    when `fn` is executed on a particular replica, it will be executed with the
    component of `tf.distribute.DistributedValues` that correspond to that

    `fn` may call `tf.distribute.get_replica_context()` to access members such
    as `all_reduce`.

    All arguments in `args` or `kwargs` should either be nest of tensors or
    `tf.distribute.DistributedValues` containing tensors or composite tensors.

    Example usage:

    >>> resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
    >>> tf.config.experimental_connect_to_cluster(resolver)
    >>> tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
    >>> strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(resolver)
    >>> @tf.function
    ... def run():
    ...   def value_fn(value_context):
    ...     return value_context.num_replicas_in_sync
    ...   distributed_values = (
    ...       strategy.experimental_distribute_values_from_function(value_fn))
    ...   def replica_fn(input):
    ...     return input * 2
    ...   return strategy.run(replica_fn, args=(distributed_values,))
    >>> result = run()

      fn: The function to run. The output must be a `tf.nest` of `Tensor`s.
      args: (Optional) Positional arguments to `fn`.
      kwargs: (Optional) Keyword arguments to `fn`.
      options: (Optional) An instance of `tf.distribute.RunOptions` specifying
        the options to run `fn`.

      Merged return value of `fn` across replicas. The structure of the return
      value is the same as the return value from `fn`. Each element in the
      structure can either be `tf.distribute.DistributedValues`, `Tensor`
      objects, or `Tensor`s (for example, if running on a single replica).

    fn, args, kwargs = _maybe_partial_apply_variables(fn, args, kwargs)

    # Note: the target function is converted to graph even when in Eager mode,
    # so autograph is on by default here.
    fn = autograph.tf_convert(fn, autograph_ctx.control_status_ctx())
    options = options or distribute_lib.RunOptions()
    return self.extended.tpu_run(fn, args, kwargs, options)

  def cluster_resolver(self):
    """Returns the cluster resolver associated with this strategy.

    `tf.distribute.TPUStrategy` provides the associated
    `tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.ClusterResolver`. If the user provides one
    in `__init__`, that instance is returned; if the user does not, a default
    `tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver` is provided.
    return self.extended._tpu_cluster_resolver  # pylint: disable=protected-access

  def experimental_assign_to_logical_device(self, tensor, logical_device_id):
    """Adds annotation that `tensor` will be assigned to a logical device.

    This adds an annotation to `tensor` specifying that operations on
    `tensor` will be invoked on logical core device id `logical_device_id`.
    When model parallelism is used, the default behavior is that all ops
    are placed on zero-th logical device.


    # Initializing TPU system with 2 logical devices and 4 replicas.
    resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
    topology = tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
    device_assignment = tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment.build(
        computation_shape=[1, 1, 1, 2],
    strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(
        resolver, experimental_device_assignment=device_assignment)
    iterator = iter(inputs)

    def step_fn(inputs):
      output = tf.add(inputs, inputs)

      # Add operation will be executed on logical device 0.
      output = strategy.experimental_assign_to_logical_device(output, 0)
      return output

    strategy.run(step_fn, args=(next(iterator),))

      tensor: Input tensor to annotate.
      logical_device_id: Id of the logical core to which the tensor will be

      ValueError: The logical device id presented is not consistent with total
      number of partitions specified by the device assignment or the TPUStrategy
      is constructed with `experimental_spmd_xla_partitioning=True`.

      Annotated tensor with identical value as `tensor`.
    if self.extended._use_spmd_for_xla_partitioning:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
      raise ValueError(
          "Cannot assign a tensor to a logical device in SPMD mode. To disable "
          "SPMD, Please construct the TPUStrategy with "

    num_logical_devices_per_replica = self.extended._tpu_devices.shape[1]  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if (logical_device_id < 0 or
        logical_device_id >= num_logical_devices_per_replica):
      raise ValueError("`logical_core_id` to assign must be lower then total "
                       "number of logical devices per replica. Received "
                       "logical device id {} but there are only total of {} "
                       "logical devices in replica.".format(
                           logical_device_id, num_logical_devices_per_replica))
    return xla_sharding.assign_device(
        tensor, logical_device_id, use_sharding_op=True)

  def experimental_split_to_logical_devices(self, tensor, partition_dimensions):
    """Adds annotation that `tensor` will be split across logical devices.

    This adds an annotation to tensor `tensor` specifying that operations on
    `tensor` will be split among multiple logical devices. Tensor `tensor` will
    be split across dimensions specified by `partition_dimensions`.
    The dimensions of `tensor` must be divisible by corresponding value in

    For example, for system with 8 logical devices, if `tensor` is an image
    tensor with shape (batch_size, width, height, channel) and
    `partition_dimensions` is [1, 2, 4, 1], then `tensor` will be split
    2 in width dimension and 4 way in height dimension and the split
    tensor values will be fed into 8 logical devices.

    # Initializing TPU system with 8 logical devices and 1 replica.
    resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
    topology = tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
    device_assignment = tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment.build(
        computation_shape=[1, 2, 2, 2],
    # Construct the TPUStrategy. Since we are going to split the image across
    # logical devices, here we set `experimental_spmd_xla_partitioning=True`
    # so that the partitioning can be compiled in SPMD mode, which usually
    # results in faster compilation and smaller HBM requirement if the size of
    # input and activation tensors are much bigger than that of the model
    # parameters. Note that this flag is suggested but not a hard requirement
    # for `experimental_split_to_logical_devices`.
    strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(
        resolver, experimental_device_assignment=device_assignment,

    iterator = iter(inputs)

    def step_fn(inputs):
      inputs = strategy.experimental_split_to_logical_devices(
        inputs, [1, 2, 4, 1])

      # model() function will be executed on 8 logical devices with `inputs`
      # split 2 * 4  ways.
      output = model(inputs)
      return output

    strategy.run(step_fn, args=(next(iterator),))
      tensor: Input tensor to annotate.
      partition_dimensions: An unnested list of integers with the size equal to
        rank of `tensor` specifying how `tensor` will be partitioned. The
        product of all elements in `partition_dimensions` must be equal to the
        total number of logical devices per replica.

      ValueError: 1) If the size of partition_dimensions does not equal to rank
        of `tensor` or 2) if product of elements of `partition_dimensions` does
        not match the number of logical devices per replica defined by the
        implementing DistributionStrategy's device specification or
        3) if a known size of `tensor` is not divisible by corresponding
        value in `partition_dimensions`.

      Annotated tensor with identical value as `tensor`.
    num_logical_devices_per_replica = self.extended._tpu_devices.shape[1]  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    num_partition_splits = np.prod(partition_dimensions)
    input_shape = tensor.shape
    tensor_rank = len(input_shape)

    if tensor_rank != len(partition_dimensions):
      raise ValueError("Length of `partition_dimensions` must equal to the "
                       "rank of `tensor.shape` ({}). Received "
                           tensor_rank, len(partition_dimensions)))

    for dim_index, dim_size in enumerate(input_shape):
      if dim_size is None:

      split_size = partition_dimensions[dim_index]
      if dim_size % split_size != 0:
        raise ValueError("Tensor shape at `partition_dimensions[{}]` must be "
                         "divisible by corresponding value specified "
                         "by `partition_dimensions` ({}). Received: {}.".format(
                             dim_index, split_size, dim_size))

    if num_partition_splits != num_logical_devices_per_replica:
      raise ValueError(
          "The product of `partition_dimensions` should be the same as the "
          "number of logical devices (={}). Received `partition_dimensions`={},"
          "and their product is {}.".format(num_logical_devices_per_replica,

    tile_assignment = np.arange(num_partition_splits).reshape(
    return xla_sharding.tile(tensor, tile_assignment, use_sharding_op=True)

  def experimental_replicate_to_logical_devices(self, tensor):
    """Adds annotation that `tensor` will be replicated to all logical devices.

    This adds an annotation to tensor `tensor` specifying that operations on
    `tensor` will be invoked on all logical devices.

    # Initializing TPU system with 2 logical devices and 4 replicas.
    resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
    topology = tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
    device_assignment = tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment.build(
        computation_shape=[1, 1, 1, 2],
    strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(
        resolver, experimental_device_assignment=device_assignment)

    iterator = iter(inputs)

    def step_fn(inputs):
      images, labels = inputs
      images = strategy.experimental_split_to_logical_devices(
        inputs, [1, 2, 4, 1])

      # model() function will be executed on 8 logical devices with `inputs`
      # split 2 * 4  ways.
      output = model(inputs)

      # For loss calculation, all logical devices share the same logits
      # and labels.
      labels = strategy.experimental_replicate_to_logical_devices(labels)
      output = strategy.experimental_replicate_to_logical_devices(output)
      loss = loss_fn(labels, output)

      return loss

    strategy.run(step_fn, args=(next(iterator),))
      tensor: Input tensor to annotate.

      Annotated tensor with identical value as `tensor`.
    return xla_sharding.replicate(tensor, use_sharding_op=True)

@tf_export.tf_export("distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy", v1=[])
class TPUStrategy(distribute_lib.Strategy):
  """Synchronous training on TPUs and TPU Pods.

  To construct a TPUStrategy object, you need to run the
  initialization code as below:

  >>> resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
  >>> tf.config.experimental_connect_to_cluster(resolver)
  >>> tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
  >>> strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy(resolver)

  While using distribution strategies, the variables created within the
  strategy's scope will be replicated across all the replicas and can be kept in
  sync using all-reduce algorithms.

  To run TF2 programs on TPUs, you can either use `.compile` and
  `.fit` APIs in `tf.keras` with TPUStrategy, or write your own customized
  training loop by calling `strategy.run` directly. Note that
  TPUStrategy doesn't support pure eager execution, so please make sure the
  function passed into `strategy.run` is a `tf.function` or
  `strategy.run` is called inside a `tf.function` if eager
  behavior is enabled.

  def __init__(self,
    """Synchronous training in TPU donuts or Pods.

      tpu_cluster_resolver: A tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver,
        which provides information about the TPU cluster.
      device_assignment: Optional `tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment` to
        specify the placement of replicas on the TPU cluster.
        "`tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy` is deprecated, please use "
        "the non-experimental symbol `tf.distribute.TPUStrategy` instead.")

    # Packed variable is used to reduce the overhead of function execution.
    # For a DistributedVariable, only one variable handle is captured into a
    # function graph. It's only supported in eager mode.
    self._enable_packed_variable_in_eager_mode = True

  # TODO(cjfj): Modify `_call_for_each_replica` in `TPUExtended` such that this
  # can use the default implementation.
  # This implementation runs a single step. It does not use infeed or outfeed.
  def run(self, fn, args=(), kwargs=None, options=None):
    """See base class."""

    fn, args, kwargs = _maybe_partial_apply_variables(fn, args, kwargs)

    # Note: the target function is converted to graph even when in Eager mode,
    # so autograph is on by default here.
    fn = autograph.tf_convert(fn, autograph_ctx.control_status_ctx())
    options = options or distribute_lib.RunOptions()
    return self.extended.tpu_run(fn, args, kwargs, options)

  def cluster_resolver(self):
    """Returns the cluster resolver associated with this strategy.

    `tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy` provides the
    associated `tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.ClusterResolver`. If the user
    provides one in `__init__`, that instance is returned; if the user does
    not, a default
    `tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver` is provided.
    return self.extended._tpu_cluster_resolver  # pylint: disable=protected-access

class TPUStrategyV1(distribute_lib.StrategyV1):
  """TPU distribution strategy implementation."""

  def __init__(self,
    """Initializes the TPUStrategy object.

      tpu_cluster_resolver: A tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver,
          which provides information about the TPU cluster.
      steps_per_run: Number of steps to run on device before returning to the
          host. Note that this can have side-effects on performance, hooks,
          metrics, summaries etc.
          This parameter is only used when Distribution Strategy is used with
      device_assignment: Optional `tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment` to
          specify the placement of replicas on the TPU cluster. Currently only
          supports the usecase of using a single core within a TPU cluster.
        self, tpu_cluster_resolver, steps_per_run, device_assignment))
    # Packed variable is used to reduce the overhead of function execution.
    # For a DistributedVariable, only one variable handle is captured into a
    # function graph. It's only supported in eager mode.
    self._enable_packed_variable_in_eager_mode = True

  def steps_per_run(self):
    """DEPRECATED: use .extended.steps_per_run instead."""
    return self._extended.steps_per_run

  # TODO(cjfj): Modify `_call_for_each_replica` in `TPUExtended` such that this
  # can use the default implementation.
  # This implementation runs a single step. It does not use infeed or outfeed.
  def run(self, fn, args=(), kwargs=None, options=None):
    """Run `fn` on each replica, with the given arguments.

    Executes ops specified by `fn` on each replica. If `args` or `kwargs` have
    "per-replica" values, such as those produced by a "distributed `Dataset`",
    when `fn` is executed on a particular replica, it will be executed with the
    component of those "per-replica" values that correspond to that replica.

    `fn` may call `tf.distribute.get_replica_context()` to access members such
    as `all_reduce`.

    All arguments in `args` or `kwargs` should either be nest of tensors or
    per-replica objects containing tensors or composite tensors.

    Users can pass strategy specific options to `options` argument. An example
    to enable bucketizing dynamic shapes in `TPUStrategy.run`

    >>> resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
    >>> tf.config.experimental_connect_to_cluster(resolver)
    >>> tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver)
    >>> strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy(resolver)

    >>> options = tf.distribute.RunOptions(
    ...     experimental_bucketizing_dynamic_shape=True)

    >>> dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(
    ...    strategy.num_replicas_in_sync, output_type=dtypes.float32).batch(
    ...        strategy.num_replicas_in_sync, drop_remainder=True)
    >>> input_iterator = iter(strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(dataset))

    >>> @tf.function()
    ... def step_fn(inputs):
    ...  output = tf.reduce_sum(inputs)
    ...  return output

    >>> strategy.run(step_fn, args=(next(input_iterator),), options=options)

      fn: The function to run. The output must be a `tf.nest` of `Tensor`s.
      args: (Optional) Positional arguments to `fn`.
      kwargs: (Optional) Keyword arguments to `fn`.
      options: (Optional) An instance of `tf.distribute.RunOptions` specifying
        the options to run `fn`.

      Merged return value of `fn` across replicas. The structure of the return
      value is the same as the return value from `fn`. Each element in the
      structure can either be "per-replica" `Tensor` objects or `Tensor`s
      (for example, if running on a single replica).

    fn, args, kwargs = _maybe_partial_apply_variables(fn, args, kwargs)

    fn = autograph.tf_convert(fn, autograph_ctx.control_status_ctx())
    options = options or distribute_lib.RunOptions()
    return self.extended.tpu_run(fn, args, kwargs, options)

# TODO(josh11b): Switch to V2 when we no longer need to support tf.compat.v1.
class TPUExtended(distribute_lib.StrategyExtendedV1):
  """Implementation of TPUStrategy."""

  def __init__(

    if tpu_cluster_resolver is None:
      tpu_cluster_resolver = tpu_cluster_resolver_lib.TPUClusterResolver("")

    if steps_per_run is None:
      # TODO(frankchn): Warn when we are being used by DS/Keras and this is
      # not specified.
      steps_per_run = 1

    # `self._tpu_function_cache` is a dict of `tf.function`s, thus if a
    # `tf.function` is passed into `strategy.run` in eager mode, the
    # `tf.function` won't get retraced.
    self._tpu_function_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

    self._tpu_cluster_resolver = tpu_cluster_resolver
    self._tpu_metadata = self._tpu_cluster_resolver.get_tpu_system_metadata()
    self._device_assignment = device_assignment

    tpu_devices_flat = [
        d.name for d in self._tpu_metadata.devices if "device:TPU:" in d.name]

    # `self._tpu_devices` is a two-dimensional NumPy array of strings. It is
    # indexed using `[replica_id][logical_device_id]`.
    if device_assignment is None:
      self._tpu_devices = np.array(
          [[d] for d in tpu_devices_flat], dtype=object)
      job_name = device_spec.DeviceSpecV2.from_string(tpu_devices_flat[0]).job

      tpu_devices = []
      for replica_id in range(device_assignment.num_replicas):
        replica_devices = []

        for logical_core in range(device_assignment.num_cores_per_replica):

      self._tpu_devices = np.array(tpu_devices, dtype=object)

    self._host_device = device_util.get_host_for_device(self._tpu_devices[0][0])

    # Preload the data onto the TPUs. Currently we always preload onto logical
    # device 0 for each replica.
    # TODO(cjfj): Create `InputWorkers` lazily, allowing users to place the
    # input onto a different logical device?
    self._device_input_worker_devices = collections.OrderedDict()
    self._host_input_worker_devices = collections.OrderedDict()
    for tpu_device in self._tpu_devices[:, 0]:
      host_device = device_util.get_host_for_device(tpu_device)
      self._device_input_worker_devices.setdefault(host_device, [])
      self._host_input_worker_devices.setdefault(host_device, [])

    # TODO(sourabhbajaj): Remove this once performance of running one step
    # at a time is comparable to multiple steps.
    self.steps_per_run = steps_per_run
    self._require_static_shapes = True

    self.experimental_enable_get_next_as_optional = True

    self._logical_device_stack = [0]

    if context.executing_eagerly():
      # In async remote eager, we want to sync the executors before exiting the
      # program.

    # Flag to turn on VariablePolicy. Var policy is deprecated because there is
    # another effort unifying DistributedVariables (see values_v2.py). SPMD XLA
    # partitioning is not implemented for var policies.
    # TODO(b/202048882): remove var policy from TPUStrategy.
    self._use_var_policy = not use_spmd_for_xla_partitioning

    # Flag to enable XLA SPMD partitioning.
    self._use_spmd_for_xla_partitioning = use_spmd_for_xla_partitioning

    self._using_custom_device = False
    devices = self._tpu_devices[:, self._logical_device_stack[-1]]
    for d in devices:
      if context.is_custom_device(d):
        self._using_custom_device = True

    # This is a flag to enable data reorder which is used
    # to match IteratorGetNext's device with the TPUExecute device.
    self._enable_data_reorder = False

  def _get_replica_order(self):
    """Get the replica order based on the tpu device order.

    For example, if the tpu_devices are:

    the returned replica order will be:
    [0, 1, 7, 6, 2, 3, 5, 4]

    This replica order will be used to reorder the data returned by the
    so that they can be placed on the same node as their computation graphs.

      A list containing the order ids of corresponding TPU devices.
    if not self._enable_data_reorder:
      return None

    tpu_devices = self._tpu_devices[:, 0]

    devices_with_ids = []
    for i, tpu_device in enumerate(tpu_devices):
      spec = tf_device.DeviceSpec.from_string(tpu_device)
    return [i for _, i in sorted(devices_with_ids)]

  def _validate_colocate_with_variable(self, colocate_with_variable):
    distribute_utils.validate_colocate(colocate_with_variable, self)

  def _make_dataset_iterator(self, dataset):
    """Make iterators for each of the TPU hosts."""
    input_workers = input_lib.InputWorkers(
    return input_lib_v1.DatasetIterator(

  def _make_input_fn_iterator(
    input_contexts = []
    input_workers = input_lib.InputWorkers(
    num_workers = input_workers.num_workers
    for i in range(num_workers):
    return input_lib_v1.InputFunctionIterator(input_fn, input_workers,

  def _experimental_make_numpy_dataset(self, numpy_input, session):
    return numpy_dataset.one_host_numpy_dataset(
        numpy_input, numpy_dataset.SingleDevice(self._host_device),

  def _get_input_workers(self, options):
    if not options or options.experimental_fetch_to_device:
      return input_lib.InputWorkers(
      return input_lib.InputWorkers(

  def _check_spec(self, element_spec):
    if isinstance(element_spec, values.PerReplicaSpec):
      element_spec = element_spec._component_specs  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    specs = nest.flatten_with_joined_string_paths(element_spec)
    for path, spec in specs:
      if isinstance(spec, (sparse_tensor.SparseTensorSpec,
        raise ValueError(
            "Found tensor {} with spec {}. TPUStrategy does not support "
            "distributed datasets with device prefetch when using sparse or "
            "ragged tensors. If you intend to use sparse or ragged tensors, "
            "please pass a tf.distribute.InputOptions object with "
            "experimental_fetch_to_device set to False to your dataset "
            "distribution function.".format(path, type(spec)))

  def _experimental_distribute_dataset(self, dataset, options):
    if (options and options.experimental_replication_mode ==
      raise NotImplementedError(
          "InputReplicationMode.PER_REPLICA "
          "is only supported in "
    if options is None or options.experimental_fetch_to_device:

    return input_util.get_distributed_dataset(

  def _distribute_datasets_from_function(self, dataset_fn, options):
    if (options and options.experimental_replication_mode ==
      raise NotImplementedError(
          "InputReplicationMode.PER_REPLICA "
          "is only supported in "
          " `experimental_distribute_datasets_from_function` "
          "of tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy")
    input_workers = self._get_input_workers(options)
    input_contexts = []
    num_workers = input_workers.num_workers
    for i in range(num_workers):

    distributed_dataset = input_util.get_distributed_datasets_from_function(

    # We can only check after the dataset_fn is called.
    if options is None or options.experimental_fetch_to_device:
    return distributed_dataset

  def _experimental_distribute_values_from_function(self, value_fn):
    per_replica_values = []
    for replica_id in range(self._num_replicas_in_sync):
    return distribute_utils.regroup(per_replica_values, always_wrap=True)

  # TODO(priyag): Deal with OutOfRange errors once b/111349762 is fixed.
  # TODO(sourabhbajaj): Remove the initial_loop_values parameter when we have
  # a mechanism to infer the outputs of `fn`. Pending b/110550782.
  def _experimental_run_steps_on_iterator(
      self, fn, multi_worker_iterator, iterations, initial_loop_values=None):
    # Wrap `fn` for repeat.
    if initial_loop_values is None:
      initial_loop_values = {}
    initial_loop_values = nest.flatten(initial_loop_values)
    ctx = input_lib.MultiStepContext()

    def run_fn(inputs):
      """Single step on the TPU device."""
      fn_result = fn(ctx, inputs)
      flat_last_step_outputs = nest.flatten(ctx.last_step_outputs)
      if flat_last_step_outputs:
        with ops.control_dependencies([fn_result]):
          return [array_ops.identity(f) for f in flat_last_step_outputs]
        return fn_result

    # We capture the control_flow_context at this point, before we run `fn`
    # inside a while_loop and TPU replicate context. This is useful in cases
    # where we might need to exit these contexts and get back to the outer
    # context to do some things, for e.g. create an op which should be
    # evaluated only once at the end of the loop on the host. One such usage
    # is in creating metrics' value op.
    self._outer_control_flow_context = (
        ops.get_default_graph()._get_control_flow_context())  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    def rewrite_fn(*args):
      """The rewritten step fn running on TPU."""
      del args

      per_replica_inputs = multi_worker_iterator.get_next()
      replicate_inputs = []
      for replica_id in range(self._num_replicas_in_sync):
        select_replica = lambda x: distribute_utils.select_replica(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
            replica_id, x)   # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
            select_replica, per_replica_inputs),))

      replicate_outputs = tpu.replicate(
      # If run_fn has tensor outputs, tpu.replicate returns a list of list. We
      # will flatten it in this case. If run_fn has no tensor outputs,
      # tpu.replicate returns a list of no_ops, we will keep the output as it
      # is.
      if isinstance(replicate_outputs[0], list):
        replicate_outputs = nest.flatten(replicate_outputs)

      return replicate_outputs

    # TODO(sourabhbajaj): The input to while loop should be based on the
    # output type of the step_fn
    assert isinstance(initial_loop_values, list)
    initial_loop_values = initial_loop_values * self._num_replicas_in_sync

    # Put the while loop op on TPU host 0.
    with ops.device(self._host_device):
      if self.steps_per_run == 1:
        replicate_outputs = rewrite_fn()
        replicate_outputs = training_loop.repeat(iterations, rewrite_fn,

    del self._outer_control_flow_context
    ctx.run_op = control_flow_ops.group(replicate_outputs)

    if isinstance(replicate_outputs, list):
      # Filter out any ops from the outputs, typically this would be the case
      # when there were no tensor outputs.
      last_step_tensor_outputs = [
          x for x in replicate_outputs if not isinstance(x, ops.Operation)

      # Outputs are currently of the structure (flattened)
      # [output0_device0, output1_device0, output2_device0,
      #  output0_device1, output1_device1, output2_device1,
      #  ...]
      # Convert this to the following structure instead: (grouped by output)
      # [[output0_device0, output0_device1],
      #  [output1_device0, output1_device1],
      #  [output2_device0, output2_device1]]
      output_num = len(last_step_tensor_outputs) // self._num_replicas_in_sync
      last_step_tensor_outputs = [
          last_step_tensor_outputs[i::output_num] for i in range(output_num)
      # no tensors returned.
      last_step_tensor_outputs = []

    _set_last_step_outputs(ctx, last_step_tensor_outputs)
    return ctx

  def _call_for_each_replica(self, fn, args, kwargs):
    # TODO(jhseu): Consider making it so call_for_each_replica implies that
    # we're in a tpu.rewrite(), and update TPUMirroredVariable accordingly.
    with _TPUReplicaContext(self._container_strategy()):
      return fn(*args, **kwargs)

  def experimental_logical_device(self, logical_device_id):
    """Places variables and ops on the specified logical device."""
    num_logical_devices_per_replica = self._tpu_devices.shape[1]
    if logical_device_id >= num_logical_devices_per_replica:
      raise ValueError(
          "`logical_device_id` not in range (was {}, but there are only {} "
          "logical devices per replica).".format(
              logical_device_id, num_logical_devices_per_replica))

      if tpu_util.enclosing_tpu_context() is None:
        with ops.device(tpu.core(logical_device_id)):

  def _experimental_initialize_system(self):
    """Experimental method added to be used by Estimator.

    This is a private method only to be used by Estimator. Other frameworks
    should directly be calling `tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system`

  def _create_variable(self, next_creator, **kwargs):
    """Create a TPUMirroredVariable. See `DistributionStrategy.scope`."""
    # TODO(bfontain): Replace all uses of skip_mirrored_creator with
    # a trivial custom_tpu_variable_creator.
    if kwargs.pop("skip_mirrored_creator", False):
      return next_creator(**kwargs)

    custom_tpu_variable_creator = kwargs.pop(
        "custom_tpu_variable_creator", None
    if custom_tpu_variable_creator is not None:
      return custom_tpu_variable_creator(next_creator, **kwargs)

    colocate_with = kwargs.pop("colocate_with", None)
    if colocate_with is None:
      devices = self._tpu_devices[:, self._logical_device_stack[-1]]
    elif isinstance(colocate_with, numpy_dataset.SingleDevice):
      with ops.device(colocate_with.device):
        return next_creator(**kwargs)
      devices = colocate_with._devices  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    num_replicas, num_cores_per_replica = self._tpu_devices.shape

    def _create_mirrored_tpu_variables(**kwargs):
      """Returns a list of `tf.Variable`s.

      The list contains `number_replicas` `tf.Variable`s and can be used to
      initialize a `TPUMirroredVariable`.

        **kwargs: the keyword arguments for creating a variable
      initial_value = None
      value_list = []
      for i, d in enumerate(devices):
        with ops.device(d):
          if i == 0:
            initial_value = kwargs["initial_value"]
            # Note: some v1 code expects variable initializer creation to happen
            # inside a init_scope.
            with maybe_init_scope():
              initial_value = initial_value() if callable(
                  initial_value) else initial_value

          if i > 0:
            # Give replicas meaningful distinct names:
            var0name = value_list[0].name.split(":")[0]
            # We append a / to variable names created on replicas with id > 0 to
            # ensure that we ignore the name scope and instead use the given
            # name as the absolute name of the variable.
            kwargs["name"] = "%s/replica_%d/" % (var0name, i)
          kwargs["initial_value"] = initial_value

          with context.device_policy(context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_SILENT):
            v = next_creator(**kwargs)

          assert not isinstance(v, tpu_values.TPUMirroredVariable)
      return value_list

    def _create_mirrored_tpu_replicated_variables(**kwargs):
      """Returns a list of `TPUReplicatedVariable`s.

      The list consists of `num_replicas` `TPUReplicatedVariable`s and can be
      used to initialize a `TPUMirroredVariable`. Each `TPUReplicatedVariable`
      contains a list of `tf.Variable`s which are replicated to
      `num_cores_per_replica` logical cores to enable XLA SPMD compilation.

        **kwargs: the keyword arguments for creating a variable
      initial_value = kwargs["initial_value"]
      # Note: some v1 code expects variable initializer creation to happen
      # inside a init_scope.
      with maybe_init_scope():
        initial_value = initial_value() if callable(
            initial_value) else initial_value

      mirrored_replicated_var_list = []

      for replica_id in range(num_replicas):
        replicated_var_list = []
        for logic_core_id in range(num_cores_per_replica):
          with ops.device(self._tpu_devices[replica_id][logic_core_id]):
            kwargs["initial_value"] = initial_value
            v = next_creator(**kwargs)
        replica_name = "{}/r:{}".format(kwargs["name"], replica_id)
        tpu_replicated_var = tpu_replicated_variable.TPUReplicatedVariable(
            variables=replicated_var_list, name=replica_name)

      return mirrored_replicated_var_list

    # TODO(b/271767559): Consider either changing the innermost default_creator
    # to uninitialized_variable_creator or only swapping the next_creator with
    # uninitialized_variable_creator if the next_creator is the default_creator.

    def uninitialized_variable_creator(**kwargs):
      uninitialized_variable = tpu_util.TPUUninitializedVariable(**kwargs)

      setattr(uninitialized_variable, "_lazy_scope", self.lazy_variable_tracker)
      return uninitialized_variable

    def _create_uninitialized_mirrored_tpu_variables(**kwargs):
      """Returns a list of `tf.Variable`s.

      The list contains `number_replicas` `tf.Variable`s and can be used to
      initialize a `TPUMirroredVariable`.

        **kwargs: the keyword arguments for creating a variable
      if kwargs.get("initial_value", None) is None:
        return _create_mirrored_tpu_variables(**kwargs)

      value_list = []
      initial_value = None

      for i, d in enumerate(devices):
        with ops.device(d):
          if i == 0:
            initial_value = kwargs.get("initial_value", None)

            with maybe_init_scope():
              if initial_value is not None:
                if callable(initial_value):
                  initial_value = initial_value()

                initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(
                    initial_value, dtype=kwargs.get("dtype", None)

          if i > 0:
            # Give replicas meaningful distinct names:
            var0name = value_list[0].name.split(":")[0]
            # We append a / to variable names created on replicas with id > 0 to
            # ensure that we ignore the name scope and instead use the given
            # name as the absolute name of the variable.
            kwargs["name"] = "%s/replica_%d/" % (var0name, i)

          kwargs["initial_value"] = initial_value

          if kwargs.get("dtype", None) is None:
            kwargs["dtype"] = kwargs["initial_value"].dtype

          if kwargs.get("shape", None) is None:
            kwargs["shape"] = kwargs["initial_value"].shape

          with context.device_policy(context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_SILENT):
            v = uninitialized_variable_creator(**kwargs)

          assert not isinstance(v, tpu_values.TPUMirroredVariable)
      return value_list

    def _create_uninitialized_mirrored_tpu_replicated_variables(**kwargs):
      """Returns a list of `TPUReplicatedVariable`s.

      The list consists of `num_replicas` `TPUReplicatedVariable`s and can be
      used to initialize a `TPUMirroredVariable`. Each `TPUReplicatedVariable`
      contains a list of `tf.Variable`s which are replicated to
      `num_cores_per_replica` logical cores to enable XLA SPMD compilation.

        **kwargs: the keyword arguments for creating a variable
      dtype = kwargs.get("dtype", None)
      shape = kwargs.get("shape", None)
      initial_value = kwargs.get("initial_value", None)

      if initial_value is None:
        return _create_mirrored_tpu_replicated_variables(**kwargs)

      with maybe_init_scope():
        if initial_value is not None:
          if callable(initial_value):
            initial_value = initial_value()

          initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(
              initial_value, dtype=dtype

          kwargs["initial_value"] = initial_value

          if dtype is None:
            kwargs["dtype"] = kwargs["initial_value"].dtype
          if shape is None:
            kwargs["shape"] = kwargs["initial_value"].shape

      mirrored_replicated_var_list = []

      for replica_id in range(num_replicas):
        replicated_var_list = []
        for logic_core_id in range(num_cores_per_replica):
          with ops.device(self._tpu_devices[replica_id][logic_core_id]):
            v = uninitialized_variable_creator(**kwargs)
        replica_name = "{}/r:{}".format(kwargs["name"], replica_id)
        tpu_replicated_var = tpu_replicated_variable.TPUReplicatedVariable(
            variables=replicated_var_list, name=replica_name

      return mirrored_replicated_var_list

    if not self._using_custom_device and enable_batch_variable_initialization():
      if self._use_spmd_for_xla_partitioning and num_cores_per_replica > 1:
        real_creator = _create_uninitialized_mirrored_tpu_replicated_variables
        real_creator = _create_uninitialized_mirrored_tpu_variables

      kwargs["experimental_batch_initialization"] = True

      if self._use_spmd_for_xla_partitioning and num_cores_per_replica > 1:
        real_creator = _create_mirrored_tpu_replicated_variables
        real_creator = _create_mirrored_tpu_variables

    mirrored_variable = distribute_utils.create_mirrored_variable(

    if not self._using_custom_device and enable_batch_variable_initialization():
      setattr(mirrored_variable, "_lazy_scope", self.lazy_variable_tracker)

    return mirrored_variable

  def lazy_variable_tracker(self):
    if not getattr(self, "_lazy_variable_tracker", None):
      self._lazy_variable_tracker = tpu_util.LazyVariableTracker()
    return self._lazy_variable_tracker

  def _resource_creator_scope(self):

    def lookup_creator(next_creator, *args, **kwargs):
      host_to_table = collections.OrderedDict()
      for host_device in self._device_input_worker_devices.keys():
        with ops.device(host_device):
          host_to_table[host_device] = next_creator(*args, **kwargs)

      return values.PerWorkerResource(self._container_strategy(), host_to_table)

    # TODO(b/194362531): Define creator(s) for other resources.
    return ops.resource_creator_scope("StaticHashTable", lookup_creator)

  def _gather_to_implementation(self, value, destinations, axis, options):
    if not isinstance(value, values.DistributedValues):
      return value

    value_list = list(value.values)
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if isinstance(
        values.DistributedVariable) and value._packed_variable is not None:
      value_list = list(
          for d in value._packed_variable.devices)
    # pylint: enable=protected-access

    # Currently XLA op by op mode has a limit for the number of inputs for a
    # single op, thus we break one `add_n` op into a group of `add_n` ops to
    # work around the constraint.
    if len(value.values) <= _XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT:
      output = array_ops.concat(value_list, axis=axis)
      output = array_ops.concat(
          value_list[:_XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT], axis=axis)
      for i in range(_XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT, len(value_list),
                     _XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT - 1):
        output = array_ops.concat(
            [output] + value_list[i:i + _XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT - 1],

    output = self._broadcast_output(destinations, output)
    return output

  def _broadcast_output(self, destinations, output):
    devices = cross_device_ops_lib.get_devices_from(destinations)

    if len(devices) == 1:
      # If necessary, copy to requested destination.
      dest_canonical = device_util.canonicalize(devices[0])
      host_canonical = device_util.canonicalize(self._host_device)

      if dest_canonical != host_canonical:
        with ops.device(dest_canonical):
          output = array_ops.identity(output)
      output = cross_device_ops_lib.simple_broadcast(output, destinations)

    return output

  def _reduce_to(self, reduce_op, value, destinations, options):
    if (isinstance(value, values.DistributedValues) or
       ) and tpu_util.enclosing_tpu_context() is not None:
      if reduce_op == reduce_util.ReduceOp.MEAN:
        # TODO(jhseu):  Revisit once we support model-parallelism.
        # scalar_mul maintains the type of value: tensor or IndexedSlices.
        value = math_ops.scalar_mul((1./self._num_replicas_in_sync), value)
      elif reduce_op != reduce_util.ReduceOp.SUM:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"`reduce_op`={reduce_op} is not supported. Currently we only "
            "support ReduceOp.SUM and ReduceOp.MEAN in TPUStrategy.")
      return tpu_ops.cross_replica_sum(value)

    if not isinstance(value, values.DistributedValues):
      # This function handles reducing values that are not PerReplica or
      # Mirrored values. For example, the same value could be present on all
      # replicas in which case `value` would be a single value or value could
      # be 0.
      return cross_device_ops_lib.reduce_non_distributed_value(
          reduce_op, value, destinations, self._num_replicas_in_sync)

    value_list = value.values
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if isinstance(
        values.DistributedVariable) and value._packed_variable is not None:
      value_list = tuple(
          for d in value._packed_variable.devices)
    # pylint: enable=protected-access

    # Currently XLA op by op mode has a limit for the number of inputs for a
    # single op, thus we break one `add_n` op into a group of `add_n` ops to
    # work around the constraint.
    # TODO(cjfj): Detect when it is possible to use `cross_replica_sum`.
    if len(value.values) <= _XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT:
      output = math_ops.add_n(value_list)
      output = array_ops.zeros_like(value_list[0], dtype=value_list[0].dtype)
      for i in range(0, len(value_list), _XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT):
        output += math_ops.add_n(value_list[i:i + _XLA_OP_BY_OP_INPUTS_LIMIT])

    if reduce_op == reduce_util.ReduceOp.MEAN:
      output *= (1. / len(value_list))

    output = self._broadcast_output(destinations, output)
    return output

  def _update(self, var, fn, args, kwargs, group):
    assert isinstance(var, tpu_values.TPUVariableMixin) or isinstance(
        var, resource_variable_ops.BaseResourceVariable)
    if tpu_util.enclosing_tpu_context() is not None:
      if group:
        return fn(var, *args, **kwargs)
        return (fn(var, *args, **kwargs),)

    # Inside `tf.function`, we don't expand PackedVariable in python as it will
    # be expanded later during function instantiation in the runtime.
    packed_var = var._packed_variable  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if packed_var is not None and not context.executing_eagerly():
      if group:
        return fn(packed_var, *args, **kwargs)
        return (fn(packed_var, *args, **kwargs),)

    # Otherwise, we revert to MirroredStrategy behavior and update the variable
    # on each replica directly.
    updates = []
    values_and_devices = []
    if packed_var is not None:
      for device in packed_var.devices:
        values_and_devices.append((packed_var, device))
      for value in var.values:
        values_and_devices.append((value, value.device))

    if (var.synchronization != variables_lib.VariableSynchronization.ON_READ and
        var.aggregation != variables_lib.VariableAggregation.NONE):
    for i, value_and_device in enumerate(values_and_devices):
      value = value_and_device[0]
      device = value_and_device[1]
      name = "update_%d" % i
      with ops.device(device), \
           distribute_lib.UpdateContext(i), \
        # If args and kwargs are not mirrored, the value is returned as is.
            fn(value, *distribute_utils.select_replica(i, args),
               **distribute_utils.select_replica(i, kwargs)))
    return distribute_utils.update_regroup(self, updates, group)

  def read_var(self, var):
    assert isinstance(var, tpu_values.TPUVariableMixin) or isinstance(
        var, resource_variable_ops.BaseResourceVariable)
    return var.read_value()

  def value_container(self, value):
    return value

  def _broadcast_to(self, tensor, destinations):
    del destinations
    # This is both a fast path for Python constants, and a way to delay
    # converting Python values to a tensor until we know what type it
    # should be converted to. Otherwise we have trouble with:
    #   global_step.assign_add(1)
    # since the `1` gets broadcast as an int32 but global_step is int64.
    if isinstance(tensor, (float, int)):
      return tensor
    if tpu_util.enclosing_tpu_context() is not None:
      broadcast_tensor = [tensor for _ in range(self._num_replicas_in_sync)]
      result = tpu_ops.all_to_all(

      # This uses the broadcasted value from the first replica because the only
      # caller of this is for ONLY_FIRST_REPLICA variables aggregation.
      return result[0]
    return tensor

  def num_hosts(self):
    if self._device_assignment is None:
      return self._tpu_metadata.num_hosts

    return len(set([self._device_assignment.host_device(r)
                    for r in range(self._device_assignment.num_replicas)]))

  def num_replicas_per_host(self):
    if self._device_assignment is None:
      return self._tpu_metadata.num_of_cores_per_host

    # TODO(sourabhbajaj): Remove this method we use inputs and remove infeed
    # as the computation of num_replicas_per_host is not a constant
    # when using device_assignment. This is a temporary workaround to support
    # StatefulRNN as everything is 1 in that case.
    # This method needs to take host_id as input for correct computation.
    max_models_per_host = (self._tpu_metadata.num_of_cores_per_host //
    return min(self._device_assignment.num_replicas, max_models_per_host)

  def _num_replicas_in_sync(self):
    if self._device_assignment is None:
      return self._tpu_metadata.num_cores
    return self._device_assignment.num_replicas

  def experimental_between_graph(self):
    return False

  def experimental_should_init(self):
    return True

  def should_checkpoint(self):
    return True

  def should_save_summary(self):
    return True

  def worker_devices(self):
    return tuple(self._tpu_devices[:, self._logical_device_stack[-1]])

  def parameter_devices(self):
    return self.worker_devices

  def tpu_hardware_feature(self):
    """Return the `tf.tpu.experimental.HardwareFeature` class."""
    return tpu_hardware_feature.HardwareFeature(

  def non_slot_devices(self, var_list):
    return self._host_device

  def _update_non_slot(self, colocate_with, fn, args, kwargs, group):
    del colocate_with
    with ops.device(self._host_device), distribute_lib.UpdateContext(None):
      result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
      if group:
        return result
        return nest.map_structure(self._local_results, result)

  def _configure(self,
    del cluster_spec, task_type, task_id
    if session_config:

  def _update_config_proto(self, config_proto):
    updated_config = copy.deepcopy(config_proto)
    updated_config.isolate_session_state = True
    cluster_spec = self._tpu_cluster_resolver.cluster_spec()
    if cluster_spec:
    return updated_config

  # TODO(priyag): Delete this once all strategies use global batch size.
  def _global_batch_size(self):
    """`make_dataset_iterator` and `make_numpy_iterator` use global batch size.

    `make_input_fn_iterator` assumes per-replica batching.

    return True

  def tpu_run(self, fn, args, kwargs, options=None):
    func = self._tpu_function_creator(fn, options)
    return func(args, kwargs)

  def _tpu_function_creator(self, fn, options):
    if context.executing_eagerly() and fn in self._tpu_function_cache:
      return self._tpu_function_cache[fn]

    strategy = self._container_strategy()

    def tpu_function(args, kwargs):
      """TF Function used to replicate the user computation."""
                   "`TPUStrategy.run` is called with [args: %s] [kwargs: %s]",
                   args, kwargs)

      if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

      # Used to re-structure flattened output tensors from `tpu.replicate()`
      # into a structured format.
      result = [[]]

      def replicated_fn(replica_id, replica_args, replica_kwargs):
        """Wraps user function to provide replica ID and `Tensor` inputs."""
        with _TPUReplicaContext(strategy, replica_id_in_sync_group=replica_id):
          result[0] = fn(*replica_args, **replica_kwargs)
        return result[0]

      replicate_inputs = []  # By replica.
      for i in range(strategy.num_replicas_in_sync):
            [constant_op.constant(i, dtype=dtypes.int32),
             distribute_utils.select_replica(i, args),
             distribute_utils.select_replica(i, kwargs)])

      # Construct and pass `maximum_shapes` so that we could support dynamic
      # shapes using dynamic padder.
      if options.experimental_enable_dynamic_batch_size and replicate_inputs:
        maximum_shapes = []
        flattened_list = nest.flatten(replicate_inputs[0])
        for input_tensor in flattened_list:
          if tensor_util.is_tf_type(input_tensor):
            rank = input_tensor.shape.rank
            rank = np.ndim(input_tensor)
          if rank is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "input tensor {} to TPUStrategy.run() has unknown rank, "
                "which is not allowed".format(input_tensor))
          maximum_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape([None] * rank)
        maximum_shapes = nest.pack_sequence_as(replicate_inputs[0],
        maximum_shapes = None

      if options.experimental_bucketizing_dynamic_shape:
        padding_spec = tpu.PaddingSpec.POWER_OF_TWO
        padding_spec = None

      with strategy.scope():
        xla_options = options.experimental_xla_options or tpu.XLAOptions(
        replicate_outputs = tpu.replicate(

      # Remove all no ops that may have been added during 'tpu.replicate()'
      filter_ops = lambda x: [o for o in x if not isinstance(o, ops.Operation)]
      if isinstance(result[0], list):
        result[0] = filter_ops(result[0])

      # Workaround for `tpu.replicate` behaviour when single `Tensor` returned.
      if result[0] is None or isinstance(result[0], ops.Operation):
        replicate_outputs = [None] * len(replicate_outputs)
        replicate_outputs = [
            nest.pack_sequence_as(result[0], filter_ops(nest.flatten(output)))
            for output in replicate_outputs
      return distribute_utils.regroup(replicate_outputs)

    if context.executing_eagerly():
      tpu_function = def_function.function(tpu_function)
      self._tpu_function_cache[fn] = tpu_function
    return tpu_function

  def _in_multi_worker_mode(self):
    """Whether this strategy indicates working in multi-worker settings."""
    # TPUStrategy has different distributed training structure that the whole
    # cluster should be treated as single worker from higher-level (e.g. Keras)
    # library's point of view.
    # TODO(rchao): Revisit this as we design a fault-tolerance solution for
    # TPUStrategy.
    return False

  def _get_local_replica_id(self, replica_id_in_sync_group):
    return replica_id_in_sync_group

def _make_axis_nonnegative(axis, rank):
  # Convert a potentially negative `axis` to a non-negative one.
  if isinstance(axis, int):
    if axis >= 0:
      return axis
      return axis + rank
    return array_ops.where_v2(
        math_ops.greater_equal(axis, 0),
        axis + rank)

# List of Tensor dtypes supported by cross_replica_sum().

class _TPUReplicaContext(distribute_lib.ReplicaContext):
  """Replication Context class for TPU Strategy."""

  # TODO(sourabhbajaj): Call for each replica should be updating this.
  # TODO(b/118385803): Always properly initialize replica_id.
  def __init__(self, strategy, replica_id_in_sync_group=0):
        self, strategy, replica_id_in_sync_group=replica_id_in_sync_group)

  def devices(self):
    ds = self._strategy
    replica_id = tensor_util.constant_value(self.replica_id_in_sync_group)

    if replica_id is None:  # Non-constant `Tensor` inside `tpu.replicate`.
      # TODO(cjfj): Return other devices when model parallelism is supported.
      return (tpu.core(0),)
      return (ds.extended.worker_devices[replica_id],)

  def experimental_logical_device(self, logical_device_id):
    """Places variables and ops on the specified logical device."""
    return self.strategy.extended.experimental_logical_device(logical_device_id)

  def _compute_all_gather_output_shape(self, value_shape, value_rank, axis):
    if isinstance(value_rank, int):
      output_shape = list(value_shape)
      output_shape[axis] *= self.num_replicas_in_sync
      output_shape = array_ops.where_v2(
          math_ops.equal(math_ops.range(value_rank), axis),
          value_shape * context.num_replicas_in_sync,
    return output_shape

  def all_gather(self, value, axis, experimental_hints=None):
    del experimental_hints
    for v in nest.flatten(value):
      if isinstance(v, indexed_slices.IndexedSlices):
        raise NotImplementedError("all_gather does not support IndexedSlices")

    def _all_gather_tensor(value, axis):
      value = ops.convert_to_tensor(value)

      # Compute the shape and rank and rank of the input tensor. Use static
      # shapes when possible to help with shape inference in graph mode, but
      # fall back on dynamic shapes when necessary.
      if value.shape.rank is None:
        value_rank = array_ops.rank(value)
        value_shape = array_ops.shape(value)
        value_rank = value.shape.rank
        value_shape = value.shape.as_list()
        value_shape_tensor = array_ops.shape(value)
        for i in range(len(value_shape)):
          if value_shape[i] is None:
            value_shape[i] = value_shape_tensor[i]

      # In the code below, we will insert a new "replica" dimension immediately
      # *before* `axis`. To ensure that it's inserted before and not after, we
      # must make `axis` non-negative.
      axis = _make_axis_nonnegative(axis, value_rank)

      # Create a list or 1D int Tensor such as
      #     [1, 1, ..., 1, num_replicas_in_sync, 1, ..., 1],
      # which is equal to `num_replicas_in_sync` at index `axis`
      # and is equal to 1 everywhere else.
      if isinstance(value_rank, int):
        replica_broadcast_shape = [1] * (value_rank + 1)
        replica_broadcast_shape[axis] = self.num_replicas_in_sync
        replica_broadcast_shape = array_ops.where_v2(
            math_ops.equal(math_ops.range(value_rank+1), axis),

      output_shape = self._compute_all_gather_output_shape(
          value_shape, value_rank, axis)

        # optimized all_gather implementation based on cross_replica_sum().
        replica_id_mask = array_ops.one_hot(
            self.replica_id_in_sync_group, self.num_replicas_in_sync)
        replica_id_mask = array_ops.reshape(
            replica_id_mask, replica_broadcast_shape)
        replica_id_mask = math_ops.cast(replica_id_mask, value.dtype)

        gathered_value = array_ops.expand_dims(value, axis) * replica_id_mask
        gathered_value = self.all_reduce(
            reduce_util.ReduceOp.SUM, gathered_value)
        return array_ops.reshape(gathered_value, output_shape)
        # value.dtype isn't supported by cross_replica_sum(), so we fall back
        # on a less efficient implementation based on all_to_all().

        # The underlying AllToAllOp first do a split of the input value and then
        # cross-replica communication and concatenation of the result. So we
        # concatenate the local tensor here first.
        inputs = array_ops.expand_dims(value, axis=axis)
        inputs = array_ops.tile(inputs, replica_broadcast_shape)
        unordered_output = tpu_ops.all_to_all(

        # Re-order since xla.replica_id and ReplicaContext.replica_id mismatch.
        # Start by computing a permutation -- a 1D Tensor which maps
        #     tensor[xla.replica_id] = ReplicaContext.replica_id
        concat_replica_id = array_ops.reshape(
            self.replica_id_in_sync_group, [1])
        concat_replica_id = array_ops.tile(
            concat_replica_id, [self.num_replicas_in_sync])
        xla_to_replica_context_id = tpu_ops.all_to_all(

        # Now invert the mapping to get
        #    tensor[ReplicaContext.replica_id] = xla.replica_id
        replica_context_to_xla_id = math_ops.argmax(

        # Reorder the output elements so that they're sorted based on
        # ReplicaContext.replica_id instead of xla.replica_id.
        sorted_with_extra_dim = array_ops.gather(
            unordered_output, replica_context_to_xla_id, axis=axis)
        return array_ops.reshape(sorted_with_extra_dim, output_shape)

    ys = [_all_gather_tensor(t, axis=axis) for t in nest.flatten(value)]
    return nest.pack_sequence_as(value, ys)

def _set_last_step_outputs(ctx, last_step_tensor_outputs):
  """Sets the last step outputs on the given context."""
  # Convert replicate_outputs to the original dict structure of
  # last_step_outputs.
  last_step_tensor_outputs_dict = nest.pack_sequence_as(
      ctx.last_step_outputs, last_step_tensor_outputs)

  for name, reduce_op in ctx._last_step_outputs_reduce_ops.items():  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    output = last_step_tensor_outputs_dict[name]
    # For outputs that aren't reduced, return a PerReplica of all values. Else
    # take the first value from the list as each value should be the same.
    if reduce_op is None:
      last_step_tensor_outputs_dict[name] = values.PerReplica(output)
      # TODO(priyag): Should this return the element or a list with 1 element
      last_step_tensor_outputs_dict[name] = output[0]
  ctx._set_last_step_outputs(last_step_tensor_outputs_dict)  # pylint: disable=protected-access